Have the Red County and Liberal OC blogs crossed the line by trying to ferret out Art Pedroza’s clients?
I have a pretty thick skin, but I find it more than a little creepy that both Red County and the Liberal OC have allowed comments to be posted asking who my clients are.
I work in safety. I do not work in politics. I am a consultant. I previously worked full time for a company for the last three years and left them in November over a disagreement regarding my duties as their workers compensation administrator.
To be fair, Red County editor Chip Hanlon took down one comment where some raving lunatic called me a sociopath. I hope he will take down the other comments too.
I don’t mind slugging it out on political issues, but this is just ridiculous. Over at the Liberal OC, Dan Chmielenski is also trying to find out who my clients are. This guy works in public relations and he is stooping to this level? I have never gone after him as a P.R. professional. His work involves high tech clients, not politicians.
There is a BIG difference between what I do and what Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham does, as a political consultant. Going after my professional work is not fair game. In Jerbal’s case, his professional work and his blogging are a blurry mess. Most recently he admitted in a post that he is no longer working for the John Campbell campaign, after weeks of shilling for him on Red County.
Why are these hacks so threatened by me and my blog? On the one hand they keep insisting that no one reads my blog. Chmielenski has even written that I am somehow spiking my Sitemeter numbers, which is whack. If my blog and I are so unimportant, why try to lynch me?
Is it just me or is it way overboard for the Red County and Liberal OC bloggers to try to deny me the right to make a living – OUTSIDE of politics? What they are doing amounts to a witch hunt or a lynching. Go after me on the issues. Make fun of me personally if you will. Put my face on funny pictures. But don’t try to harass my clients. That is crossing the line, in my estimate.
Typical. Dan Chmielenski emailed me and said he was going to sue me for writing this post. But here’s the problem – I just downloaded the post where he offered to host a Red County diary (that Hanlon deleted) wherein my last employer was named and the writer was trying to find out who I worked for. Here are some excerpts from Dan’s post:
I think it was last week that John Seiler penned a defense of Art Pedroza and Tony Bushala on the OJ blog because an unnamed blogger at Red County posted a diary that questioned what both Art and Tony actually did for a living. John felt its OK to attack one for their politics but heaven forbid we should go after either man for their professions. Then John compared Art Pedroza with King Arthur (Avalon trembles at the thought).
When Red County executive Chip Hanlon pulled the post, certainly in questionable taste for Red County, Art crowed like a rooster about seeing another post of its ilk again (Art must have picked up a dictionary…ilk).
Frankly, I think Chip Hanlon ought to put the diary back up. Chip, if you won’t put it up, send it over here and I’ll have to convince Chris Prevatt that we should host it.
In that post Dan defends Jerbal, even though Jerbal teamed with Jeff Flint to give us Prop. 8. I had a “No on 8” sign on my lawn last year. Jerbal promoted Prop. 8 on his blog – and his wife even was hired to promote Latino outreach for Prop. 8.
Excuse me Dan, but you and I were on the same side on Prop. 8. So why are you backing Jerbal now? Weird.
Of course Dan questions my conversion from being a Talibani type Republican to being a socially progressive Libertarian. Well, it was a sincere conversion. Is this how Dan is going to treat all ex-Republicans? Way to build your party there Dan.
Dan also complained that he never said anything about our Sitemeter numbers. Yet here is a direct quote from a comment he put up at Red County, “And rumors abound on the Internet that OJ’s sitemeter numbers are rigged.” You can read it here.
Art, I hold the Orange Juice Blog in high regard. I’ve enjoyed watching the metamorphosis over the past several years. I appreciate the divergent viewpoints presented here, and the spirited discussions on the comments sections.
That being said, I fear this is a matter of reaping what you’ve sewn. I’ve watched as the mud was being tossed back and forth for a long time and was distressed because it detracted significantly from some pretty darn good discussions. I hope you all can sort out your differences – or at least ignore them.
Wow, Art, if that is happening it is really sick. No one should have to endure that kind of crap.
“reaping what you’ve sewn”
I think that should be “ripping what you’ve sewn.”
WHY would those two groups seek to tamper with YOUR employment and earnings?
Most likely because they blame YOU for their own failings and that they may have suffered an economic hit themselves. Never mind that they brought it on in their bold, cavalier ways of trying to show off their self perceived status… they blame YOU, Art.
Some of their head-scratching nonsense just looks BAD. Who’d want the KeystoneKops of the internet on their payroll? These “political consultants” don’t look all that polished or professional as they slog around the internet picking fights with faux rivals.
What would they have to gain by contacting your clients or employer?
Maybe a sense of “winning” but to what cost? If it were to get out that they would actually go that far… that they struck back so hard at someone who they considered an absolute threat to be destroyed… then what? WHO would want that kind of person on their legitimate payroll? Who would trust their ethics? Who would take a chance on bumblers who flail on others as they fall down?
You have made it your life’s mission to go after people and their employment? How can you honestly write such bull crap and expect people to take you seriously? Didn’t you write this a few days ago?
“Maybe the County can fire a few workers who don’t have degrees, if they run out of funds? Say like Prevatt?”
Obviously I wrote that in jest. We all know that you have to practically kill someone in order to get fired when you are a government union worker.
It does make sense, should layoffs be required in Prevatt’s department, to start with those who are least qualified.
My advice to Prevatt is to go back to school. That is what I did. I earned two degrees as a working adult, while raising four kids.
Clearly what we do here matters. The Red and Blue hacks want to silence us, even if that means going after my income.
So why don’t they stop saying that we are insignificant? Obviously we aren’t.
Today’s numbers…Orange Juice – 1,181 visits and 2,237 page views. Liberal OC – 572 visits and 880 page views. Red County won’t even post their readership data…
Pot Stirrer,
This is all such a pain. Maybe I should just pull the plug on this blog and walk away from politics altogether…I would not miss it at all.
My Fullerton blog is kicking the crap out of Liberal OC!
Thanks! You have given Red County a few headaches too…
And sure enough they all malign you too.
Why don’t they just admit that we DO have quite a bit of influence in this county?
I was not, in the least bit, suggesting that you pack it in. Certainly, your blog – and the other two in question here – make a difference. You ALL are influential, presenting views on important issues from different perspectives. Those of us who visit each of them frequently glean lots of good info, and some that’s not so good from time to time.
Still, the mud-slinging, name calling and petty “my-numbers-are-better-than-your-numbers” yapping simply detracts from the value of the debates – in my opinion, at least. Most of the time it’s a hoot to read the presentations, but sometimes it’s like watching a train wreck happening before your very eyes.
The current iteration of The Juice works for me. There’s plenty of meat to chew on and, quite honestly, the posts are much easier to digest than most on either of the other two. Keep up the good work and look for the high road when you can… the view’s better up there and the air is a lot fresher…
The Pot Stirrer stirs the pot alright, but Art cooks rat.atouille.
Art, keep up the good service, don’t let “those” other bloggers get in your way, if those burgers mess with your livelihood, it’s only because their bosses are not happy with their results and they are trying to blame someone other than themselves.
Rvixen’s right, “WHO would want that kind of person on their legitimate payroll? Who would trust their ethics? Who would take a chance on bumblers who flail on others as they fall down?”
Numbers speak louder than words!
If you don’t have anything to hide Art, then why should it be a pain.
Though i do believe that your post’s are all one sided and now your being looked at for why??
though i think you are nice man, i really feel that people who have set on the side lines and allowed the bull to fly, will not anymore. Not only is it killing this county, it is killing this country!.
Again, maybe this is a life lesson. Sometimes it,s a good thing!.
Anyway like you, i like a rough and tough fight, i dont like someone trying to distroy someone, because they have a grudge! That crap is only for cowards and pussies!.
First of all I would like to state for the record that both Art Pedroza and Dan Chmielenski are my friends. I like and respect both men very much. It pains me to see this ongoing battle between the two and I hope that once and for all we can put this to bed.
I have spoken to Dan on a number of occasions and we have both expressed our disdain for people trying to attack one’s means of financial support and employment because they did not like something that person said or wrote on a blog.
I really don’t think that Dan would try and destroy somebody’s employment. With that being said I was shocked when I read Dan’s comment stating, “Frankly, I think Chip Hanlon ought to put the diary back up. Chip, if you won’t put it up, send it over here and I’ll have to convince Chris Prevatt that we should host it.”
The purpose of that diary was to go after Art’s means of supporting his family. It was written by an anonymous coward or cowards who don’t have the “testicles” to show their true identities.
I certainly hope that was just Dan speaking out loud in the heat of the moment, otherwise that contradicts what we have both agreed to as being out of bounds.
Art give Dan the benefit of the doubt on this one because I don’t believe he would go after you in that manner. Those around Dan are another story altogether.
And Dan let it go already. You and Art probably are in agreement on most issues. Art was supported by ECCO and Planned Parenthood during his campaign, two groups that you support. Put the petty bickering aside and take on the real enemies amongst us.
As far as those around Dan go, there is no level they won’t stoop to or lie they won’t tell to attack someone. Why don’t you talk to these folks about the lies they have been spreading about me to anyone that will listen?
Here is a list of some of those folks that have made up and spread lies in an attempt to have me removed from Santa Ana’s Planning Commission:
Phil Bacerra
Thomas Gordon
Chris Prevatt
Claudio Gallegos
Misha Houser
Melahat Relafei
Dan that sounds like a who’s who of your drinking buddies from “Drinking Liberally”. Ask them to articulate for you what have I done “in my capacity as a Planning Commissioner” that precludes me from serving and should be grounds for my removal? Ask them why they continue to lie.
Dan while I believe that you would not go after Art’s employer in an attempt to get Art, I know your friends would. I have seen the levels that those rats have sunken to in their attacks on me. These people are truly despicable in every way.
The difference between the way you, Art and I operate Dan is that we put our names to what we do. We don’t operate in the shadows and scatter like roaches when the lights are turned on.
Your friends do and therein lies the problem.
The difference between the way you, Art and I operate Dan is that we put our names to what we do.
maybe then you should believe other’s that put their name to their post, instead of calling them frauds!.
Just a dig, cause i’m good at it!
I’ve lived in Santa ana for the last five years and I wish I knew about OJ blog sooner. I have been your avid reader since January and I have learned soo much about issues in Santa ana I wasnt aware of. Keep up the good work 🙂
Art, you are learning one of life’s hard lessons. No one lives in a bubble. While we have a right to say what we want ,(unless it’s considered to be too Christian or hate speach)it may impact our jobs. I suggest you come clean with all your sources of income and disclose who your clients are. When you look afraid to do that, you only cause more speculation and in the end it looks a lot worse when the information does come out.
That is not going to happen. I have no reason to do that. I work in safety not politics.
But thanks for the suggestion, for what it is.
As I told Dan C. today in an email, I have never asked who his clients are and I have no interest in that at all. I am only asking that he treat me in the same manner. Fair enough?
Art…Why don’t you just ignore Matt and Dan? When you blog about them then they know they have gotten under your skin and will just continue until they do in fact find out your client list and post it. I say just ignore them and thier blogs and I bet you will never hear from them on this issue.
Sean and I made that offer to Dan today, via email.
Specifically, we offered to ignore Dan and his fellow Lib OC bloggers.
No response so far…somehow I don’t expect to get one.
Kudos to Art and Sean for taking the high road! It’s too bad negative blogs like Red County and Lib OC can’t follow your good example. Who knows, maybe you can patch things up with those boys and go back to fairly reporting the news. Keep up the great work! I may be a 71 year old abuelita but I read the O.J. and respect what you fellows are doing for our Latinos and all the other residents of Santa Ana. Vaya con Dios!
In fairness to Dan he has been busy working this morning and has not had a chance to respond as of yet. I spoke to him a bit earlier and he is in agreement that all this needs to stop.
I do not believe that Dan would ever try and go after Art’s means of making a living. That just isn’t his style. Dan is a man’s man and he is more than willing to do things above board and out in the open.
The problem is that others close to Dan from the LiberalOC do not share those values and they surround themselves with others that operate in the shadows.
Sadly these folks are sheep that carry water for people like Phil Bacerra. Phil is a two-faced loser who bad mouths everyone behind their backs. He has talked smack to me about all of the folks including Thomas Gordon, Chris Prevatt, Ryan Gene Williams and Claudio Gallegos. Yet he still has them all convinced that he is their friend.
It is these folks acting as a conduit for Bacerra that are the problem. They are the ones behind the ficticious/libelous Twitter and Facebook accounts. They like to do this in secret as to not be exposed as the cowardly pond scum that they truly are.
As long as they continue to operate n this manner we will never be able to move on and that is sad.
In my book Dan is a good guy and not the problem. If he can get a handle on the cowards we can all let this go like water under the bridge.
Only time will tell.
Art, Red Vixen is right. Those personally attacking you cannot blame themselves for their failures. You have provided a great service to the citizens of Santa Ana by exposing the truth and for I am grateful. Keep on Blogging!
I agree with Sean that neither Dan or Matt at Red County would try to expose Art’s client list to the world or embarass him in any way. But…When Sean says, “Phil is a two-faced loser who bad mouths everyone behind their backs” Isn’t Sean doing what he says he wants Dan and Matt to stop doing? I’m confused.
I have never asked Dan or Matt to back away from telling the truth about people. I simply asked Dan if he would rather blog about issues instead of playing gotcha with other bloggers.
Dan isn’t into all this silliness and he agreed with me.
Phil Bacerra is another issue altogether. He never puts his name to any attacks. He hides in the shadows and secretly makes phone calls stabbing folks in the back.
He did just that while working on Miguel Pulido’s campaign last year. Sal Tinajero helped get some folks to help out Miguel’s campaign, what did Phil do? He called folks in Fullerton trying to stir up trouble for Sal. They were on the same team and Phil tried to backdoor him. What a stand up guy.
If Phil Bacerra ever wants to man up and step out from behind his girlfriend the Orange Juice is willing to offer him the chance to write a post spouting whatever he wants. We’ll let him champion whatever cause he’d like or take on anyone he wants.
Phil however is a coward who won’t put his name to his actions, so no it isn’t the same thing.
Thanks Sean for clearing up your position. I had no idea Phil was the kind of guy you describe. I knew Phil many years ago when we were both young Democrats working on campaigns for the Party. In those days he was a quality guy who I was proud to call my friend. We spent months and months working together. Phil and I have lost touch but I’m saddened to hear that “Phil tried to backdoor” several of you. The Phil I knew would never have done such a thing. I wonder what happens to guys like Phil. How does a good man go bad?
Is there anyone other than the Ususal Suspects and Jannies that like Phil? He has backstabbed so many people that he has people saying, “If Phil Bacerra hasn’t backstabbed you yet, don’t worry you’ll get your turn.” I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before he leaves Orange County just like he left San Francisco, in shame. I can’t get over the fact that the guy has a degree from USC and is such a loser!
Fruitty P says:
“I can’t get over the fact that the guy has a degree from USC and is such a loser!”
USC Grad = Loser
#29 Well Said.