Fox News defends itself against an attack by the Obama administration by explaining that most of their shows aren’t real news. Stewart delivers to both sides of the aisle!
From a friend in email:
I love the footage of the “news” people openly promoting Fox’s virtual Tea Parties, in case you can’t join them for the real thing in DC.
In other words, they were creating the news.
All you need to do is watch Fox News for one day and you will clearly see that they create the news and then report on the news they have created. Talk to any Fox News junkie and you will also find that they think that the top news stories of the day are some of the things that were never reported at all on any other network or internet news site. I’ve had people look at me in horror because I have never heard of a story that they seem to think is “all over the news”. Kudos to Jon Stewart for always telling it like it is.
So only dimrods Keith Olbermann and Chris Mathews report the news with no bias?????????????????????????????????????? Ya gotta be kiddin. Oh, and I forgot the Madcow news woman. You libtards have no brains which is why you are so friggin stupid.
What is this, blast from the past day? OK, OK, we’ll write something new…
You are spot on! I was very disappointed that I could not post the video clip on the front page, like the youtube ones ( that are so easy!). I was afraid that no one would take the chance and click on the link. I am glad you did and thanks for adding to the discussion. Jon Stewart is always worth the watch. He’s so clever and funny – he’s made politics fun and interesting again 😉
Here’s some additional write ups from Rawstory:
Fox admits only nine hours a day of programming is ‘news,’ Daily Show notes
By David Edwards
“Before the president began talking — we don’t know if there was a correlation — the Dow was up 28. The Dow is now down 28 points. We’ll keep our eyes focused on that.” – Fox News Channel
The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart tore into Fox News Channel Thursday, highlighting the extent to which he believes it serves as a communications arm for the Republican Party, and alleging that the line between Fox’s “opinion” programming and “news” programming aren’t as disparate as the channel claims.
“According to Fox, the weekday news programming — and this is according to Fox — runs from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. and from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for a total of nine newsy hours a day,” Stewart notes. “Let me, for the audience here, help you out.
“The three hours you spend in the morning with Fox and Friends, not news,” Stewart continues. “Your 4:00 to 5:00 post tea Neil Cavuto break, not news. The 5:00 and 6:00 emotional whirlwind and therapy session that is Glenn Beck, not even close to news. O’Reilly, Hannity and then van Social Security tern, not news.
“This is according to Fox News,” Stewart adds. “Those people, the ones featured in promos about how fair and balanced Fox News is are not news. These people, otherwise known as the only people you ever think of when you think about Fox News, are not news. They are Fox opinutainment.”
Stewart posits that Fox’s opinion programs thus become a jumping off point for its newcasts.
“The Fox opinion guy’s outrage becomes the ‘some say’ source for the news side,” Stewart opines. “It’s a perpetual re-revulsion machine.”
“Do you think Fox News is biased?” he asks rhetorically. “Of course they are biased. Of course they are.”
From here (with the full 11:31 segment):… /
I really don’t think this is a phenomenon that is limited to Fox News, or even Fox News + MSNBC. As Louis Menand states in a recent issue of The New Yorker “The market for news is narrowing down to people looking for an ideological fix”. I agree completely. And note that he did not single out Fox News. I think what many people are doing these days is simply tuning in to their favorite “news” source (usually on the boob tube, as opposed to print or even the internet) and looking for the talking points of the day. It goes something like this; “Tell me what narrow, ideological talking points I should focus on today”. When one does that, it simply exposes an inclination to place political ideology over intellectual objectivity. At that point, one is nothing more than a political hack.
Hello anon,
Good points. Rupert Murdoch is planning on having news “for pay” at some point. I am not sure if that is an idea that will catch on or not. I am a bit concerned about true investigative journalism becoming too scarce. Those kinds of skills help keep our country and democracy in check. I mainly put up the stewart video b/c the guy is so funny and it was really kind of astounding how he used fox’s claims of when it had news on and when it was not news… and basically the glenn becks and other high profile spokesmen were NOT considered news casters by their parent employer, Fox.
Why all the hate against Fox News? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. You might explain why Fox News ratings is so high. Why not attack MSNBC and Keith Overbite who is extremely hateful in my humble opinion.