I post this partly as a public service, but mainly because I promised the admirable Jill Hardy I would. Due, among other things, to her exemplary leadership during the
Huntington Beach God Imbroglio, I would like to send her to the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August as my personal
Obama Girl®. But, cognizant of my awesome responsibilities as an Orange Juice blogger, I will keep this post thorough and even-handed, and link to ALL the Obama and Clinton delegates, and where you can go to vote for them this Sunday.
You see, California Dems have a proportional system of apportioning delegates unlike the Republicans’ winner-take-all system that has given McCain a quicker, clearer victory. That means that even though Hillary won the California Primary back on Super-Tuesday, Barack still gets about 45% of California’s delegates to the Convention. And this Sunday afternoon, CITIZENS (not just Dems) will congregate in various meeting-places to choose one man and one woman from each Congressional District they trust most to go vote for the Dem candidate they prefer, after hearing each contender make a one-minute speech.
Hey Republicans, Independents and anyone else, YOU can join in the fun too! If one of your Dem friends happens to be running and you wanna help them get to Denver, just show up between 2 and 3 at the locations below and change your registration to Democrat—you can always change it back Monday morning if you want to! But let me suggest that you wait a week or so to let the feeling sink in, what it’s like to be in a winning party, the party of the future, the party of peace, freedom, justice and democracy. Wait a week until a critical mass of your friends, neighbors and co-workers have said, “Hey, what IS up with you? You seem younger, more vibrant, I don’t know, sort of…CLEANER!” And you may very well decide to stay a Democrat.
Okay. Here’s details for Obama and Hillary backers, and then my little OJ blogger endorsement.
ey Obama backers! Who do you trust most to go to Denver and back your favorite mixed-race, exotically-named, crypto-Muslim-tied-at-the-hip-to-strident-anti-American-Christian-preacher-Jeremiah-Wright, afraid-to-answer-the-phone-at-3AM, can’t-bowl-for-heck, big-eared neophyte? Who do you trust most to resist the wily charms of the Clintons, who have promised to try and woo away pledged Obama delegates with favors and trinkets? Well, here’s where you go to decide:
For location, click here.
(If Rohrabacher’s your congressman, put CD 46; if Loretta put 47; if John Campbell put 48; if Ed Royce put 40. If you can’t figure out what your district is, click
For list of candidates you get to choose from, click
[In the 46th, apart from Jill and Taylor whom I’ve promised to support, I see the great progressive assembly candidate Ken Arnold who’s running against OJ villain Van Tran, whom I plan to write more about soon; also HB councilman Keith Bohr, Dem stalwart Ray Roberts, and his wife Patricia. In the 47th there are no men -?!- but one woman stands out, OJ friend & Santa Ana councilwoman Michele Martinez! In the 48th I see fiery Congressional contender Steve Young, but also Dr. Bill Honigman, and WHO DOESN’T LOVE DR. BILL? And in the 40th I recognize two fighting Progressives of sterling caliber: Dave Sonneborn and Florice Hoffman. Of course, listen to each of their one-minute spiels and make up your own minds, this is the DEMOCRATIC Party ya know!]
(I hope it’s not too obvious that I am an Obama supporter. Let me try to make it up to you.)
y Hillary backers! Who do you trust most to go to Denver and back your favorite tough, emasculating, all-too-ready-to-burst-into-tears, overly-liberal, overly-conservative, well-known lesbian who was having a secret affair with Vince Foster before she had him whacked? Who do you trust most to resist the allure of a svelte, silver-tongued, shirtless Halfrican hunk emerging slowly from the ocean? Well, here’s where you go to decide:
For location, click here.
(If Rohrabacher’s your congressman, put CD 46; if Loretta put 47; if John Campbell put 48; if Ed Royce put 40. If you can’t figure out what your district is, click
For list of candidates you get to choose from, click
[In the 46th, I see Ken Arnold’s gorgeous Vietnamese wife Thanh-Thanh Ho. In the 47th I see my friend, tireless young activist and Liberal OC blogger Andrew Davey competing against Santa Ana councilman Vince Sarmiento. And in the 48th another Liberal OC blogger – Dan Chmielewski, going against… NOOO!!! Don’t vote for Frank Barbaro, he runs everything around here! Then the 40th – Martie Schrank is old-school good, but DON’T vote for reactionary John Hanna, in my opinion – if it suddenly matters – he has way too much conservative influence in the Party! Of course, listen to each of their one-minute spiels and make up your own minds, this is the DEMOCRATIC Party ya know, and I could be totally wrong!]
The H2-for-O Slate

I’m personally going to Fountain Valley’s Obama gathering, to vote for the
H2-for-O slate, Jill Hardy and Taylor Honrath (although I feel bad not voting for my friend Ken Arnold who is a great progressive assembly candidate against the slimy Van Tran.)
Jill has distinguished herself as a great community leader in Huntington Beach over the last seven years, most recently in
Monday night’s fight against posting “In God We Trust” in council chambers: That night she gave us a lesson in how to be both a true Christian and a true American, a lesson that is increasingly lost these days. Taylor, well, he’s a fine young lad I’ve known a few years who is quite progressive, full of energy, and has been working as an intern in Sacramento for a couple of years, and probably has a great future in politics. Anyway, Jill chose him for a running-mate, both their surnames start with H, they back Obama, hence H2-for-O, easy to remember!
Finally, all together:

Ok. One paragraph scared me before reading it all. Sure we want to recruit Dems but this won’t be the time or place for re-registration.
Hey, Vern, you left me out. I’m running hard in Obama CD 40 (rubber stamp Royce’s District). I hope you have some readers who can come out and vote for me.
Did you see shifty-eyed Rohrabacher on CSpan literally proclaiming “mission accomplished” to Petraeus for killing insurgents in Iraq?
Or did you know that Harman was one of the four Repugs on the State Bus, Prof and Econ Dev Committee who did not vote on Ridley-Thomas’ AJR 19 (Health Professionals: Torture) measure back in January?
I thought you people down there in West County would be interested. Us Progressive folk up here in North Central County need your support, also. So, anybody who votes in CD 40, PLEASE come vote for me at the Obama Caucus on Sunday.
Dave Sonneborn
Ken, with Will Rogers’ proviso that “I don’t belong to an organized party, I’m a Democrat,” I’m 99% you’re wrong about this. Five different long-time Dems tell me so, although it is too late now for me to call any OC or Sacramento offices to be 100% sure. And I’m perfectly happy with there being an insanely large crowd. Can you bring clowns, popcorn, cotton candy? Huge crowds are de rigueur for our party this year.
Anonymous #3, you are a blithering idiot. There is nothing copy/pasted here, I wrote every word. And it took me hours to do all the research, the writing, and put together the links and images. So yes, read every damn word and digest it. Twice.
Dave, I’m sorry, I got burned out before getting to your district and couldn’t remember its CD number off hand anyway. I am now going to re-do the post with your district (the 40th) included, and a different cooler pic of Taylor which he just sent me.
See you all Sunday!
#3/6, no need to refer to me as #5, I have a name – unlike certain bold souls around here. Blithering idiot.
I’m new to this site, so I don’t know whether this reply will go just to Vern or to the blog site. If the former, please see what you can do, Vern, to let others on your blog know about this information.
Vern and Ken and whoever the anonymous was who thought my comments were about registering more democrats:
Anybody who went to the on line cadem.org “widget” to pre-register (now closed), rather than having to wait to enter on Sunday, would have seen that on the second screen, one could mark “other”, rather than Democrat, but still would have had to select either Clinton or Obama on the same screen. However, only registered Democrats in a given district could have previously filed to be a DELEGATE Candidate.
This is not about registering more Democrats. A significant number of DTS’s asked me about this. I’m sure there are lots more who would like to have known. Dave Sonneborn
“The caucuses will open officially at 2pm.”
Your guy Rush Limbaugh would say Hawkeye Cauci will open officially at 2pm.
Long story short, the entire original post is correct and complete.
Ken has asked me to delete his comments… I guess I will in a minute, and that will help avoid confusion, although me & Dave’s responses to him will no longer make sense. Shall we convene a “blogger ethics panel” on this?
Dave you don’t need to be so worried about the changed locations, THE LINKS I PROVIDED ARE UPDATED! And you admit that whatever these “widgets” are, they’re already “closed”. Do you see how people can get so confused they might not even show up?
Just stick to my original post, people, and come out Sunday!
My worry was, and is, that some Obama people will show up at the Clinton Caucus – and then be furious when they learn of the 11th hour change.
I knew, and know, that the cadem listing got changed today, Friday. I was actually on the web for a few hours while the CDP was changing its final listing. I knew that your referral had the latest listing, Vern.
What’s disturbing is that Obama people had long since seen the UCI listing, whereas the Clinton Caucus had no listing until quite recently. I hope you’re right, Vern, that Obama people will indeed learn of the switch in time to avoid a ship wreck. Dave S
Anonymous #3 and 6 turns out to be Stanley Fiala. Fiala goes in the trash can. Art’s blog, Art’s rules, and I agree. Adios Fiala!
UPDATE: the H2-for-O slate made it! Jill Hardy and Taylor Honrath are going to Denver to vote for Obama. Huge turnout too. Behold the awesome power of an Orange Juice endorsement!
Any news from the other gatherings?
There is stunning news from Royce land (CD 40) Obama Caucus. The Young Dems had a very well organized and orchestrated turn out. Their “ticket” – male and female- won by a landslide. An avalanche would be more like it.
It is not obvious that this crowd wants or needs us -they do know how to organize their own – but we may need them. Dave S
PS: I suspect that the 40th CD Clinton Caucus had the exact opposite outcome – i.e., the “old guard” dominating any entry of modern, current progressives. I know that many people that I contacted informed me that while they are Obama supporters, they felt compelled to go to the Clinton Caucus because of decades old loyalty to Clinton delegate candidates.