“Gentlemen, start your engines.” Candidates in Mission Viejo recall election

Dale Tyler

MIssion Viejo City Council candidate Dale Tyler

It’s been a few years when I last was on the race track with a Christmas tree.

That old expression, “Gentlemen, start your engines,” is truly in need of political correctness as there were several very good female drivers on the NHRA circuit such as Shirley Muldowney or Kitty O’Neil whose quarter mile speed (412 MPH) and time was “somewhat” faster than mine (in a slightly different category).

Dale Tyler, long time Mission Viejo  watchdog and Board Member of the Saddleback Republican Assembly, was the  first candidate to “pull” nominating papers at the Mission Viejo city hall earlier today. I am told that he spent an hour with City Clerk Karen Hamman who explained the process and documentation package.

At last night’s council meeting the council set the date for the election which opens the gate for all registered voters to begin the process once Lance MacLean is recalled. As stated in earlier posts, the ballot has two questions. Should Lance be recalled vote YES or NO. If 50% plus one say YES, the voters will be able to select from the list of candidates which as of noon today is a mystery.

This recall election will be something to watch.

 Will Mayor Ury and Council Member Kelley “stand by their man” or throw him under a bus and get someone to run as an insurance policy to retain control?

What if?

What if Lance is somehow successful in fighting off the recall and they had supported a new candidate? What will happen to their relationship? We shall see.

About Larry Gilbert