Hear, hear. We oppose protectionism for the Delta “smelt” SAC Rally Aug 28th




Delta Smelt

picture by Peter B. Johnsen.

The  following Press Release was just received at the Cutting Edge-a talk show

One if by Land, None if by Sea: Patriots Ride to Halt Eco Fish “fry” in CA Dust Bowl

Sacramento, CA: Hundreds of California farmers, ranchers, loggers and  truckers will join an estimated 50,000 people to protest the court-ordered shutoff of water to the state’s Central Valley farmland: All to protect a minnow.


PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 07, 2009 – A  coalition of hispanic, conservative, taxpayer and agricultural industry organizations will march to the steps of  California’s capitol building in Sacramento on Friday, Aug. 28 to fight for the livelihoods of working families over the rights of a federally protected fish.

“The government is putting fish before families. The insanity must end,” says attorney Mark Meckler, national coordinator of the grassroots Tea Party Patriots. “It is devastating California’s economy. We are being crushed by burdensome regulations and taxes imposed by politicans who care more for causes and political gamesmanship than people.”

The rally from noon to 5 p.m. protests California’s restrictive environmental laws that often pit eco-activists against business or community interests: In this case, the state’s “bread basket” versus a bait fish.

On May 25, 2007, U. S.  District Court Judge Oliver W. Wanger issued a ruling based on federal environmental laws, to cut water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to protect a three-inch minnow called the Delta smelt.

Since the Wanger decision, once fruitful farmland along I-5 now resembles Oklahoma’s catastrophic  “Dust Bowl.”  Signs attached to poles stuck into dry, scrub furrows along the route read, “Congress Created Dust Bowl.”

Protesters blame “Eco-Tyranny” and global warming hysteria for decisions like Wanger’s and California’s own version of Cap-and-Trade regulations for closing businesses, family farms and creating economic ghost towns in the Central Valley.

“It’s time to repeal AB 32, which is essentially California’s experiment in controlling global warming,” the Tea Party Patriot’s Meckler adds,  “It is devastating California’s economy.”

AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also creates standards for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to regulate refrigerant gases, the kind usually found in air-conditioning or HVAC-R systems, which are found in food processing, storage or transportation sites and manufacturing or industrial facilities.

Californians from the Central Valley to Los Angeles and San Diego are already feeling the pinch of AB 32 and environmental regulations with higher water and grocery bills.

Rep. Devin Nunes, (R-Visalia), whose district nestles in the heart of the Central Valley, cites unemployment in the San Joaquin Valley at nearly 20 percent, with some cities reporting unemployment at nearly 40 percent.

A University of California, Davis study, based on a December 2008, report by the federal Fish and Wildlife Service on water reduction in the San Joaquin Valley, estimated area job losses at 80,000 and revenue losses at $2.2 billion for 2009.

“People and communities have been replaced by a parade of extreme environmental activists and their misguided causes, ” Nunes said on July 8, after the House Appropriations Committee rejected one of his recurring attempts to block federal spending on decisions that divert precious irrigation water to protect salmon and the delta smelt among other species.

“Our politicians and their appointed cronies are strangling this great states, ” says Meckler, adding. “It’s time the politicians and bureaucrats got off the backs of California’s productive people and freed them to produce the innovation, wealth and jobs that only they can. Government is not the solution; government is the problem.”
For info on the Aug. 28 Event: www.sac828.org

Mark Meckler, National Coordinator & California Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots  530-274-9900 www.teapartypatriots.org

Patty Meckler, Assistant Coordinator California Tea Party 530-274-9900  www.sacteaparty.com

Dawn Wildman, Co-coordinator, California Tea Party Patriots 619-296-5159

Ben Bergquam, Central Valley Tea Party www.patriots4ai.com 559-840-2913

Brad Roltgen, Co-organizer of the Central Valley Tea Party 559-240-2378

Karen Kenney, Event Media Relations 818-996-6820

About Larry Gilbert