The bravest astronaut ever – Astro Jose Hernandez
What a great story! NASA astronaut Jose Hernandez didn’t speak English until he was 12. But his family settled in Stockton and he excelled at math. Today he is floating in the International Space Station and millions of Mexicans are following him on Twitter, where he posts as “Astro Jose.”
Hernandez was in the news this week for saying that we need immigration reform – and that we need to help our 12 million immigrants to become citizens. As one might imagine, NASA officials had a cow. But he is right!
Hernandez said that when he looked down on our globe from outer space there were no borders. How poetic – and true.
Hernandez told the L.A. Times, “I work for the U.S. government, but as an individual I have a right to my personal opinions. Having 12 million undocumented people here means there’s something wrong with the system, and the system needs to be fixed.”
Gracias Astro Jose for being a great role model and for having the huevos to tell it like it is… This man is proof positive that Latino immigrants can do anything that other Americans can do. Sorry haters! You are wrong about immigrants again.
Regardless of what you think…I spoke the real truth.
If you have a problem with the truth…then try lying.
Maybe you prefer lies to the REAL truth.
How despicable of this individual to use his taxpayer-provided position to speak out for amnesty. It is particularly repellent that he would support our law-breaking invaders, even as they crowd US prisons and drive hospitals to bankruptcy.
78% of Americans are opposed to amnesty, and traitors like Jose are in for a rude awakening that will make the protests of health care “reform” seem like a pleasant interlude.
Since “Astro Jose” loves these job-thieves so well, perhaps he should volunteer to give his job to a Mexican?
Fire Hernandez for his loathsome abuse of his public position.
Jean Garcia as you might have also concluded is a WHACK job not to be taken seriously and to be taken only as amussing insight at a desperate agenda.
Jean God love ya, you are what makes this country a brilliant country. A people that don’t bow down to hacks like Dr.l, who got his education through lies and Need to know Crap, who is more confused about her identity, than anyone i know. You keep telling your story, the hispanic’s need a good ear bashing. Last night the scores of the hispanic students at the OUSD proved it!. But Dr. l and Need to Know could not give a crap about that, it is not a topic that they would want to discuss. “Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil, to coverup the truth”.
Keep up the good work, of telling the simple truth!. Dr. l and Need to know, can only give the same old tired retoric of “Mexican Pride”. When infact they should be very ashamed of the conduct and behaviour of hispanic’s in this country. Hispanics have been given every chance to do well, and they don’t!. Plain and simple truth!.
Yes their might be a few ie. Judge Sotomayor, but she is one in millions!.
Thank you, Michelle. I spoke the simple truth.
As for Mr. Hernandez…he is an ANCHOR BABY…a baby his illegal alien criminal parents had on U.S. soil just to get benefits and to prevent these criminals rightful deportation.
According to the guy who wrote the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment…the U.S.-born children of foreigners are NOT citizens because their parents are NOT under the jurisdiction of the U.S. so they don’t qualify for U.S. citizenship at birth. According to this guy, Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan in 1866, when debating the 14th Amendment in the Senate, only the children of U.S. citizens are citizens…because their parents are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. as ONLY citizens can be.
The U.S. Supreme Court never said that the anchor babies of illegal alien criminals are citizens at birth. They only said that the U.S.-born child of legal permanent residents who had a green card were citizens.
Mr. Jose Hernandez is an anchor baby and, [according to Senator Howard and the ORIGINAL meaning of the 14th Amendment as passed into law] and ILLEGAL ALIEN who is illegally trespassing on U.S. soil and who should be deported to HIS country of Mexico. This illegal alien anchor baby and criminal does not belong here and has the nerve to lecture US on our laws as an illegal alien and anchor baby?
What nerve and what colossal gall for an illegal alien criminal like Mr. Jose Hernandez.
The comments on the 14th Amendment are in the official records of the U.S. Senate in 1866. Look it up.
Also, if mexicans are SO good and wonderful…how come my mexican ex-hubby does not like mexican girls and refuses to give a mexican girl the time of day? He refuses to date or live with or marry a mexican girl. Why is that?
Why does my mexican ex-hubby only like American girls…and will only date or go out with girls who are preferably white, with green or blue eyes, and blonde or brunette hair? Why does he insist on speaking English with me when I can speak mexican with him?
Also, why are mexicans in mexico who cross our borders illegally, taught from the 1st breath they breathe, to lie, cheat, and steal anything that is NOT nailed down?
Mr. Garcia lies all the time for no reason at all and his older sister too. You figure it out. I see him occasionally and he still lies for no reason at all.
Since illegal mexicans are being driven from our community where I live…the crime rate has gone down drastically…like 40% or more…why is that?
Less murders, auto thefts, rape, kidnappings, other thefts and frauds and less drop houses with these job-stealing criminals and less identity theft…why? Because these criminals are being forced out of our community by the law and less crime is being committed. Illegal mexicans commit 3 times more crime than native-born Americans and I am NOT talking about anchor baby mexicans like Mr. Hernandez…the so-called astronaut.
We don’t need these criminals or their anchor babies. We have enough native-born criminals to deal with.
Forgot the best part of all…when Mr. Garcia and I were living in Florida, some other mexicans, neighbors and co-workers of mine, told me that they did NOT want anyone to even suspect that they knew my mexican hubby. They told me that they were afraid that he would give them a bad reputation or make them look bad as they believed that people would think they were like him. These mexicans told me that they thought he was an arrogant jerk.
I told Mr. Garcia and he got mad and said so? they don’t pay his bills so what did he care?
These mexicans were either current illegals or former-illegals from the 1986 IRCA amnesty.
Imagine that!!! Disowned by his own race!!!
Oh, also…just a question.
Why do mexicans hate Puerto Ricans and Puerto Ricans hate mexicans?
My mexican hubby told me this many years ago and apparently he was right.
Judge Sotomayor is Puerto Rican, and my opinion is that she is a racist.
Any info on this? She is a member of the racist hispanic hate-group La Raza.
Any comments on this?
Also, because of this racist hater, an innocent man sat in prison for 16 years for a crime he did not commit because racist Sotomayor refused to permit him to get DNA testing to prove his innocense.
What a crooked and corrupt, racist, so-called “judge”.
Can’t they get any better than her?
My friend in mexico, Gabriel Lazcano-Vanegas, would make a better judge than her.
He is upper-middle class and a good, honest person, and he sure does NOT wear a mustache like the low-class mestizos that sneak across the border in the middle of the night like the thieves they are.
He is welcome in my home any time. He always comes here LEGALLY on a visa for his company.
Love him to death. Fine young man…and a family friend.