With the disgrace and unavoidable collapse of our State Assembly-zit Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda, a perfect opportunity has arisen for our termed-out 4th District County Supervisor Chris Norby to step into the picture.
Chris has taken some heat here from some of our fellow FFFF bloggers for his County Clerk campaign which to some of them gave off an aroma of desperation for a job. Well, the politico gods seem to have placed a job right in Norby’s lap – a job at which he would excel – statewide policy – particularly Redevelopment reform. Do it Chris!
Hey, Tony, now that is one of your better ideas.
Think of it: Norby runs for Assembly, doesn’t endorse Daly (Norby doesn’t need to string Daly along anymore into running for Supe. set), Norby endorses Nelson, Daly has a seizure (then a heart attack as some blogs posts are exposing his affair with a county employee), Sidu figures out he has no chance and his endorsements on his web page are exposed as bogus for over half of them. Wow, all this from Duval not being able to keep his mouse in the house!
You can’t hire screen playwrights to write this shit!
Best to make sure Norby has no problems with the ladies first. Some friendly advice.
This is great news! Norby is an awful candidate for Clerk-Recorder but a great candidate for the Assembly.
Go Norby!
I admittedly do not know much of the duties of the Clerk-Recorder other than the obvious of managing the department that records of births, deaths and marriages. Why do you think Norby is not qualified for the position he was running for last week, but he is perfect to represent us in Sacramento?
Time to pull out all the stops for MacMurray up there: Just three more assembly seats to the 2/3 goal and a functioning California!