Cancel the election – DeVore won another bogus poll!

Chuck DeVore is a chauvinist pig

Lame GOP U.S. Senate wannabe Chuck DeVore and his minion, Josh Trevino, are currently boasting on Twitter about DeVore winning yet another poll.  Click here to read Trevino’s take on DeVore’s “poll” victory.

While not an official DeVore run straw poll (I guess the DeVore people learned their lesson after being mercilessly mocked by folks like Jon Fleischman for their effort to describe their own straw poll as somehow official and tie it to the CRP with national news sources who weren’t aware the CRP hasn’t run straw polls in ages and who now no longer take them seriously), them winning this and cheering about it also has a whiff of “congratulating yourself on winning your own poll” about it.  As you will see below, Chuck blasted his whole email list urging them to vote in the poll.

He also promoted the poll a LOT on Twitter, and urged his “Tweeps” to go vote for him on repeated occasions:

 And yet, in the space of a WHOLE WEEK, after blasting their whole list, and keeping up this barrage on Twitter, where Chuck seems to have several thousand followers, they only managed to get 2,688 people to go and vote… and apparently about 10% of them, presumably driven there by Chuck’s own efforts, didn’t even support him?

 Isn’t this kind of amusing?  DeVore is just SUCH AN AWESOME ONLINE PRESENCE, no?  Too bad he has to actually win the primary…in his addled mind he already won!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.