LOL! Scott Moxley has posted Andy Quach’s booking photo over at the OC Weekly. It turns out he was smiling, which begs the question, was the Mona Lisa drunk too?
Perhaps of Interest -
LOL! Scott Moxley has posted Andy Quach’s booking photo over at the OC Weekly. It turns out he was smiling, which begs the question, was the Mona Lisa drunk too?
What you see is most likely a picture of a man in a blackout. Believe me, I know from having .23 and .24 drunk driving arrests. Both times I came to next morning in jail. I hope he does something to help himself. Otherwise we are all in danger from his possibly doing it again, with more carnage. He should enter a rehab before he goes to court, judges take that into consideration favorably. He maybe does’nt even remember going to the Citrist…but others do.
To me, the picture clearly shows that Quach is not only a handsome man, but a powerful, and charismatic man as well. Smiling and smirking during the time of extreme difficulty shows character. A fearless man, indeed!!
Keep doing what you’re doing Andy. We love you.
Huh? I think #1 got it right. The dude was blitzed out of his mind!
Art, I love Quach, don’t you know that? I look at his picture and I wish my sister would be so lucky as to have a couple dates with him. He’s the MAN!!
Well if he ends up doing time in the hole, he just might end up being somebody’s girlfriend!
“Well if he ends up doing time in the hole, he just might end up being somebody’s girlfriend!”
Regarding Prison relationships.
“Hey, it don’t matter when it’s octurian baby!
Hi Art,
Don’t know where to post this but I wondered if you and Sean could post on one page the complete list/photos of usual suspects in Santa Ana. I keep hearing about them and saw a few of your trading cards but a page with all the photos would be helpful. I’d be interested in hearing peoples stories about them as well. Why do they hate Mexicans? thanks Art.
Dude is sloshed! 30 more seconds and we would see him puke on camera!
This was a move out of the Tom Delay hand book.
Don’t give the opposition something to throw in a mailer.
If a police report read: “As I approached the subject the smaell of acohol was present, the suspects eyes were boodshot….” and later in the same report when describing a sobriety test read: ” the suspects eyes were bloodshot and red consistent with intoxication….”
and then we see a piture like this, you wonder if the lawyer had a bottle of visine ready and counseled him to smile.
Thats pure speculation on my part but, I’m certain some crack blogger will uncover it, unless it’s already been covered up???
I like New to S.A.’s idea. Would also be nice to know their home addresses. I think most of them are on boards and addresses of board members is public information. I’m been told that most live in North and South Santa Ana. I want to be able to put a name with a face.
This guy is toasted!!! Over the last few weeks, every where you go, the hot topic is Tyler Truong Diep, Andy Quach, Dina Nguyen and all their dirty dealings!!! Yepp! You heard me right! DitzyDina’s in the same boat!!! I say, let’s recall all the TRANNIES!!! Before Andy’s arrest, both of them were out and about often to promote their consuting firm which also includes Bart K., the attorney that represented Andy Quach the night of his arrest, the same attorney that appeared before the council to praise about Andy’s courage for showing up at the meeting (without disclosing who he is of course!!!) and he’s also the very same attorney that represents most of the businesses in Westminster and Garden Grove!!! It’s smells pretty STINK to me!!! We worked our asses off to prove to mainstream America how resilient and intelligent we are. To show that we’re strong and united! Then we messed up by putting idiots like these Trannies in office, only to RUIN IT ALL for all Vietnames Americans. F@#ken uneducated thugs!!!
Beware Red faced County blog. If you hit Jubal to hard with truth, he will simply delete the entry and call it a personal attack. This is the smme Matt Cunningham who spends all his time personally attacking anyone not on his side of the political fence. I say Red faced County blog is of no journalistic value…but good to read for those of us seeking to live in a democracy…we need to know where the other side is coming from…however bizarre… see, Jubal thinks poor Tyler Diep is being unfairly picked on….and, of course we should lighten up on good ole Andy Quach too.
Trust me on this too. If Andy Quach looks this ok with .26 than he is probably always .08 or better. More than likely legally drunk at every city council meeting. I have reviewed some of the on videos, and I would wager that he was legally too drunk to drive and could have been arrested coming to or leaving the council meeting. Westminster PD should just wait for him to arrive for council meeting…doesn’t seem he wants to change to me. A counsilmember is elected primarily because we trust their good judgement. My greatest respect to Margie Rice for telling it like it is.