As a strong supporter of transparency, and to save Juice readers the time and effort to find the exact text and page references in my prior post where I published Chuck Norris opinion, I am providing the exact text as found on pages 838 , 839 and 840 of the House health care bill.
Page 838 reads as follows:
Part B of title IV of the Social security Act (42 U.S.C. 621-629i) is amended by adding at the end the following:
Subpart 3–Support for Quality Home Visitation Programs
“(a) Purpose–The purpose of this section is to improve the well-being, health, and development of children by enabling the establishment and expansion of high quality programs providing voluntary home visitation for families with young children and families expecting children
“(b) GRANT APPLICATION.–A State that desires to receive a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary for approval, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require, an application for the grant that includes the following:
“(1) DESCRIPTION OF HOME VISITATION PROGRAMS.– A description of the high quality programs of home visitation for families with young children and families expecting children that will be supported by a grant made to the State under this section, the outcomes the programs are intended to achieve, and the evidence supporting the effectiveness of the programs.
“(2) RESULTS OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT.– The results of a statewide needs assessment that describes–
“(A) the number, quality, and capacity of home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children in the State;
“(B) the number and types of families who are receiving services under the programs;
“(C) the sources and amount of funding provided to the programs;
“(D) the gaps in home visitation in the state, including identification of communities that are in high need of the services; and
“(E) training and technical assistance activities designed to achieve or support the goals of the programs.
“(3) ASSURANCES.–Assurances from the State that —
“(A) in supporting home visitation programs using funds provided under this section, the State shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families or a high incidence of child maltreatment;
“(B) the State will reserve 5 percent of the grant funds for training and technical assistance to the home visitation programs using such funds;
“(C) in supporting home visitation programs using funds provided under this section, the state will promote coordination and collaboration with other home visitation programs (including programs funded under title XIX) and with other child and family services, health services, income supports, and other related assistance;
“(D) home visitation programs supported using such funds will, when appropriate, provide referrals to other programs serving children and families; and
“(E) the state will comply with subsection (i) and cooperate with any evaluation conducted under subsection (j).
OK Juice readers. If you read my earlier health care post you now have the text from which Chuck Norris issued his opinion. Feel free to express yours.
In the first line it says these visitations are “voluntary.”
There are currently THREE House HC reform proposals and TWO senate HC reform proposals. which one is this?
Is it the one the REPUBLICANS PUT TOGETHER? Because they have a LOT of crap in theirs that should be taken OUT.
“THE” Chuck Norris? They karate chop guy or someone else?
Who’s next? Bugs Bunny on Gun Control?
Be careful in interpreting that powerful word.
The views expressed in the prior post were from Chuck Norris. I do have my own concerns on the ramifications on this small section of the 1,000 page bill.
“Voluntary” can easily change to mandatory if pressure is applied by witholding other entitlement benefits for compliance
You better know who Chuck Norris is. If you don’t you have not been following this past years presidential campaign
OMG. That. Chuck. Norris.
He’s a TOOL Larry. Which Bill is this, anyways?
Here’s some famous Chuck Norris facts:
If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
There is no ‘ctrl’ button on Chuck Norris’s computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay’s potato chip.
Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.
Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
Folks. I just went to anouther Internet site which has the identical text as pages 837, 838 and 839.
Sorry that you are not a fan of Chuck Norris. The real issue is the message, not the messenger.
As to your question as to which health care Bill I reference I notice a little anger in your tone.
To make you happy I will report that this Bill, HR 3200, was authored by a REPUBLICAN from MI. His name is John Dingell. Wait a minute Larry. Dingell is a DEMOCRAT. Hopefuly that answers your question as to Chuck’s source.
Also. FYI. A “bill” originating in the House begins with “HR.” Thought you might need this info for your future coverage.
This post must have hit a nerve. Great. “Mission Accomplished.” Wait am minute Larry. The last Republican to use that expression was George W Bush on an aircraft carrier in San Diego. Don’t go there until the results are cast in stone.
Folks. Sorry for not handling issues at one time. To read the Dingell HR 3200 bill text here is my latest reference:
Thanks Larry, I learned a few things.
Ps… wasn’t angry at all. Not sure how u read all that into a text post, either!
Maybe b/c I forgot to add a little smiley? How’s this for fixed? 😉
Look at your comment #6 above in which you repeatedly reference Chuck Norris rather then his message.
Thanks for the smiley.
Together we have achieved what blogs are all about. Our role as writers on the Juice is to present readers with issues in which each side can jump into the debate. Sometimes the final answer falls in the middle.
PS: Just because you opposed Prop 8 I still think you are a good person. Where’s smiley when I need him?
“Voluntary”???? That word is also in the opening line of the law that created the Income Tax in this country. The problem is, if you don’t volunteer you’ll go to jail. If you refuse to let the state nannies in your home you can bet they’ll be some serious consequences.
Always the optimist. Thank you!
Larry said, “Together we have achieved what blogs are all about. Our role as writers on the Juice is to present readers with issues in which each side can jump into the debate. Sometimes the final answer falls in the middle.”
Larry, I really agree with you here. It’s a fun place to be at OJ and get a nice cross section of what our group finds of interest. I think it helps us all to see the varied points of view.
Larry also said: “PS: Just because you opposed Prop 8 I still think you are a good person. Where’s smiley when I need him?”
Larry I want equal rights for everyone. I would never insist that any given church “marry” two people. However, I think our government owes it to ALL citizens/tax payers the right to equal protections. Couples tie the knot outside of religious ceremonies all the time, but are granted the protections of married couples under state and federal laws.
I still have hope for YOU, Larry, that you’ll come around. Maybe you’ll be influenced by someone in that situation – loving someone and just wanting to marry them, even tho they happen to be the same sex. Being a “couple” in love is so much more than just sexuality and gender assignment. Yep, It’s going to happen Larry. You’ll see that ALL people deserve to have happiness and equal protections under our laws.
It happened to Art. It can happen to YOU!
RED. I am so pleased that you agree to disagree. There were writers on the Liberal OC who took me to task until I met with them at Memphis in SA around a year ago and demonstrated that their perception of me was invalid. Ask Art. He was there.