So how did Assemblyman Van Tran’s fundraiser go this week? You may recall that he held a fundraiser at Original Mike’s, in Santa Ana, on September 3, in the morning. Train was raising money for his congressional campaign. He is running against fellow Republican Quang X. Pham, for the right to take on Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, in the 47th Congressional District.
According to my pajaritos, Congressmen Ed Royce and Dana Rohrabacher did show up, but Congressman Kevin McCarthy, who heads up recruitment for the RNC, was a no-show. And NONE of the Orange County Supervisors showed up, although Orange County employee Carlos Bustamante, who also serves on the Santa Ana City Council, did attend.
The turnout was OK, but my sources said there was little energy amongst the crowd. They were there because they had to be there, due to their entanglements with Tran and his Trannies.
Does ANYONE really think this guy can beat Sanchez? Really?
Carlos brings the Latino support Tran needs to take this seat from Sanchez. Have you checked Bustamante’s name I.D. lately? He’s a real draw when it comes to fundraising.
# 1,
Why would Latinos support a Mexican-hater like Tran?
As for Busty, it sure didn’t work out for him very well when he ran against Janet Nguyen for Supervisor. Latinos did NOT vote for him. They just stayed home…
A suggestion to Van Tran: stop recruiting all the losers like DINA, ANDY & TYLER otherwise your reputation will be plunge in mud.
I totally agreed with Viet Voter on that point. SHe should realized a long time ago. He does have a long trail of very ambitious, greedy and power hunry but very dumb protoges. Let’s not forget Trung Nguyen who ran against Janet Nguyen in the special election. After that, Ditzy
Dina Nguyen, whose even WORSE THEN TRUNG NGUYEN!!!
Tyler Truong Diep and Andy Quach was heard going around town telling everyone how they will end Janet Nguyen’s career for good. They were so confident because their boss Van Tran assure them so! What a bunch to losers!!!
Dumb Dina Nguyen won’t have another chance at her re-election because the Vietnamese community already know whose controlling her every movement. Not only that, she’s way too shady and dumb. As far as Tyler Truong Diep, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll land his ass in JAIL. This boy is bad news all around. Sooner or later their will be enough evidence of him taking bribes, violating the Brown Act, abusing his council positions and on and on….