Finally! We have an opportunity to complain directly to the Obama administration about the failure that is the Santa Ana Unified School District! “The director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans will lead a town-hall meeting next week at Santa Ana College,” according to the O.C. Register.
If you want to ask Juan Sepúlveda why the SAUSD is not using federal stimulus money to rehire laid off teachers, click here to make your reservation. You can also call 714-480-7450 to make a reservation before 5 p.m. this Thursday.
Sepúlveda is visiting Hispanic communities for input as he prepares top update the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans. His meeting at Santa Ana College on Monday will be a conversation on the state of Hispanic education.
The meeting is divided into two sessions, the first beginning at 9:30 a.m., the second beginning at 12:45 p.m. It will be in the college’s Johnson Center, 1530 W. 17th St.
This is your chance to let Obama know how SAUSD Superintendent Jane Russo and SAUSD Trustees Audrey Noji, Jose Hernandez and Rob Richardson are failing our children!
You need to go back to Libertarian school. The fact that there is such a thing as the “White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans” is wrong on about a hundred different levels.
LOL! I don’t disagree. The point though is that we will have a chance to let the Obama administration know that the SAUSD is misusing federal stimulus funds. That matters to our local families and teachers…
Someone should ask him how we can attract a few more students of the Pale Face variety into Santa Ana schools! Talk about segregation! The only Gringos most of these kids will meet growing up in Santa Ana are the teachers and a few police officers.
O my God, here we go again!!
The reason why the Students do bad in school is:
Public schools are crap, especially in California, they hire crap teachers, do not fire them, and pay them way to much. Principles pick up a pay check and bow down to Unions that are more like mobsters than Unions.
Latino Parents are failing to encourage their children to educate themselves and make “IT”, priority.
Latino students are segregated in schools that consist of only latino’s. Schools have become day camp’s for rival gangs.
Dont have another “RA RA hispanic”, come and speak about latino’s and their awful record on educating their kids, have Steve Perry from Capital Prep school that has 100% sucess with low income Hispanics and Blacks with the simple ideology of except only the best, nothing else. And “NO EXCUSES, FOR FAILURE’.
Stop the Segregation, intergate and stop the pity for a population who needs a good kick in the arsh. And if this Hispanic pity teamster say’s we need to pay more for this ridiculous and corrupt school district, lets just say “NO”.
You go ahead and take the federal stimulus money to hire pre-existing teachers and see what that does for ya, it will be great for the teachers and the unions!
Oops, pushed wrong button. I think Sepulveda would be interested to know the following statistics:
Basic, below basic and far below basic means students are NOT at grade level.
The percentage of students, districtwide, that fall at Basic, Below Basic and Far Below Basic on the CST for English Language is as follows:
2007-2008 School Year
2nd Grade 65%
3rd Grade 77%
4th Grade 58%
5th Grade 68%
6th Grade 70%
7th Grade 66%
8th Grade 68%
9th Grade 67%
10th Grade 74%
11th Grade 78%
As you can see by the statistics, SAUSD continues to fail to address this horrific problem; they don’t have a handle on the number of students who are socially promoted and CAN NOT READ!!!!!
Can you imagine that 78% of incoming 2008/2009 seniors were not at grade level.
If we were in Irvine, there would be a class action lawsuit!
I dont even understand why they allow Latino Nationalist to send their kids speaking spanish to American schools, it does not even make sense. How the heck can American kids learn when you have a large majority of spanish speaking kids in a class?? Well i kind of do know, Like my old friend OUSD assistant sup said, “Spanish Speakers make the districts more money, then non-spanish speakers”, they are just a wee pot of gold!
Federal money and state money is endless cash!
They don’t care about the Abowe sbello, they would do everything to hide these facts it does not make: parents, teachers, students, districts, unions, governement, look very good does it?.
We have on are hands a population that we will be paying welfare too. Plain and simple, and of course alot of them, will be in jail as well!
But “RA RA Latino’s”, keep sucking in the poltical correctness crap, while you kids have no chance in life!
Expect a lot of Rah Rah statements about needing more $$$ to make our schools great! No blame will be placed on parents or the gene pool that they are swimming in.
I agree, these statistics show that SAUSD has a cash cow on their hands and as long as the parents don’t have a clue that the district is screwing them, the distict will continue to love their little cash cows! Keep ’em coming!
also the more kids in school the more $$$$$$ they get . legal or illegal .
#4 — Mr. Excellence, I typically have only 1 or 2 students who are not Latino out of the 160 I teach each day. Nevertheless, they are all gringo’s. When you grow up in the U.S., go to school in the U.S., say the pledge to the American flag each morning, think about joining the U.S. Army, Marines, or Navy … you grow up an American. When my students travel to Mexico, they’re considered gringo’s … their Spanish is terrible, they speak like Americans.
SAHS, and you don’t think their is anything wrong with the 1-2 students only???
this is America not an off shoot of Mexico in America. Santa Ana is segregated, because the language barrier droves all the Americans out of all race’s other than hispanic.
You dont think these kids are going to growup with a mistrust of other race’s, because the only race they have ever known is their own???
I have ask teachers in Orange County, what is the biggest complaint you have about teaching and it is trying to teach kids English, when they are suppose to be learning how to read english and count. And Hispanic parents don’t get steller grades either regarding patisipation with their children education. They don’t want to bother trying to speak English with the teachers!
Really lets have a reality check, so the kids might become doctors, instead of burgerking flippers!
Dear SAHS teacher,
If you polled most students in SAUSD and asked them, “What are you?” the most common answers would be, Mexican, Latino, or a few might say Chicano, but almost none would say American.
If you asked 100 people who live in Villa Park who Art Pedroza is,most would say, we don’t know him, but he must be a Mexican.
If Mexicans call themselves Mexicans, and if Gringos call them Mexicans, and Gustavo calls himself a Mexican, then why shouldn’t we all stop trying to be politically correct and call them all Mexicans???
Sorry Mr/Ms. SA Teacher, 99.99% of your students are Mexicans.
And if you poll those students not one will identify themselves as a Gringo. None.
The basic fast is that the schools are failing to do the job we pay them to do in Santa Ana and other places.
Other districts and schools do just fine.
It does not matter the background of the children involved, the district must work to solve the problem it has nothing to do with skin color or nationality.
It has a lot to do with the administration not finding a way to do the job they were elected to do.
As long as people stay bogged down on this ethnic blame game nothing will be resolved.
Like it or not these Americans of Hispanic decent are a major factor of this Country’s future.
We as a society making decisions now hold the answer.
Doing nothing in their development will result in future serious social problems affecting the health of this great nation.
Understanding this group’s major role in this country’s future and so thinking outside the box in their development will ensure this great nation will continue to be the power and leader of the free world.
Using bad isolated school board management like Santa Ana’s and others that are similar to generalize and stereotype resulting in no solution will be devastating for all of us that will soon be senior citizens and will be dependent on our youth.
i agree Art, so start seeing hispanics as American’s instead of “LATINO’S”,. We are all immigrants working toward the same ideal, of a better place for our kids. A population that is a threat to that is going to get a good lashing too. And right now the hispanics suck, really they do!
Harsh yes, needed yes!
I want my children standing side by side with all kids not infront or behind. If you do not understand that, then with all your brains our country must be on a path to disruction!
united we stand, divided we fall!
My soultion is simple:
Uniforms for schools
and Steven Perry ideal of “no excuse for failure”, you were given the gift of freedom, now use it!
sorry for the mistakes above, i get typed tied!
As long as people stay bogged down on this ethnic blame game nothing will be resolved.
And as long as you do not look at your own ethinc problems, then nothing will be resolved, due to poltical correctness and ignorance of loyality!
Catholics in N.Ireland learned that, and are on the path to freedom!
What I have learned and witnessed: The lower the test scores, the MORE help they get and money. Getting taken over by the state is somewhat of a joke. For example, at one QEIA school last year, the state didn’t even show up (cancelled). Not only that, when they do come, the school puts on a “dog and pony show” not their true colors. School districts are a money making business. Unions have their own agendas and I am finding that they are in the circle with the district. It’s all about the money and not about educating kids. I find that to be very sad. I am entitled to my opinion. I call it as I see it. I have my own reasons why I don’t care for the local union namely because they haven’t even bothered to call me back and they take $1000 out of my check yearly. I spoke once (last year) to someone at the Union who told me to “not worry about my job and to go to a movie.” It’s very frustrating. I could go on, but I don’t want to bore you.
I was at a meeting with a school board member for another district. He said it very well, 1st you have to realize you have a problem. The biggest danger is focusing on the numbers and forgetting you are supposted to be educating children
what set me on this path, is when the OUSD was closing down and has closed down Silverado Canyon Elementary. I looked into all the grants to see if i could help get a grant to keep the school open. I started looking at all the grants which lead me to the QEIA, HPSG, IPA, all to reduce class size, but just for 480 schools. Then i read a statement by David Tokosfsky, LAUSD
“class-size reduction produces more teachers and more due’s”. “i hate to be cynical”.
I looked into the schools and found out that all of them had gotten grants before for class-size and had did nothing to increase API scores in fact some API scores had dropped!
Of course all of the schools including all the ones in Orange, Santa ana, Anaheim, ect… are title one schools, all hispanic schools. People are not putting two and two together.
The school districts the unions, do not want the kids doing better, that is why the low re-classification rate. And the, “wolfs in sheep’s clothing”, that are helping the school districts and the unions are the so called reps: Lou Correa, Latino Activists, Orange Country sups, hospitals, newpapers, non-profits, social service’s,businesses, ect..
Its not hard to figure out this stuff, you just need to look, really look!
Education First—-Get rid of all the high salaried administrators that have done an aweful job.
Not needed. Keep the money where needed most.
Education First