Mock MV council meeting including Measure M

A two hour mock city council meeting, with each of the 10 candidates for the Mission Viejo City Council, was held at the Saddleback Room of the Mission Viejo City Hall this evening. The event was sponsored by the South Orange County Chamber of Commerce. Jim Leach, VP Government Affairs of COX Communications, served as the moderator.
After opening speeches each of the candidates was asked to vote YES or NO on several issues including the proposed extension of the Measure M transportation tax.
I am pleased to report that five of the candidates all voted NO. I am told that the audience was also asked to cast their votes. The majority in the audience also said NO on Measure M.

I commend Councilman John Paul Ledesma, Bill Barker, Jim Wooden, Mike Ferrall and Neil Lonsinger for supporting those of us who oppose this current Measure M extension.

Larry Gilbert, Co-author BALLOT ARGUMENT opposing Measure M

About Larry Gilbert