Is Linda Hackerman your choice to win the 72nd Assembly District?
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As the Republicans gather today in Indian Wells, I think this is a great time to run a poll regarding the candidates for the 72nd Assembly District, which was vacated by pervy Mike Duvall.
The irony is that is Duvall’s microphone was off he would be partying hard in Indian Wells this weekend!
So vote away – my pick is Chris Norby. Who do YOU support for the 72nd Assembly District?
Norby’s the obvious choice. Let’s hope he survives the coordinated attack by the Ackermans, Big Redevelopment, and Big Labor interests.
But what about the Libertarians and the Greenies? Aren’t they even going to show the flag?
I agree that Norby is the best person for the job. I hate it when people move from city to city just to find an office to run for. The Ackermans left Fullerton to start a new life in a newer community, Irvine. They should run for office in Irvine or how about just staying out of public office. Let’s face it, the California Dick Ackerman leaves us after his time in office is a mess. I’d like to see what Chris Norby can. He has my vote.
Brian Lee Cross has filed as Libertarian, and Jane Rands has filed as Green.
It doesn’t make sense to run a Libertarian when you have Norby in the race.
But Brian Lee Cross checks out.
Not sure why he would want to undermine Norby and risk having Hackerman elected…