U.S. Senator Max Baucus, carrying the Minuteman flag
“Senator Max Baucus, the Montana Democrat who is leading bipartisan negotiations on health care legislation, on Monday said he would include in his bill a proposal by the Obama White House to bar illegal immigrants from buying health coverage through a new insurance marketplace, or exchange, even if the illegal immigrants were willing and able to pay the full cost,” accordint to the New York Times.
The White House said that hospitals would still be required to provide emergency treatment to illegal immigrants and that the federal government would continue to reimburse hospitals for unpaid bills, a cost that now runs $250 million a year.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to let them buy insurance than to keep paying for emergency treatment and unpaid bills?
Unfortunately Art, as Red Vixen wrote in her last post and I have written about all summer, this is a POLITICAL bill. With 80% of America opposed to providing immigrants with health insurance, that just won’t fly.
By the way, I take heart. 80% opposed to you is a bit lower than normal. Even I had to write it didn’t make MUCH sense. Maybe you are moderating???… naaaaaa…
terry cmon the champion of illegas art . no .notice how he titles the story REMOVE IMMIGRANTS .did not mention the word that is too painfull to say that would change the whole meaning of the artical . he does put in the story WICH IS A AMAZING .
“Unfortunately Art, as Red Vixen wrote in her last post and I have written about all summer, this is a POLITICAL bill. With 80% of America opposed to providing immigrants with health insurance, that just won’t fly.”
I believe the opposition to illegal immigrants and health care reform is a belief that the tax payers would take the cost in providing that service.
In reality, without the Baucus legislation, health care would be like any other product available to anyone without the need of providing proof of residency. This would result in America not providing health care to immigrants at taxpayer’s expense as is the perception of many.
With the Baucus legislation illegal immigrants wishing to buy health insurance like any other product would be prohibited resulting in usage of hospital emergency care. This would be at a cost to the taxpayers.
Is this smart or is it just a political ball tossed around resulting in taxpayers taking the financial burden as it is now.
This legislation would not change anything that is currently occurring.
Illegal immigrants for the most part can not afford private insurance so a reliance on hospital emergengy care. The legislation would have very litlle to no effect on the tapayer’s financial burden caused by immigrant usage of emergency room care by prohibiting them from buying insurance.
Illegal immigrant ability to purchase affordable health care would correct this.
Politics makes no sense , only to those with an agenda. Us taxpayers interested in containing cost always get the short end of the stick as a result of agenda politics.
This is why Art Pedroza wrote “REMOVE IMMIGRANTS” and not illegal immigrants as you want him to.
From the LA TIMES article:
“Republicans on the bipartisan six have proposed other limitations, including a five-year waiting period for legal immigrants before they can obtain government subsidies to help them purchase health insurance. Lawmakers and aides said that proposal is the subject of on-going talks.”
It is the Republican mind set of immigrants in general.
Remember they want restrictions and deportation of USA born children of illegal immigrants too.
Letting illegal immigrants buy health insurance will just result in more black market ID sales as multiple persons would be using the same ID to claim health care benefits (much like multiple SS cards).
Letting illegal immigrants buy health insurance would be like them buying a refrigirator. They don’t need an ID to buy anything right now.
How in the world can you associate health insurance,ID cards and multiple persons using the same ID to claim health care benefits? It would be like multiple people being able to use a drivewrs licence to claim driving privilages – it is a form of ID with vital physical imformation and a picture.
How can multiple people use the same ID with this imformation on the ID? Not to mention that no ID would be required any way , same as no ID is required to by life insurance or a house currently.
Everything one wishies to oppose seems to to be associated with illegal immigration, abortion and race in order to stir support from conservative extremists.
I love all the spin!.
Who do you think would pay Dr.
Caloptima and Healthy families both are paid with taxes. Caloptima, state and federal. Healthy families uses tabacco tax. Both Caloptima and Healthy Families only serve the vunerable and underserved, black and white Americans are not enrolled, because as Cathy form OC Health Alliance, “The focus in on hispanic’s, because we cant find black and white Americans to enroll”. Yeah Right.
And yes most illegal immigrants in this country reside here in California. I wonder why??.
By the way dont you just love that Santa Ana school district just started a program, thanks to the taxpayer to give all kids in the Santa Ana school district Free lunches. “ANY ONE SAY SCAM”.
Its ridiculous Santa Ana parents can walk around with blackberries, but they can get off their ass to make a lunch like the rest of us.
Just one more thing i have to stop, great!.
Americans and immigrants are getting sick of this crap!.
Remember they want restrictions and deportation of USA born children of illegal immigrants too.
Good when they come back they will beable to get a job and pay for themselves. And also it just might make them appreciate the countty they were born in.
Because from what i have seen in Santa Ana, they have been so segregated in an all Hispanic area they think they are in Latin America!.
Really, i usually take this with a light Heart, but the friggin luch thing is a disgrace.
Get off your asses and make a lunch, i will give you a recipe for a ham sandwich!.
“Who do you think would pay Dr.”
The illegal and legal immigrants would by buying health insurance just as you and I do.
This would eliminate the non profits you mention.
Is this not a good thing? I want them to be able to be responsible, if in this country, as you and I are able to be responsible.
They having the ability to pay for their health care relieves you and I from paying for it as we do now.
How can this not be logical and good for the country?
“By the way dont you just love that Santa Ana school district just started a program, thanks to the taxpayer to give all kids in the Santa Ana school district Free lunches. “ANY ONE SAY SCAM”.”
Don’t hate the player. Hate the game. The recipients are not the problem they do not make the laws nor get the lion’s share from the scam.
Right Doc, that is going to happen. As soon as they give the sad story that they cannot pay, it will just be like Caloptima. “we will pay”. Its really getting ridiculous in all aspects, were does it end.
And i already know the game. Supervisor Morrlach has already seen me in person at Caloptima and it will not be the last time i speak their regarding the discrimation that is taking place there.
If i believed for one moment that illegal immigrants would be paying for their own health insurance i would be all for it. But it is not going to happen. For God sake Doc, they wont even make a ham sandwich for their kid. I dont really know who to blame is the illegl immigrants this bad, or is it the people over serving them??
But i know who is getting shafted and i’m getting really pissed now. Do you not think it is a disgrace that only one school district serves free school lunches to their students, when other families are students dont get the same royal treatment?.
It is unfair and it is down right discrimation!.
Don’t hate the player. Hate the game. The recipients are not the problem they do not make the laws nor get the lion’s share from the scam.
For the first time, i can say i agree with you 100%, but they still benefit from the scam with services that most Americans can not get!.
today i had to give a girl some cloths for her kid, she cant get any help, because she has paid taxes for the last two years showing she is above the provety line. If your illegal all you need to show to get assistance is a pay stub. Its just plain wrong and it has to stop!.
I actually agree with all your concerns. Where we differ is in the approach to the solution.
You rather ignore a possible logical solution that agrees with your opinion of personal responsibility than to give it an opportunity, possibly only to stay on track with the extreme conservative philosophy in spite of you knowning better.
Your approach actually falls into and perpetuates the game we all deplore.
Make everyone responsible no matter their residency atatus. We all would be better off.
Illegal and legal immigrants would get on the wagon and would appreciate the opportunity to be self reliant.
Yes I would be cheaper to allow undocumented persons to purchase insurance, otherwise we pay anyway.
But it is a way to backdoor support to businesses who support Republicans and at the same time look like they are taking an effective action to reduce taxpayer costs due to undocumented persons or illegals if you perfer.
But I understand that with all the upset the issue of illegals brings with it, that it is an easy way to continue to pay big substities to large health care providers for services that could be preformed at a doctors office rather than an ER.
Contributors 1st taxpayers last, more of the same from the Republicans and a few Democrats also.
Terry’s right, Art. He and I are now a Health Care Revolting coalition!
Check out this little cartoon, it pretty much sums up the way things are:
“BTW, you’re doing a great job with our house and kids”
If they remove legal immigrants from the bill, whoever does that can kiss the votes of such immigrants goodbye, forever. They will become citizens soon, and they will not forget who voted how. As an immigrant with a fairly loud voice in the legal immigrant community I can guarantee that.
So, anybody who votes for such BS commits political suicide.
I see it in simpler terms. If they are illegal they do not belong here. Why waste time talking about them? They foul everything up every time. Either make them all legal or deport them. I don’t care which, let’s just quit having this endless discussion on every important issue.
The real Max Baucus: