One of our local blogs, the Mission Viejo Dispatch, beat me to the punch and posted the following story and “press release.”
Republicans Endorse Recall of Lance MacLean: Council To Set Date
by on October 18, 2009
Local Republicans passed a resolution Thursday endorsing the recall of Councilman Lance MacLean. A successful recall petition was recently certified by the OC Registrar and by the Mission Viejo City Council.
The Mission Viejo/Saddleback chapter of the California Republican Assembly, which supported Republican MacLean in his original 2002 council campaign, adopted the following resolution:
RESOLVED that Mission Viejo Councilman Lance MacLean employed deception to receive SRA’s endorsement in 2002. The voters of Mission Viejo should now remove Councilman Lance MacLean from office in a recall election. Saddleback Republican Assembly Board of Directors and its Membership unanimously endorse the recall of Councilman Lance MacLean.
The preamble to the resolution cited MacLean’s deceptive 2002 campaign, his role as a leading tax-and-spend proponent, his big government philosophy, his self-serving votes to double his salary and confer lifetime medical benefits, and his assault on a co-worker at UCI.
The City Council will take action Monday setting the date for the recall election. Staff is proposing February 2, 2010.
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