Petrifying Costa Mesa

To say the least, politics in Costa Mesa is pathetic, if not laughable. Some people might think that I’m way off mark when I say that the Three Stooges might have done a better job than the three guys (Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Eric Bever) seating in the City Council. The other two do a much better job. Councilwoman Katrina is the best suited, and Wendy Leece looks like is working hard to stay away from the guys.

I know I’m in the midst of a super conservative stronghold –Costa Mesa houses a few of the most radical elements in the nation—, but that shouldn’t impair me from getting, as we say in Español, “a few stinky clothing out in the open field”. From time to time, we need to get ourselves naked, without that pretty façade covering our petrifying figures.

Well, Costa Mesa isn’t petrified yet, but it’s close to getting to it. Let’s look at the last council meeting. As I explained in a previous post, the City Council was to consider a request from one of its members, Eric Bever, who had major problems with a group of athletes from Santa Ana coming to use a Costa Mesa sporting facility to play basketball on Sundays.

By far Bever’s dispute was childish. And if you would like to look at his argument ideologically naked, you might be able to see an iron cross glowing on his butt. He doesn’t think getting an annual $40.000 is good for the city. He feels it will cost more on other expenses, such as paying personnel to clean up the area, water supply, energy, etc. etc.

At the meeting, Councilwoman Katrina Foley questioned Bever. “Had it been an Irish league, you wouldn’t have any problems,” she stated. Speaking under a “conservative mask,” of course, Bever dismissed Katrina’s claims.

Four of the five City Council members voted “No”. However, it wasn’t as simple as most people think. Mansoor, the guy who had received the Minuteman Project’s highest honor at a political rally a few years ago, did not like the idea of the AZTECS holding hands with the “Goat Hillers” of Costa Mesa.

He forced the Santa Ana Aztec Basketball League coordinator to change the name to Costa Mesa Weekend Basketball League because the city does not want to mislead people to think that this league is only for Latinos. I wonder if residents in San Diego feel the same way. San Diego State University’s emblematic figure is an Aztec. Is this a purely Mexican university because of its mascot? When I went to CSUSD for an academic visit, I saw more “caras palidas” than Mexicans on campus.

This is Costa Mesa, a city with more than half of its population eating taquitos and burritos, and three guys on the dais trying to imitate a culture that often show dislike for anything coming south of the border. Sometimes it’s really better to watch the three stooges.

Humberto Caspa

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