Personally, I think anytime you can example the hypocrisy of our “elected leaders” its a good thing. Whether its how and where they travel, while telling the rest of us how we shouldn’t go to Vegas, or trying to sell us Health Care they themselves wouldn’t dare use… why not? It seems to me that if there is any big to-do about this photo, it is its accuracy. This President killed the successful DC Voucher program while his children get to attend private school. Why is that out of bounds to point out?
Why is it the Democrats are so thin-skinned? I don’t recall them putting the Bush twins “out of bounds”. Or Palin’s children. In fact, I think there’s plenty of late-night laughter to be had. What comes around, goes around. How say you all?
Terry, I’m sure if the Obama girls were in their mid-late teens, getting drunk and pregnant, you won’t find a whole of Democrats defending them.
It’s not fair to compare the little Obama girls to the Bushes.
If the loser parents would get off their big bums and make a lunch at night for their kids, like the rest of us, then they would not have such fat kids,eatting awful school lunches.
If they can’t efford to make a ham and cheese, or peanut butter sandwich, they should not be having kids!
The vunerable and underserved need less service and more excercise!
#2 I agree that one should not have children if they cannot afford them, but they do. Often after a few drinks in the evening or ??
Since not having sex is not a realistic option for most people, perhaps free birth control and condoms are the solution.
All good parents do not want their children used for political purposes. I do not think it is fair regardless of party.
Michelle, I agree somewhat with what you say. But you are so freakin cold and mean about it. I wonder if you’re really this vicious in real life. “loser parents” “fat kids”…. dang, nothing is beneath you. You must have a perfect life with a model body. God forbid if something tragic were to happen to you.
No its a reality check, and it must be said in raw form, to get heard.
And yes i am this cold when it comes to anyone taken advantage of the system, i was this hard core with my friends at home in Ireland when they bitched about the English,then went down to the dole office to pickup their dole check, thanks to the English!
And God forbid anything does happen, but i have always pulled myself up by my own boot strings without help from the Government!
You must have a perfect life with a model body
I have three young kids i don’t have time to eat, this is why i don’t understand were the fat mother’s come from, they most feed themselves first!
And fat kids are really obese kids that die young of heart disease, diabete’s,ect.. its a real problem with the poor in America, which says alot about really how poor they are!
Ya don’t see many “obese”, kids in Africa!
And by the way who do you think makes bucks with the Free School lunches program, while the public are paying up the ying yang???
And by the way Terry, most of the people that lost the chance for a better education were Black kids with great parents, who only want a better education for their kids, and Pres Obama, kissed the unions arshes when he cut the program.
This site is so lost ..But it’s fun read , Thanks