You’ve all read the hyped-up, coffee-filter crowd repeating the figures in the health care debate to make you scared. The reality is, very little of what the Obamacare pushers have to say means anything. Other than, that is, to make you afraid of your country, be as ashamed of your country as they are, and more importantly, that putting your welfare in the hands of bureaucrats is the way to make you feel safer.
These citizens would have you believe all kinds of lies. They will make you think, if you are an independent, that your abandonment of the Democrat Party may have been a mistake and that socialized medicine will pass. Not so! They will make you think that more than 40,000 die every year from lack of health insurance. Not so! They will make you think that a majority of people support the Obamacare proposals. Not so! They will make you think that a public option will reduce health care costs. Not so!
Personally, I don’t understand why Democrats don’t do it nice and simple. Just pass a law mandating everyone buy insurance this year, paying for those who need subsidies with the funds from those who make more than $50,000 but don’t bother to buy and the youth who don’t care. Two thirds of the people who dont have insurance are that wealthy or already qualify and are too lazy to bother, so the numbers are there.
Pondering this why, I want to relate that I have had personal contact with a very co-dependent individual in the last couple of years. One of the principle character traits of a co-dependent is that everything they believe needs to be validated by everyone else. Its a bit of a psychological illness, needing everybody else to agree that the garbage you believe really works, rather than simple facts. It’s not enough for them to just get agreement on simple reform. You have to agree with their utopian fantasy. Sad. Pathetic really.
Otherwise, why would we get a 1,000 pages of bureaucracy for simple changes everyone agrees on like: not being denied for pre-existing, allowing pools for individuals and small businesses to get the same rates as groups, cutting down recission abuse? You don’t need bureaucracies to get those things done.
Some real facts:
The Democrats don’t have 60 votes for even an opt-out public option in the Senate. They don’t have a single bipartisan vote and they don’t have Lieberman. They also dont have the Senator from Arkansas. And if they did pass a public option that way, it would turn into an opt-in public plan, where only Democrat governors with the cojones to face an angry independent crowd and a dissatisfied Democrat constituency would even go near it.
Another fact: Pelosi doesn’t have the votes to pass any public option either.
The reality is, once the governors races in Virginia and New Jersey are complete, the Democratic politicians in the House are going to realize the “rock stars” road trip will be worse than a Timbuk3 reunion and they will have no one to save their political hides. They are going to be dealing with their center right constituencies and trying to keep their jobs, not passing another big government black hole for your money.
Another fact: medicare and medicaid are unfunded to the tune of 38 trillion dollars, and the carpet chewers want to sell more of it. They have the pretense of trying to save medicare today while gutting it. They talk about wanting to preserve social security when in the past they looked for political gain to do nothing. The leftists don’t care about the programs, and they don’t care about you. What they DO care about is having more say over your life because you don’t know what to do with it.
Another fact: Medicare is the largest rescission practitioner in the country, both in sheer numbers and percentages, for the granola bars who like to disseminate.
Another fact: the claim that anyone, let alone 44,000 people die in this country because they didn’t have health insurance, when they can still get health CARE, is completely bogus. Red, pay attention here. They got ONE simple statistic that reported that “assessed health insurance at a single point in time and did not validate self-reported insurance status. We were unable to measure the effect of gaining or losing coverage after the interview.” They simply assumed that point-in-time uninsurance translates into perpetual uninsurance — and that any health calamities that result can and must be blamed on being uninsured.
And then the lemmings picked it up and ran with it…
Another fact: Americans by 57 – 37, DO NOT SUPPORT the health care bill in its current form. Let them keep saying Americans want a public option until the cows come home. It doesn’t change the fact that Americans can differentiate between a simple proposal and radical measures in the name of some utopian dysfunction.
Those of you who will attempt to disagree, do so with some dignity. You can bait me, but it probably won’t work. Get a life. Those of you who want to read my National Libertarian column without having to wade through the crass comments made by readers who hate, can go to:
But don’t stop reading the Juice. I wade in here for fun.
Well nobody will ever accuse YOU of being co-dependent. No, you’re on the exact opposite of that spectrum…you simply dismiss, before it happens, anybody who might disagree with you.
Psychoanalytic genius, heal thyself.
Terry wants those that disagree with him to “do so with some dignity”, that’s right-wing kook-speak for ‘stop kickin’ my ass in your rebuttals’, how else would you explain the hypocrisy (I mean other than HYPOCRISY) in Terry’s argument when he’s on record with comments such as;”…join reality, loser.”, “A bunch of brain farts…” and “Moonbeam news organs are feeding leftist wackos, like anonster..”and that’s just from yesterday.
Poor Terry, he can dish it out but he threatens to take his toys and go home when he gets it back.
Jeez, I was shocked by the video clip, John Stossel acts like he’s addressing a bunch of kindergartners, oops, I guess that’s why Terry’s so impressed, what is it you like best about him Terry, his sing-song delivery or the way he simplifies everything by eliminating the big words? I guess John Stossel knows his audience.
As to health care reform passing, time will tell, and if it passes with an opt-out provision then we’ll see if Republican Governors “stick to their principles” and opt-out. LOL
his sing-song delivery or the way he simplifies everything by eliminating the big words? I guess John Stossel knows his audience.
OMG, exactly! I don’t think I could stand listening to this guy on a regular basis. But I applaud Terry for bringing some of his bizarro world here to share!
And one thing that was patently false: PROFITS drive innovation for prosthetic devices. Absolutely wrong. Most of that stuff comes from the VA and profits on the devices are negligible because the population needing them is very small. PROFIT- DRIVEN health insurance is NOT your friend, unless you are the one getting the direct monetary profits.
It’s really astounding how the working class has been duped into shilling for the very wealthy at the expense of their OWN well-being. If you cannot recognize the biggest fool at the poker table of business, Terry, YOU are probably the biggest fool!
Poor Terry, I’m starting to think he really believes all this composte (sic.) He must feel like the lone, brave voice of sanity here, and the four of us who regularly refute him seem like a team of rabid jackals. I’m just trying to imagine being him. All his insults and aggression are justified pre-emptive self-defense but when we respond with facts and laughter we are “haters.”
The Stossel propaganda video was made in conjunction with the little Canadian fringe that wants to destroy the popular and largely successful Canadian healthcare system. There’s a minority of doctors there who would like to get paid more, and a “libertarian” think tank called the Fraser Institute (which I have always referred to as “the best little whorehouse in Canada”) They are well known for also making a widely-disproved study refuting the dangers of second-hand smoke that turned out to be funded by Philip Morris, and a widely-mocked study refuting global warming which was totally funded by Exxon. It is easy to go through Canada and find a few people to bitch about their treatment, enough to make a little documentary like this. But Canadians invariably tell pollsters, by about 90% margins, that they prefer their system to ours, and Tommy Douglas, the man who designed their system, was recently voted the greatest Canadian of all time.
Sally Pipes is from the Pacific Research Institute, the American branch of the Fraser Institute. Oh, and the systems being proposed for America now are nothing like the Canadian system anyhow. Whether better or worse, it will not be as subject to the vagaries of budgeting.
The post is filled with other bizarre things you sincerely believe if you’re Crowley: People like me, anon, anonster, Red Vixen, Obama, Olbermann, Maddow and Congressional Democrats are “ashamed of our country” when we want to improve things. Tens of thousands of Americans a year DO NOT DIE due to being uninsured, and most Americans DO NOT want health care reform. Congress does not have the votes when it is obvious now that they do. Chris Christie is gonna win the governor’s race in New Jersey and then all Democrats will scurry in fear from their progressive ideals! Ah, I can’t go on. I did read the whole thing. I’m sure he didn’t read my post yesterday, so why do I bother.
Hm, I wasted my time reading propaganda that talks about fifty flowers or no flowers, and carefully linked the facts to my statements. All I had to do was point out how Obamacare promoters repeat delusional things like “reducing costs”, most Americans “want Obamacare”, and that the votes to pass the public option are there when they are clearly not, and I don’t have to bother to prove it, even though I clearly can.
As for New Jersey, it is fairly easy to predict what happens to rats when the light shines…
Are you married? If you are, and you want to “transform” your spouse, can you honestly say you admire them as they are?
Oh, now I get it! Are you married? If you are, and you want to “transform” your spouse, can you honestly say you admire them as they are?
That is supposed to be a trenchant metaphor to prove that progressives don’t love America. There are so many ways this parallel doesn’t hold up, Terry. For one thing, America is not a spouse that we married, but … well, many other things, but not a beloved person. One thing that America is, which makes it different from other countries one might have been born into, is a Democratic work in progress. We progressives believe that we show our love for America by trying to help improve it; I think most “conservatives” might say the same as well. “Transform” is a somewhat lofty verb, I think most of us would just say “improve a little.” Leave our beloved country just a little better off, like our admired predecessors did, from Jefferson to Lincoln to FDR to MLK.
And just to sink back down into your original metaphor, well, “transform,” “admire,” and “as they are” are strange word choices, but you can certainly care about and love a person while encouraging them and helping them to change some things about themselves.
Or is that crazed carpet-chewer thinking?
#8 Vern,
Thanks for explaining Terry’s “metaphor”, I thought it was some sort of “insider” comment. I do believe you can admire and still want to improve someone or something, and as my spouse always says “these tips are for free”.
Obama: “In 5 days we will fundamentally transform America”.
Transform is not improve. Look it up. Google it. Pull down the dictionary. Leftists never meant improve. Transform.
And the only thing that is a work in progress is the collectivist impulse in this country that constantly leads to disaster. Hopefully, progressives will make improvements on themselves and make progress in that. Then we will all be better off.