Who said I can’t post a positive story about Mission Viejo, the city in which I live?
Exactly one year ago Mission Viejo City Council candidate Cathy Schlicht attended the Walk Against Drugs and stopped at the South County Emergency Preparedness booth adjacent to the Norman P. Murray Community Center.
Realizing that the 2007 Santiago Canyon fire caught all of us by surprise, a fire that came with miles of our city ‘s eastern border, Cathy saw an opportunity to include “emergency preparedness” in her support of public safety which was the cornerstone of her campaign.
She mass mailed thousands of a “Mission Viejo Public Service Announcement” referencing the AlertOC Project and encouraged residents to register and add their contact information to this 9-1-1 emergency database.
Cathy’s dad and an uncle were both firefighters in New Jersey.
I believe Cathy’s Public service Announcement preceded the city officially connecting to the county wide system.
We just received a notice from 5th District Supervisor Pat Bates advising us that the 2nd annual South County Disaster Preparedness EXPO will be held at the same location on Saturday, October 17th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
According to Supervisor Bates flyer this years Expo will feature:
“ReadyOC.org, Human and Pet CPR Demonstrations, An Array of Emergency Response Vehicles, OCFA’s New Firefighting Helicopter, Interactive Booths, Disaster Preparedness Kits along with Fun Activities for All Ages, Food (probably for sale) and Free Giveaways.”
Location: Norman P. Murray Community & Senior Center
24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA 92692
The Expo is “free” and will be held in conjunction with our 21st annual “Walk Against Drugs” that begins at Mission Viejo High School (where we often watched MV Diablo quarterback Mark Sanchez tear up the league before heading off to USC and the NY Jets).
The anti drug walk in our city, that includes thousands of our school children, was the brainchild of former Mayor Bill Craycraft and Mission Viejo resident Marilyn MacDougall of the OCSD.
For more information on this event please visit http://bos.ocgov.com/expo/
I hope you will look over this important disaster preparedness/recovery information for your community.
When the dust settles, who will carry the mantle for disaster survivors?! This should help understanding:
What do you expect in case of an insured loss? Are You Disaster Ready? (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.). US President Obama affirms government’s laissez-faire policy with his telling response!
I do believe President Obama has good intentions when it comes to disaster preparedness/recovery. However, the insurance lobby may simply be too powerful for basic information to reach the public. That is my conclusion after writing him and ensuing dialogue at http://www.disasterprepared.net/whitehouse.html …I do hope you have the time to examine that dialogue, it is revealing.
Perhaps what big government cannot accomplish, citizens can! They can make basic insurance rights and information available to their community and more importantly to disaster survivors in their time of need: http://www.disasterprepared.net/preparedness.html
Thank you for any consideration you may give!
Whenever we are in town I attend the Mission Viejo Walk Against Drugs. In fact I recall carrying our banner when I was a member of the Rotary Club of Mission Viejo as we walked down the middle of La Paz Road towards the Newhart School.
Cathy Schlicht and myself attended last year’s event and spent time at the County “emergency preparedness” table which provided the idea of Cathy’s mass mailer to get our citizens connected.
Look for me there.