Students Take Tests = Teachers Lose Merit Pay

Before I begin, I want folks to realize that we are dealing with human beings who have IQs. Some have low IQs and some have have high IQs (very few).  Obama and Duncan are asking California to evaluate teachers based upon how well students do on a state test.  Are they really this out of touch?

Grade Range Percent
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%

For more on IQ test interpretation, go here <–click

Obama, Duncan, and many politicans want teachers to get kids from a 60 IQ to a 115 by the spring testing session otherwise their teaching job would be in jeopardy or they may lose what they are calling “merit pay.” When I put it this way, it does sound very unrealistic. Granted, I am not a fan of the current system where I am just a number (a hire date for a particular district).

Everyone who has been on facebook or online has taken an IQ test for fun. After they take it and see their results, what are they thinking? Yes, how silly this test was that it doesn’t really assess what they can or cannot do or even how intelligent they really are. I think the same thing after I take the tests, myself.

If Obama and Duncan want teachers to be judged on how well students do on a state test, they must have a better plan than the one they had for handing out the stimulus money.

1. Grade K-1 teachers do not give students state tests.
2. Teachers will cheat if they are being judged on student performance. Some won’t…many will.

The ONLY way that this would be fair is if an outside source came in and tested all of the students. If you allow the teacher to test his/her own students…consider those tests INVALID and UNRELIABLE.

Many teachers use ELMO projectors during state tests (which they aren’t allowed to do.)  Many teachers leave room environment up with the answers on charts to assist them. Some take them down, many don’t.

If you want testing to be fair….it must be done by an OUTSIDE SOURCE and that is the ONLY way I would consider it to be somewhat fair. I still wouldn’t consider it fair (totally) because then teachers would cry that students were not comfortable with the person giving the tests and that gave them test anxiety.

I do know this….judging a teacher on how well their students performed on 1 state test is NOT reliable, valid, or fair. I have been teaching for 20 years and one day a student can bomb a test and the next day do wonders on another. Maybe someone at home is going through a divorce and their minds were on that instead of the test. For whatever reason, I disagree with using tests to judge teachers.

I can list many reasons these are not valid: 1.  a student may simply NOT care or could be getting back at a teacher if they know their job is based upon this  2.  students don’t face any consequences for scoring low on these tests.  If teachers face consequences, should students or parents face consequences as well?  Fair is fair. 3. Absences/Tardies …until they come up with a better plan on this, students MUST be at school in order to learn especially if I am being judged for how well they do.  Get them at school.  We need a better plan.

Now, go take an IQ test online and you tell me how silly it is.  If you can get someone’s IQ from a 60 to a 120 by the spring testing window, then please patent what you know.


Obama + Duncan’s Plan for Educators in CA (read more here)

Brainy Child

IQ Tests: IQ Score Interpretation

IQ Test

About Jill Puich

Teacher (20 years) Political Gawker Blogger