Please join the Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club for a Meet and Greet with Congressional Candidate Beth Krom, who is running for the 48th Congressional District. The 48th Congressional District includes: Newport Beach, Irvine, Tustin, Lake Forest, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, and parts of San Juan Capistrano and Santa Ana.
You can also RSVP to or call (949)870-9154 if you have any questions.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 5:00pm – 7:00pm Meet & Greet : Beth Krom for U.S. Congress 48th District
Source: Join the Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club fora Meet and Greet with Congressional Candidate Beth Krom who is running for the 48th Congressional District.
Just one year until Election Day!
Host:Beth Krom for Congress
Type:Meetings – Informational Meeting
Date:Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Time:5:00pm – 7:00pm
Location:The Home of Marla Bird
Street:4539 Fairfield Drive
City/Town:Corona del Mar, CA MAP
Talk about the Peter Principle personified! Beth is the kindly grandma who helps plan her grandkids Bar Mitzvah or drives them to the Temple but Congresswoman? Now that’s funny!
This woman is a complete waste of time.
Krom is supported by Planned Parenthood. See footage of former employee who could not stand the presure to bring in more abortions:
To “Krom Supported by Baby Killers”/right wing nutjob
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the 48th voted No on 4 last fall, this is a very pro choice area.
That’s not a “bubble” you are bursting Danadem…it’s another Amniotic Sac and another baby getting flushed down the toilet. I know that doesn’t fit well into your pretty little image of abortion but it’s the reality.
Oh please, you are implying that because Planned Parenthood has supported Krom that she automatically adopts all of their positions. I could probably go through any elected official’s list of endorsements and tag them with guilt by association.
Look, I don’t like abortions. No one likes abortions, and I know the reality of what it entails, but what is your solution? Ban it? We know what that will lead to. Women will be forced into unsafe situations where they have to illegally get the procedure in a back alley.
We don’t have to worry about Beth having an abortion. Same said about Campbell.
Beth is personable, bright and community service focused. Campbell is not.
Campbell didn’t have townhalls for health care this summer like his other colleagues did. He subscribes to the “birther” line of reasoning- even Bill O’Reilley says those folks are stupid. He’s against the stimulus. He’s against the jobs that the great park can bring. He’s basically against anything that Obama or the democrats are trying to achieve.
Beth is the underdog. Anyone who wants to quiZ her on her positions should attend one of her campaign events and ask her directly. NO ONE takes a message board poster seriously who has a one-agenda item to beat a candidate over the head with.
“NO ONE takes a message board poster seriously who has a one-agenda item to beat a candidate over the head with.”
That’s what candidates who are Pro-Abortion or Pro-Homosexual special rights like to think. Nice spin.
“Women will be forced into unsafe situations where they have to illegally get the procedure in a back alley.”
And liberal Dem’s won’t be able to use it as another form of contraception which is much more common than the “back alley” case you refer to.
Silent Scream(who I assume is the same as the other posters anti-choice posters above)
If you are saying you are for comprehensive and effective forms of contraception, such as condoms, the morning after pill, and real sex education, etc, then I completely agree. That is how you reduce abortions, by prevention of unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Criminalizing abortion will not get the result of reducing the amount of abortions that take place.
I’m waiting for you to come back with the “abstinence only” nonsense, and where did the homosexual thing come from? Couldn’t resist throwing that one in out of left field could you?