How come when I let one fly nobody salutes?
Over at his dreary and deserted Repuglican blog Brown Klownty, minor grade GOPer lackey and Fart Boy Matt Cunningham accused FFFF of violating campaign finance laws. He showed pictures of NO ACKERMAN IRVINE CARPETBAGGER signs that he got from our site.
First, thanks Jerbal for the additional publicity for our blog; and also to the cause of running Ackerwoman out of Fullerton and back to Irvine. Oh, wait. We can’t do that BECAUSE THE STUPID CARTOON CUTOUT NEVER LEFT IRVINE!
Read the rest of “Still Reeling From Methane Intoxication Fart Boy Can’t Clear Head”
Tony I understand you are passionate about your beliefs but do you think you might be a little too harsh in your comments about Matt? I talked to someone who knows a guy who knows him who tells me Matt is really depressed about his Blog failing so, and he has other things going on in his life which are causing him a lot of pain. He doesn’t need O.J. going after him or his friends or his friends girlfriends who are just fundraisers, not elected officials. Please delete this post and do not say bad things about Matt in the future if you don’t mind.
Have a nice day.
You can forget that, BKR. I asked Art and Red Vixen to be nicer to that guy a while back and they didn’t pay any attention to me at all.
The guy (Matt/Jerbal) is in melt-down mode. No one makes him visit OJ to comment, yet he does. When he gets caught in lies he disappears, only to reappear again on another topic – usually anouncing his presence by insulting someone from OJ. He’s even taken swipes recently at our resident poster, kenlaysnotdead, by altering the moniker to kenlaysBRAINDEAD and then disrespecting the guy. Matt/Jerb’s the guy who shows up at your house party and takes a crap in the middle of the living room – he’s just that arrogant and disrespectful.
I see that his commenting privileges have been revoked on a different thread. Good. It’s about time. He can rant all he wants over at his dead space, Red OC. OJ should not have to host all his insulting nonsense.
#1- You’d think Matt would lay off being an imbecile poster on this blog while his wife is running for Recorder. Anyone who googles their names is going to wind up here seeing what ol’Matt’s being doing to intimidate and oppress the conversations. It simply does not make sense. If your friend of a friend of his really cares, they should tell him to straighten up. At least until his wife’s run is done.
David, #2 – He comes here to disrupt and insult our readers and posters. He’s horribly jealous because no one really reads what he thinks is important. The ONLY active audience he’s had is here at OJ. And now, apparently he’s worn out his welcome, here, too. He’s gotten to be as ridiculous as Stanley Fiala and “junior” who have acutally been banned from this site. NO ONE misses either of those two – they are irrelevant to discussions at OJ.
Matt, you loser. Straighten up for your wife’s sake. There. I said it.