O.C. Supervisors vote 5-0 to ban Project Labor Agreements!


Union thugs in orange county

The Union thugs won’t be happy about this!

The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted today to ban union-only Project Labor Agreements, which are called PLAs.  I imagine that Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s backers in the local Democratic Party won’t be too happy about her vote!

This is great news!  PLA’s do NOTHING for taxpayers.  The unions basically promise to not strike if there is a PLA in place.  Let them strike!  The PLAs ban non-union contractors from bidding on government projects.  That is unfair!

PLAs force government agencies to spend MORE money and get less.  They also interfere with other labor agreements.  They are ridiculous!

A previous Board of Supervisors actually passed an ill-fated PLA.  They included Cynthia Coad, Jim Silva and Todd Spitzer.  O.C. Assemblyman Ken Maddox got caught up in the mess as he and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle urged the Supervisors to vote for the PLA.  Coad was later ousted and replaced by Supervisor Chris Norby.  Maddox went on to lose a State Senate race to John Campbell, who made his PLA support a campaign issue.

Only 9% of Latino workers belong to unions.  Less than 13% of all workers belong to unions.  Why cater to such a small percentage of the overall workforce?  That is just plain nuts and unfair!

Click here to read the actual ordinance.  Click here to read more about PLAs – and why they are bad news for all of us.

I also found this article about the vote on another blog:

Orange County Board of Sups Votes 5-0 To Ban union-only Project Labor Agreements

The Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC), Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction (CFEC) and the Western Electrical Contractors Association (WECA) are proud to report that open competition in public works construction got a huge boost in Orange County California today. From Eric Christen, executive director of CFEC:

With over 100 merit shop employees, contractors, and association reps in attendance, the Orange County Board of Supervisors in a 5-0 vote banned Project Labor Agreements with an ordinance. This precedent setting vote puts into law the Supervisors’ stated support for open competition, non-discrimination, and the best quality construction at the best price for taxpayers.

Please email the Orange County Board of Supervisors and thank them for their vote!

OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen – janet.nguyen@ocgov.com

OC Supervisor John Moorlach – john.moorlach@ocgov.com

OC Supervisor Bill Campbell – bill.campbell@ocgov.com

OC Supervisor Chris Norby – chris.norby@ocgov.com

OC Supervisor Patricia Bates – patbates@ocgov.com

You can be sure this is just the beginning!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.