Just how drunk was Westminster Councilman Andy Quach when he crashed into a power pole, a block wall and a car on Saturday night? According to the O.C. District Attorney’s office his blood alcohol level was allegedly .26! That isn’t just drunk – it is REALLY drunk.
How would one feel with that much alcohol in one’s blood? Here is what one website reports:
BAL .25%: All mental, physical, and sensory functions are severely impaired. You’re emotionally numb. There’s an increased risk of asphyxiation from choking on vomit and of seriously injuring yourself by falling or other accidents.
We’re talking about 8 to 10 drinks in Quach’s body! He could have died of alcohol poisoning!
Here is an excerpt from the D.A.’s press release:
Quach is accused of colliding his Mercedes Benz S550 into another car, losing control, striking a cement wall leading into the backyard of homes, and severing an electricity poll. At the scene, the defendant is accused of showing objective signs of intoxication including blood shot eyes, slow and slurred speech, and emitting a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and body. The defendant is also accused of having unstable balance and performing the field sobriety tests given by the police officer poorly. Quach is accused of having over a .26 blood alcohol level in his blood, which was collected by police.
Clearly Quach needs to resign from the Westminster City Council tonight!
UPDATE: In related news, the O.C. Register is reporting that Assemblyman Van Tran rushed to the accident scene after Quach called him. Here are a few excerpts from their article:
“I was at the scene as a friend,” he said.
Tran said when he got to the scene, Quach appeared distraught and shaken up.
“He wasn’t bleeding, but I know he was injured in the accident,” he said.
It’s definitely an “adverse situation” for any politician to face, Tran said, referring to the political consequences of Quach’s arrest.
Tran was the second Vietnamese American man to be elected to office in the United States in 2000 when he was elected to Garden Grove City Council with the highest number of votes in the city’s history. He was elected to the California State Assembly with 61 percent of the vote in 2004, representing the 68th district.
An influential personality in Little Saigon and Orange County politics, Tran is also mentor to several younger, newer Vietnamese American politicians including Quach, Garden Grove councilwoman Dina Nguyen and Westminster councilman Tyler Diep.
Tran says he believes Quach can “turn this around.”
“I believe that he is sincerely contrite,” he said. “He is assuming responsibility for his actions – whether it was DUI or negligence.”
American voters are understanding when it comes to politicians making mistakes, especially when they see that the remorse is genuine, Tran said.
“All mental, physical, and sensory functions are severely impaired.”
Resign? Hell, no! This sounds like city council material to me.
Very high, must have been a good party. This is why there is a taxi service and designated drivers.
We should forgive him this time and hope he has learned to have someone else drive if he is drunk.
Sometimes it takes a wake up call to make one realize that yes it can happen to me also.
time for some end of life counseling for him
If he drives in that condition again that may just be the result.
Don’t worry Andy,
With Bolsa The Great, everything will be OK.
We, Our children, grandchildren.. will vote for you and your gang for ever.
Have a good day Andy.
Jim, there is no “second Chance” for a .25
If you are a guy who had an extra glass of wine with dinner, and get a .08 on the way home from dinner, that is one thing (still not acceptable) but I understand how it could happen. A .25 is Sloppy Ass Drunk! YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING AND JUST DONT CARE!!!NO REPECT FOR THE LAW, AND NO REPECT FOR ME AND MY FAMILY!!!
No second chance for a .25%
I blew a .04 and the cop was giving me a hard time and they still had no decency to give me a break even for being in the military. For my first time offense, it did not even reduce to a wet reckless even with no accident nor injuries. I know that I am wrong and that misdemeanor has taught me a valuable lessong.
I still would love to see how this case will turn out especially for someone of his status and with the severity of his situation. This is when I truly see Justice or Not…
He was found to be drunk in a temple too. What a lame.