There is an old saying that “you can rent an Afghan but never buy one”.
Its an adage Barack Obama would do well to heed. Apparently, the administrations focus in recent days has been to identify options that would prepare the way for American troops to leave. Apart from training more Afghan troops, the focus has shifted to accepting a political role for the Taliban. This is Obama’s answer? Meanwhile, the iron lady of the Senate, Di Fi, has swerved from the Democrats Taliban echo chamber and is calling on Obama to step up. The head of the Intelligence Committee said the U.S. would be in “serious jeopardy” of losing the war if Obama failed to meet the request of Gen. Stanley McChrystal for major reinforcements to the current level of about 67,000 troops.
Obama would make a grave mistake in rejecting the advice of a ground commander “as crackerjack as Gen. McChrystal, who gives the President very solid recommendations
Obama quotes from the campaign trail
…supporting real security in Afghanistan.
…finishing the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban.
…Al Qaeda has a growing sanctuary in Pakistan.
…my new strategy will be taking the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
…The Afghan people must know that our commitment to their future is enduring, because the security of Afghanistan and the United States is shared.
Geez, I’m all sentimental for the good ol days already…
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