Recap of Congressman Gary Miller’s Town Hall meeting in Mission Viejo

Late this afternoon I attended another of Congressman Gary Miller’s Town Hall meetings in which he mainly fielded questions from the audience on the topic of national health care.  The Congressman stated that this is the third or fourth Town Hall he has provided to his constituents in the past few months. He commented favorably on the multiple home made Tea Party signs that decorated the landscape as he drove to the front gate.
Prior to his introduction, the 200 to 250 residents and guests listened as the Casta Del Sol Republican Party host introduced currently serving and past elected officials in the audience. While his name was called Mayor Pro Tem Lance MacLean did not attend this event. However, OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh came down from Huntington Beach to participate in this event. Scott was introduced by Marine Colonel/Vietnam vet and former Dana Point Councilman Joe Snyder. Prior to introducing the Congressman Scott read and commented on some of the 3 x 5 cards with attendee questions.
The irony to this opening commentary is that  Mission Viejo mayor Frank Ury was not even named nor did he attend yet he is the Mission Viejo Captain for “get out the vote” on behalf of the OC GOP in our city.

Attendees that I sat with noticed a difference in the Congressman’s presentation and responses when compared to the Town Hall we attended at the Nixon Library.



Consensus is that his office is getting input from constituents who simply do not support the current proposal and cannot understand why Republicans are unable to stop this out of control freight train. Congressman Miller encouraged the crowd pointing out that the Tea Parties held over the summer have had a major impact on the health care debate causing the delay we are now experiencing. Several times during his full hour interacting with the seniors in this gated area of our city, where over 85 percent cast votes in every election, he referred us to four binders containing the proposed health care bill. This was to back up points he was making where specific sections of the proposed legislation could be found.
Let me cite one illustration. “H.R. 3200 Includes over $500 billion in cuts to Medicare starting in 2010 such as $101.6 billion in cuts for Hospitals. Skilled Nursing Facilities, Long Term Care Hospitals, Impatient Rehabilitation Facilities, Psychiatric Hospitals and Hospice Care.” Ref Page 224.
As I covered the Nixon Library Town Hall on a Juice post I will not repeat the same points heard at the earlier Town Hall.
Gary did offer Republican suggestions such as expansion of Cobra portability, preexisting conditions coverage and opening the door so that insurance providers from out of state could write policies in CA that currently is not permitted.
A major idea that Gary says has been blocked by the Democrats is “association health plans” where small businesses would be able to pool their employees together to negotiate package health care coverage pricing to save each of them on this costly employee benefit. We were told that this Republican idea was shot down a dozen times.
One new area, expressed by citizens at Town Hall meetings, was personal health care coverage of the members of Congress. Gary said he maintains his own Blue Cross/Blue shield PPO coverage.
Other audience questions related to federal bail outs, stimulus spending, loss of jobs that will not return to America to the president apologizing to foreign nations regarding our conduct as Americans. Other topics briefly covered included the “cap & trade” impact to industry and consumers, “monetization” that could lead to hyperinflation and protecting the Delta smelt where the current drought is wiping out crops in the central valley.

Note: Prior to the congressman’s arrival we enjoyed a medley of popular songs sung by local resident “Diamond Tom” who sang for us at our earlier Tea Part activities in Mission Viejo.

About Larry Gilbert