Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle will be making that awful commute up the 5 Freeway this Friday, Oct. 2, to attend a meeting of politicians and other special interests and community stakeholders who are advocating for a high speed rail system that, naturally, will have a depot in Anaheim.
The event is open to the public and will begin at 8 am at the L.A. Train Station’s Old Ticket Room.
Find out more about this event by reading the press release below:
Media Advisory for Friday, October 2, 2009
CONTACT: Kris Deutschman , 916-444-8801
What: Southern California Unites in Los Angeles to Support High-Speed Rail Stimulus Funding Application
When/Where: Friday, October 2, 2009
Program Begins at 9:00 a.m.
Doors Open at 8 a.m.
Where: Los Angeles Union Station – Old Ticket Room
800 N Alameda Street, Los Angeles
Who: Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle, Chairman of the CHSRA Board, along with Authority Board members Lynn Schenk, Richard Katz, will join members of Congress, legislators, city and county officials, and representatives from labor, business and environmental groups in support of California’s High-Speed Rail application for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds.
Details: Members of Congress, state legislators and local officials to outline details and illustrate the state’s unified voice in support of California’s application for $4.8 billion in federal stimulus funding for its high-speed train system under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. On the October 2 federal deadline for application, the state is proposing a dollar-for-dollar match of federal funds. The resulting nearly $10 billion investment in jobs, economic stimulus and the only true 200+ mph high-speed train in the country is expected to make California the leading contender for stimulus funding targeted at high-speed rail development.
Media resources: Train station setting/backdrop
Interviews with news conference participants and gathered officials
Background materials on details of the state’s application
Patch to broadcast-quality sound-system
Find background materials and broadcast-quality video simulations of California’s high-speed train at:
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They have been talking about this for 10 years at least, possibly much longer. Enough talk, lets get going and make this happen.