Sarah Palin’s “I quit” speech today sounded like another SNL skit. At one point she blurted out that democracy depends on reporters and bloggers – and then she made a bizarre reference to soldiers dying and and asked BLOGGERS to stop making things up. It was simply crazy!
Apparently Palin is now working on a book. No word yet as to whether or not it will be a scratch and sniff tome or a pop-up book…
Sarah Palin is a fine person and a hard working public servant. Your ignoring the real problems that are out there to make fun of someone is purile and feeble minded.
I think you forgot to include the word “who” right after the word “someone.”
Yes, I agree. Palin is puerile and feeble minded.
art feeble is the things you post on here . the left has used her as a whipping post . maybe because they are scared .
For more adult conversation from a witless twit like Pedroza, visit:
Yes #3, poor, poor Sarah, she could dish it out, but she just couldn’t take it.
The bigger story here is how McCain got away with putting someone so TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED on the Republican ticket. As usual though, our corporate media has let this story slide, just look at the LA Times article on SP this morning, it reads like a Palin press release.
Any thinking person recognizes that her speeches and interviews are nothing more than nonsensical drivel, yet the media treated this ca-ca like it was legitimate debate. We should be ASHAMED that this dolt EVER got as far as she did.
anonster strikes again.
Why are you so upset with Sarah Palin? Did you vote for her and her ticket lost?
Speaking of “qualifications.” Please tell us what great accomplishments Senator Obama had other than setting a record for voting present in the IL state house.
larry you knocked it out of the park . these dems are so upset with her . ripp on her . degrade her . and they did not even vote for her . you would want the worst person running vs you wouldnt . you .
Dems’ scared of Palin? Sounds like a comment a misguided KFI listener would make.
No Larry, I WOULDN’T vote for someone as ILL-PREPARED and UNDER-EDUCATED as SP for VPOTUS, but of course that leaves the question;did you vote for the ignoramus?
I know you right-wingers can’t stand the “elite” aka; the educated (inferiority complex perhaps?), but I’d take a Columbia/Harvard Graduate and Constitutional Law Professor over a flaky hillbilly any day.
does not surprised me anmonster would take the race baiter professor vs his words a flaky hillbilly . hey nonster would you take hugo chavez over bush im waiting for that one . and the anwser you give would not surprise me knowing your history .
It is easy to see why you love SP, she speaks your language; GIBBERISH!
Really dude, you are a moron.
I can’t think of any examples of any executive-level politician who quit during their lame duck term because they thought they would not be of any use. I’m not saying that there is no logic to the assertion, just that she might have thought of that before running.
Its kind of interesting to see how much of a lightning rod SP has become for the Culture Wars. The same anti-intellectualism that endears you to the GOP’s less-educated base will also set you up for skewering by snotty Dems who cluck over the solecisms.
It would be more amusing if it were not so real.
SP’s inadequacy is more than just grammatical, she just doesn’t have the intellectual prowess or educational background that the job (VPOTUS) requires.
Snotty Dems, why should anyone running for VP have to make sense? Are you for real?
“Snotty” is used in the sense of “having a proud and superior attitude.” I believe I used the word correctly. And I am quite real, hence my ability to contribute comments, and the use of my real name.
snotty is a word you should know anonster . you are a morron anwser the question or are you scared . belive me i think i know the anwser i just want to see it .
#14 or should I say Mr.Snotty
I think it’s rather an absurd contention, that expecting a candidate to speak english in a clear and intelligible manner makes one “proud” with a “superior attitude”. If that’s the case, the Republicans could use a big dose of “snotty”.
Yes #3, poor, poor Sarah, she could dish it out, but she just couldn’t take it.
O i think she took it very well. Especially the fact that they could not get her politically, so they attacked her personally.
Attacking the kids of a mother is the best weapon scum can use.
Any thinking PEOPLE recognizes that her speeches and interviews are nothing more than nonsensical drivel, yet the media treated this ca-ca like it was legitimate debate. We should be ASHAMED that this dolt EVER got as far as she did.
A thinking person recognizes that people such as yourself hate her because she does think. Your obviouly a woman, liberal, and posion to the minds of the students you teach.
You have no idea what it is to listen, you just want to speak and voice an opinion that most find CRAZY!
No Larry, I WOULDN’T vote for someone as ILL-PREPARED and UNDER-EDUCATED as SP for VPOTUS, but of course that leaves the question;did you vote for the ignoramus?
Really, i bet you voted for Mr. Obama, cute guy, completely brain dead. The teleprompter is his voice and the speech writers are the brains!
I would say by the statement above, you are ignorant to the fact that books, don’t does not make one smart. A curious and thought provoking mind does. Any idiot with money and time, can get a degree.
SP’s inadequacy is more than just grammatical, she just doesn’t have the intellectual prowess or educational background that the job (VPOTUS) requires.
If education is so important to do a job, then with all your education and the education of the numerous teacher’s, priniples of the Santa Ana school district, why is it a failing school district??
Education is important to a certain degree, but the passion and the integrity to do something and do it well is far more important!
Ca-Ca, yes i would say to speak aload of CA, CA
Ron St. John,
i can just see you now an educated man, wearing his smoking jacket, sipping his expensive brandy!
Its kind of interesting to see how much of a lightning rod SP has become for the Culture Wars. The same anti-intellectualism that endears you to the GOP’s less-educated base
The less-educated base, what you mean the American people??
“Snotty” is used in the sense of “having a proud and superior attitude
Yep your right, its you all over!
just like a far left lib . when you have nothing find something else to rip on . couldnt anwser the question cluk . cluck
I know I shouldn’t do this, but here goes;
Do you really want to argue about the value of education? Do you really want to denigrate the effort it takes to get into Harvard or Princeton or Columbia? Do you really think being a constitutional law professor, a state Senator and a US Senator can be achieved by someone who is brain-dead? Do really want a VPOTUS who can’t name a single Supreme Court case other than Roe vs. Wade? Do you really think that quitting your elected position to do nothing shows integrity? Do really think that using a Teleprompter means that you don’t understand what you’re saying?
You don’t have to answer, because I know that you don’t know what you don’t know. You and the other ignorant nitwits on this blog have an inflated sense of your mental abilities, you mistake your opinions for fact, you think that any brain fart you have is as legitimate as thoughtful, well reasoned comments, in short, just like SP you have no idea how pathetically foolish you sound.
Hey anonster, my dad had a saying which describes you to a tee, it goes like this “RAVE ON CAT SH**, SOMEONE WILL BURY YOU”
right on oc gater . bury the berkely loving i hate america anonster .
You don’t have to answer, because I know that you don’t know what you don’t know. You and the other ignorant nitwits on this blog have an inflated sense of your mental abilities, you mistake your opinions for fact, you think that any brain fart you have is as legitimate as thoughtful, well reasoned comments, in short, just like SP you have no idea how pathetically foolish you sound.
What i don’t know is really what is the world coming to, when people get in to harvard, because either money,race,or gender not mental ability.
I mistake nothing, i try to use fact and logic and common sense only!
Its called an infart, and it is appropriate to disagree with someone’s political ideology, but it is ridiculous and immature to attack someone personally for it. It shows me that you have a lack of integrity and poor judgment when it comes to your fellow man!
And take my word for it you sound like a woman with constant PMS. emtional and unreasonable!
Do you really think being a constitutional law professor, a state Senator and a US Senator can be achieved by someone who is brain-dead?
Yeah ok she became Gov, Alaska, and Ran for VP of the most powerful nation in the world, because she is brain dead? I think just using the statics of how many, out of millions of people in this country become a Gov. or a VP,
i think it is safe to say, “I think Not”,
Women give women a bad name, but really some of us do use reason, instead of emotion!
“Your obviouly a woman, a liberal and posion to the minds of the children you teach.”???????????????????????????????????????
Do you have me confused with Jill? Again; YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW.
You are constantly making assumptions about other posters, based on nothing but the voices in your head. I know poor Dr. Lomeli, has wasted his time trying to reason with you, to no avail. You are ignorant, irrational, bigoted and yet, blissfully unaware of your shortcomings, arguing with you is as productive as shoveling water.
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
Thomas Paine
home run michell 🙂
You’re quite right that my comment was snotty, and that I am snotty myself. You missed on the smoking jacket and brandy, but you guessed right on the education. When I made the post I was wearing Gucci loafers and sipping fresh-brewed Starbucks, so you were in the ballpark. If I were looking for a web pseudonym, I would seriously consider Snotty Educated Conservative.
You Missy, would be a piece of cake for any profiler!
You are ignorant, irrational, bigoted and yet, blissfully unaware of your shortcomings.
Ahh the bag of tricks, get some new one’s, your shortcomings is immunturity.
Really Growup you have been around too many kids, way to offen. With all your so called education, start putting it to practice, teaching and learning is based on listening and debating all view’s and ideas.
or maybe around too many adults like your self “peter pans”,
Poor Dr. l is no big girls blouse.
And here is something for you to learn, if everyone agree’s with you most of the time, its because they don’t want to deal with your tantrums!
🙂 really debate your view’s don’t be mean, and listen with open ears, and if you don’t agree, make your point. Thats all!
#26 aka.Mr. Snotty,
Before your head explodes, ponder this;
“Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.”
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
#20 anonster
Yes, I would love to argue with you. You are a dolt and a dangerous one. What happened to your 60’s ethos “Question Authority?” Today, people like you lap up whatever a government funded think tank spews out, or some Nobel Laureate re-iterates.
Too many Americans, upon hearing that someone has attended Harvard University, assume that this person is not only smarter than most other people but is actually a more impressive person. That is why, for example, people assume that a Nobel laureate in physics has something particularly intelligent to say about social policy.
In fact, there is no reason at all to assume that a Nobel physicist has more insight into health care issues or capital punishment than a high school physics teacher, let alone more insight than a moral theologian.
Intellectuals, e.g., those with graduate degrees, have among the worst, if not the worst, records on the great moral issues of the past century. Intellectuals such as the widely adulated French intellectual Jean Paul Sartre were far more likely than hardhats to admire butchers of humanity like Stalin and Mao.
But this has no impact on intellectual-worshippers like you.
So, too, the current economic decline was brought about in large measure by people in the financial sector widely regarded as “brilliant.” Of course, it turns out that many of them were either dummies, amoral, incompetent, or all three.
The adulation of the intellect is one reason President George W. Bush was so reviled by the intellectual class. He didn’t speak like an intellectual (even though he graduated from Yale) and for that reason was widely dismissed as a dummy (though he is, in fact, smarter than John Kerry). On the other hand, Barack Obama speaks like the college professor he was and thereby seduces the adulators of the intellect the moment he opens his mouth.
Yet, it is he, not George W. Bush, who nearly always travels with teleprompters to deliver even the briefest remarks. And compared to George W. Bush on many important issues, his talks are superficial — as reading, as opposed to hearing, them easily reveals.
The reason we have too few solutions to the problems that confront people — in their personal lives as well as in the political realm — is almost entirely due to a lack of common sense, psychological impediments to clear thinking, a perverse value system, to a lack of self-control, or all four. It is almost never due to a lack of brainpower. On the contrary, the smartest and the best educated frequently make things worse.
Later – biatch
I am a woman who wishes we could find ONE good candidate for the presidency (hell, I backed Shirley Chisolm in the day), but Palin ain’t it. I find her to be stupid and ignorant of the issues, and although she is charasmatic, BOTTOM LINE – she is not smart enough to be VP or Pres. Her remarks all during the campaign were “noteworthy”, but not “law-worthy”. I wanted to be a Republican with little government, but after hearing her stupid remarks over and over (she doesn’t even read important publications!), she lost me. I am embarrassed that she is the leading female candidate. We have sooooo many SMART and viable women candidates. They should be angry that they were counted out while this ninny was counted in. Get a good and smart woman, and the GOP will be back on track – until then…
*Attended Boalt Hall, clerked for a Supreme Court Judge, went to MIT and Harvard Business School, lived in Boston…knew Mickey Mantle socially…currently lives on the East Coast.
Was never an elitist! (Guess who!)
It wasn’t Sarah Palin………………
* I am flattered and amused that you find my little comments “dangerous”, but I wouldn’t worry too much about possible thought contamination, your mind seems very tightly shut.
* I do not judge Barrack Obama’s fitness for higher office purely on his Harvard Law degree, but on the whole of his education and background. He graduated from Columbia where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations, received his JD from Harvard Law and spent twelve years teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, add to this his work as a community organizer, lawyer, author, State Senator and US Senator and I think you have an individual who’s resume’ is appropriate for POTUS.
*Now let’s contrast Obama’s resume’ with Sarah Palin’s; 3rd runner-up in Miss Alaska pageant (this is probably her most important qualification, if Sarah wasn’t pretty we wouldn’t even know her name), she attended five different colleges in six years finally receiving her BS in communications with an emphasis in journalism from the University of Idaho. Her job titles include sports reporter, one term council person, two term mayor, she served less than a year on the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission before resigning and was Governor of Alaska for about eighteen months before being tapped for VPOTUS.
*Your Nobel Laureate/physicist argument is a typical wing-nut straw-man, no real life examples, only the weird, made-up scenarios of a troubled mind.
* As to our “current economic decline” you neglected to add greed, deregulation and lax enforcement by the SEC as contributing causes, isn’t it funny how those three things were always championed by conservatives.
* Ah, the “legacy” George W Bush, now here’s a man who spent his entire life skating on the family name, is there anything (other than failure) that he would have achieved if his last name hadn’t been Bush?
* You may want to pretend that Bush was a great thinker and speaker, unfortunately for you there are transcripts and video.
*Bush always used notes when delivering speeches (that’s why he was always looking down) he couldn’t use a teleprompter with out looking like a deer-caught-in-the- headlights.
*The reason we have too few solutions to the problems that confront our country is that too many feeble minded folks (like yourself) are seduced by platitudes and partisan politics represented as viable policy. This anti-intellectualism that the Republican party embraces is just a ruse to make their uneducated base feel good about themselves (hence; Joe the plumber) they continue on this course at their (and the country’s ) peril.
* Mr. Freedom has gots hisself sum gangsta cool! LOL
Ah, now we’re seeing the effects of the cherry flavored KOOLAID!!!
Now, since you wouldnt know what an open mind is, since you likely dont have any communication with people other than those who are as misguided as yourself (as it would be too challenging), I wont concern myself with your analysis. I am the one who has to live among the likes of YOU, after all.
How his words sound when BHO opens his mouth is precisely the reason people like you follow him around. You had candidates with much BETTER resumes and chose to overlook them. We can say that THAT is not on your “checklist”.
You yourself have rejected to add a whole host of reasons to the argument for our economic decline. This is another of your rhetorical flourishes that doesnt really add to the argument, but makes you feel better.
Obama has come to redeem us with his far-seeing program of universal, heavily nationalized health care; a cap-and-trade tax on energy; and a major federalization of education with universal access to college as the goal. Amazing. As an explanation of our current economic difficulties, this is total fantasy.
As a cure for rapidly growing joblessness, a massive destruction of wealth, a deepening worldwide recession, this is perhaps the greatest non sequitur ever foisted upon the American people.
At the very center of our economic near-depression, one can come up with a host of causes: Congress abused its oversight powers over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to exercise influence over Fannie Mae policies. Funny how these are cherished Democrat programs that are still pushing the same bad drugs.
But the list of causes of the collapse of the financial system does not include the absence of universal health care, let alone of computerized medical records. Nor the absence of an industry-killing cap-and-trade carbon levy. Nor the lack of college graduates.
Indeed, one could perversely make the case that, if anything, the proliferation of overeducated, Gucci-wearing, smart-ass MBAs inventing ever more sophisticated and opaque mathematical models and debt instruments helped get us into this credit catastrophe. And yet with our financial house on fire, Obama makes clear both in his speech and his budget that the essence of his presidency will be the transformation of health care, education and energy.
Obviously, those on bended knee such as yourself will never bother, but actually “reading” Obamas speeches – as opposed to chanting while listening – might help. Oh well.
Hey folks, this hipster aint got no HIP HOP! ROFLMAO!!!
Your comments are laughable, they are a “textbook style” example of a typical angry right-wing nut case.
Rush and his brethren on Fox News have fed you a steady diet of half-truths, lies and paranoid fantasy and you have dutifully chewed and swallowed.
Now, this seething mixture of ca-ca that has been churning around in that empty head of yours has started to spurt out, and what an UGLY MESS IT IS.
Your comments have ALL the sign posts of a Rush (or a Hannity, O’reilly, John and Ken etc.) listener;
*You fancy yourself a “freethinker” because Rush tells you that you are. I can tell by your comments though, that you NEVER do any independent research, you NEVER bother to fact check the BS served up to you by Rush and the rest. No, you are a dutiful parrot for these corporate shills. You believe that their interests are your interests, and so you continue to advocate for and adhere to policies that are NOT going to benefit you.
* You are easily swayed and manipulated by key words and simplistic phrases (hence your belief that George W Bush was a great orator and Obama is not). Quick example; Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, every time you hear those names your head explodes, because Rush and co. have TOLD you that they are to blame for the economic meltdown. No need for you to look any further or dig a little deeper, no thinking required, it’s all been tied up in a neat little package and you are ready, willing and able, to go forth and spew this simplistic garbage out.
* You crave simplicity, everything must be seen in terms of good vs evil, black and white, no nuance or shades of gray for you. Once you believe something to be true, that’s it, no amount of facts or reasoned argument can change your mind. You’re like a rock, only dumber.