Does Gavin Newsom prefer blonds?
Mayor Gavin Newsom’s rumored plan to force out the Latino director of the Human Rights Commission and move contracting oversight functions to another city department shows a total disregard for businesses that are not part of the “old boys network” and is part of a pattern in his administration of propping up the status quo, minority groups and businesses said this week,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Latino community leaders and those who work on behalf of minority-owned businesses say Newsom regularly ignores underrepresented groups. They warned of devastating effects on the mayor’s ability to court the Latino community, an important demographic as Newsom angles to win the Democratic nomination for governor.
“We’re a little disillusioned that he doesn’t seem to give the Latino community the respect that is due, but we’re sure he wants us to be behind him when he runs,” said Jim Salinas, a longtime official with the local carpenters union. “There are only a handful of Latinos at City Hall.”
Ruh-roh! And it gets worse for Newsom…
The coalition’s letter also takes a swipe at the mayor’s gubernatorial bid, noting that his assumed Democratic opponent, Attorney General Jerry Brown, “courageously” stood up this year against a ballot measure that outlawed preferential treatment for women and minorities in government programs.
No wonder certain anti-Latino elements in the DPOC like Newsome…
It will be a milestone in our progress as a society when we stop counting noses based on ethnicity and we stop referring to the Latino Community (or any similar community) as a separate entity. We’re all in this leaky boat together and we should judge ourselves and others as individuals without always being preoccupied with gradations of shade in skin color and who gets what out of what pie.
I agree, however when liberal Dems like Gavin get into it with one of their core constituencies, it is reason to celebrate!
“Hear,Hear”,Mr,St.John. The unrepresented group, again is the American people. If the LATINO,S want representation go back to your native county.
Again Art, When you refer latino’s as the under represented, it is a down right falsh hood. In Fact the Latio’s or Nationalist’s from Mexico, are more respresented in all aspects encluding by not limited too. Education,healthcare,ect… than Americans themselves.
All your post’s Art, are about Latino’s, how about adding a view posts that represent all Americans regradless of their orgin!
Its Me Art, last post!
I am sure you quessed by my awful spelling:)