The Jannie Report – Janet is the new Van Tran

Let me preface this report with the clear and unambiguous statement that I do not hold any animosity or drive for revenge towards Supervisor Janet Nguyen. My issues with Janet Nguyen were based on interpersonal issues that I have since allowed to go by as so much water under the bridge.

Basically, I realized long ago that Janet Nguyen is a Republican. She’s actually a good Republican. However, when I first met her, when she was a Council member for Garden Grove, I got the impression, as many of my Democratic associates also have that Janet was a moderate and not your run of the mill Republican.

This illusion is what led to Liberal OC blogger Chris Prevatt’s total acquisition by Janet into her fold.  He is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Little Saigon Godfather – Janet Nguyen.

More after the flip.

We have all enjoyed reading about the implosion of the Trannies, as Andy Quach, “Tyler” Truong Diep and Van Tran have been caught up in the aftermath of Quach’s DUI and police affairs regarding a local business. However, there is an unintended consequence that we must consider. Who will fill the void left by the vacuum caused by Van Tran’s political career ending due to term limits?

It is suspected with good reason that Supervisor Janet Nguyen has been hand-feeding information about the Trannies to Chris Prevatt, over at the Liberal OC, to continue her war with her Little Saigon rivals Van Tran and his associates. She wants to finish off the Trannies and secure herself as the new Godfather of Little Saigon.

Already last year one of the Jannies, Andrew Do, beat Robin Marcario for a seat on the Garden Grove City Council. Nguyen then pulled strings to get her husband Tom Bonikowski onto the Garden Grove Planning Commission. It would stand to reason that the Jannies at the Liberal OC would be able to recognize this but to mine and others amazement the Jannies at the Liberal OC are either oblivious or working with Janet Nguyen and her cabal. Is Chris Prevatt ignoring history and thus doomed to repeat it by helping the New Van Tran?

As was reported here at the Orange Juice, Do and Bonikowski also own a Lee’s Sandwiches franchise in Stanton that has received over 40 Orange County health violations. That story blew up when Nguyen voted against restaurant ratings. Consider the puppies Chris Prevatt had over the fairy tales told by his BFF Misha Houser about the atmosphere at the Hoa Van Tran for Supervisor campaign. We all now know that Misha Houser is an illustrious liar and charlatan hell bent on her own ascension in the DPOC and OC Politics.

Chris Prevatt the new Galinsky

Chris Prevatt – the New Joanne Galinski?

Now consider Chris Prevatt’s coddling of Janet Nguyen when she failed to come clean over some financial irregularities at her own BOS campaign. Did Prevatt launch a Janet watch and count off the days, etc? Uh No!
Nguyen is now salivating over the opportunity to replace Quach and Diep with some of her Jannies. She has already been successful in acquiring two key positions at the Garden Grove City Council by getting her chief of staff to carpet bag into the city and then have her own husband placed on the Planning Commission. I’m sorry, am I the only one who sees a pattern developing here that mirrors Van Trans political career?
Is anyone here even remotely convinced that Janet Nguyen is any different than Van Tran? Can you see the pattern developing here?

Let’s take a look back at Nguyen’s career in politics. She has worked for numerous Republican politicians, including Supervisors William Steiner and Cynthia Coad, and Assemblyman Ken Maddox.  After that she was briefly the V.P. of Government Affairs at the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce. Long Beach is where Chris Prevatt now lives!  In that position, Nguyen walked and handed out literature to push for the approval of a Wal Mart in Long Beach that was fought tooth and nail by Labor Unions including Chris Prevatt’s own Union, the  OCEA, of which he is a member of their PAC Board.

Nguyen was also once one of the Trannies. Did you know that she and her husband joined Tran on his honeymoon, at a Mexican beach resort?  Nguyen related that to Art Pedroza, the editor and publisher of the Orange Juice blog.  Janet was a very close personal friend, ally, protégé and student of van Tran. And yet Chris Prevatt is unable to see the very pattern and methodologies utilized by Van Tran now being employed by Janet Nguyen. Or he chooses to ignore them outright.

I believe that Nguyen is protecting Chris Prevatt’s employment at the County of Orange while co-workers of his lose their jobs to the lay off axe. Some of these co-workers have advanced degrees, and experience. Chris Prevatt has 12 years with the county and only holds a high school diploma. Remember Joanne Galinski, who rose to number two in Mike Carona’s organization with only a GED?  Her main job was being a shill for Mike Carona.

Therein lies the rub. Nguyen is now poised to take over the Westminster City Council. But she learned all her tricks from none other than Van Tran himself. Can anyone expect any real change after Nguyen takes over Little Saigon?

It really makes you wonder why the Liberal OC bloggers continue to carry water for Nguyen. At the end of the day she is exactly what she appears to be – a partisan Republican elected official. There is nothing wrong with that if you are a Republican – but I am not and neither are the Liberal OC bloggers.

No Democrat should be shilling for Nguyen, period. She has never done anything to deserve our support. She votes consistently as she is told to by her GOP bosses. She is no moderate.

Should we all be thrilled that the Trannies are falling apart? That depends. Have you ever heard of the expression the Devil You Know is better than the one you don’t? We will soon see if Janet turns out to be just as bad, or worse than Van Tran. I am certainly not confident she will be any better. If the Jannies take over that will not be a cause for celebration. It will just be business as usual in Orange County’s Little Saigon.
Janet Nguyen IS the New Van Tran. Chris Prevatt is either too blind to see it or he is the New Joanne Galinski.

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” – The Who, “Won’t get fooled again.”

By: Paul Lucas

About Paul