Sue Perez’ husband Ed appears in a video, above, touting Democratic Anahim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway
Update: It would appear that Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway may be involved in the selection of Sue Perez as the challenger to Senator Lou Correa. Sue’s husband Ed appears in the video above whre he gives a testimonal to Galloway. Is Sue’s campaign payback by Galloway? She famously endorsed Republican Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher against Correa a few years ago. Galloway also put Ed Perez on the Anaheim Planning Commmission! And Sue Perez interviewed Galloway twice on her TBN show. See this link and this link. Back to our original post:
Oh my. Apparently the OC GOP cupboard in central Orange County is so bare that they have had to recruit an unkown Latina with zero political experience to run against popular State Senator Lou Correa, according to Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham over at the Red County blog.
Jerbal wrote “The anointed candidate appears to be Sue Perez, who yesterday signed ace consultant Dave Gilliard to run her campaign. I don’t know too much about her yet other than she live sin Anaheim and has been the host for several years of a public affairs program on Trinity Broadcasting Network.”
LOL! Gilliard is about the biggest Mexican hater amongst the local GOP consultants. He is known for mailers that blame immigrants for everything. If Perez did indeed hire him, you can expect her to be in the Minuteman mold of past GOP Senate candidate Lupe Moreno.
Supervisor Janet Nguyen and GOP congressional candidate Quang X. Pham both refused to run against Correa, who since his close victory over former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher has developed very strong ties in the Orange County Vietnamese community.
I tried mightily to find information about this Perez character. She is not on Facebook, Linkedin, or Plaxo. That should tell you something. And she has not run for anything before. Now suddenly she is running for the State Senate. What a joke!
Apparently Perez is a part time host at the infamous Trinity Broadcasting Network. She hosts a show called “Joy in Our Town.” It looks like she is one of sevearl part time hosts of that show.
According to Zoominfo, Perez used to be the CFO of the Heritage Forum, a theater in the round that used to managed by the City of Anaheim. I could not find a current reference to her on their website.
However, I did find evidence that someone named Ed Perez also works for the Heritage Forum. His email is listed as Ed and Sue are also listed together on a document related to a charity event in Anaheim.
And an “Ed Perez” is listed as a former Anaheim Planning Commissioner, on the website of the EP Development Corp. The fellow’s bio says he ran for Congress in the 34th Congressional District. He got whacked by Democrat Grace Napolitano in 1998, by 67% to 28%. Sue can expect to lose by a similar margin to Correa!
This guy must be Sue’s husband, as the head of the Heritage ministry gave him $200 when he ran for Congress, according to this link and this one. I wonder why the OC GOP didn’t just run Ed against Lou? Why drag Sue into this when she has zero experience in politics?
Zoominfo also identified Sue Perez as having been the Executive Director of Heritage International, Inc. There are a lot of companies with that name – I could not find any reference to Perez on any of their websites. There is, coincidentally, a Heritage Family Fellowship ministry that uses the Heritage Forum as their church. They also do not list Sue as an employee.
However, a pajarito found proof that Sue is indeed involved with this ministry, which the O.C. Register reported in June of this year that this ministry was in default of their $5 million loan. According to this link, she is the administrative contact for the Heritage ministry’s website. It even lists her email as
But she is a minister of sorts. She has a master and a doctorate in ministry from Friends International University. Perez also has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, from Cal State Long Beach.
Recruiting a nutter to run against Correa makes no sense. He is not a liberal Democrat. He has in fact a lot of support from local ministers in his district. And Correa is not a doctrinaire Democrat.
“Three legislators – Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria; Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, and Assemblywoman Alyson Huber, D-El Dorado Hills – voted against their party more than 15 percent of the time,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
Think about that. Correa is one of three mavericks in Sacramento – he is popular in his district, and he has massive political experience as a former Assemblyman and County Supervisor. The question isn’t will he win, but rather how few votes will this Perez character garner?
She is so unknown that we could not even find a picture of her online! A true disaster in the making.
I wonder why Jerbal didn’t just recruit his wife, political consultant Laura Saucedo-Cunningham, to run against Correa? It would have been great fun trashing her campaign! Instead, we will have to laugh as Perez goes down in flames…
Does the OC GOP brain trust, such as it is, think Latino voters in Correa’s district are so stupid that they would vote for some random Republican Latino over Correa? Really? What a bola de pendejos! Latinos in central Orange County know the Republicans hate them. Remember what happened to Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante when he ran for Supervisor? Tanked!!! Perez will do even worse…what a waste of time!
LOL. Some of Lou’s anti-Democratic votes are ones that piss me off, but I’m glad he won’t have to worry his “beautiful mind” about campaigning this season. A Trinity Broadcasting personality, that’s good.
Nowadays when I see the word “Heritage” in the name of a group I start getting a little suspicious. But TBN?! Those people are beyond clownish. And if it weren’t for people dumber than they are, they’d be poor, too.
Vern and David,
Clowns indeed! It will be a hoot watching the Talibani Republicans go full nutter during this campaign…only to lose big.
Maybe they will even bring in Sarah Palin? Imagine the frenzy that would set off!
Correa has nothing to worry about…
I have a question for Art:
why don’t you put your name to your posts, anymore? Unless you’ve changed your name to Admin Pedroza.
Matt “Jerbal,”
And I have a question for you Jerbal. Why did you delete my comment on your Red County post today?
All I pointed out was that Gilliard is known for his Mexican hating mail pieces.
BTW, it is rich that you are upset about how one posts given that you hid behind your “Jubal” nom de plume until we started calling you Jerbal. You did so even after the OC Weekly outed you.
Lastly, do you really think that this Perez character has a chance of winning? Really? I cannot imagine that a guy with your experience would take her at all seriously.
Can’t even answer a simple question. For years, you’ve bragged about how you always put your name to everything you write, and now you’re hiding behind “Admin”? Afraid of getting sued?
BTW, I didn’t delete your comment. I didn’t even know you had posted a comment until now.
One last thing, Admin Pedroza: that fact I no longer use Jubal has nothing to do with you or your fellow anklebiters. I stopped using it before you and your juvenile friends coined your stupid nickname.
Matt “Jerbal,”
Well, someone at your blog deleted the comment. You might want to check around.
Whatever, it’s not like you have many readers over there.
As for who blogs here and how, that is our business pal. I am glad to say that we don’t heed anything you have to say.
BTW, why is it you never post any of Hugh Nguyen’s press releases anymore? I heard your wife is dropping out of the Clerk-Recorder’s race. So why not post Nguyen’s releases? You can’t possibly be taking Jon Dumitru’s campaign for Clerk-Recorder seriously?
If indeed Admin is Art, it would appear that Admin posts less opinionated stories than Art.
There’s precedent – I believe Matt used to blog under two different names. Not to mention my own anti-gay double life as PHOBIUS…
The admin account is available to all of our writers.
Did Phobius get back from Maine already? Darn that rascally conservative!
If indeed Admin is Art, it would appear that Admin posts less opinionated stories than Art.
Oh whoops, I thought that was the idea but on closer inspection, I guess not. Phobius will be back if there’s a pro-gay marriage initiative in ‘010, but I’m of the opinion that initiative wouldn’t be a good idea just yet.
When the pain of being irrelevant at his own blog becomes too much, you can count on ol matt showing up at OJ with his ledger of complaints. What’s the matter THIS time, Mr. Cunningham? Too many posters over here at the OJ? The site meter numbers too high for your taste? The ghost of Sarah Spinosa keeping you awake at night as she manipulates the blog numbers?
So, if your wife is dropping out of the race, does that mean that you have tons of time on your hands?
I really have to give it to you, Art. You’ve got way more patience for this guy than I ever would. I’d just dump him in the spam filter for good. He cannot even generate anything intersting on his OWN blog – why let him spoil the mood around OJ with his negativity fueled by his insane jealousy?
Not one of you all who claimed that Janet is the bigger threat to Lou and Loretta will admit you are wrong. Traitorous Democrat Dogs who cozy up to Van and his posse should be kicked out of the party. Simple as that. I would say the same to Democrats who give money or campaign support to Janet, but Van is running against Loretta not Janet. And in the end reality bites.
Of course Janet is the bigger threat. You really think this Sue Perez character can beat Lou? At this point however I think he could easily trounce Janet too.
Now what are you going to do about Galloway? It looks like she is in bed with the Perez duo of Sue and Ed. Will Galloway actually endorse Sue? Ruh roh! That won’t help her Supervisorial race…
Let’s see what the Liberal OC’s Dan C. has to say about this, as he is a major fan of Galloway. Will the Lib OC come to Correa’s defense? I doubt it.
Oh brother this is just sad. Last time our “choice” was Lynn “The Bulldozer” Daucher – as foisted on us by Dick Ackerman (geez, that guy does a mail order business in foisting, doesn’t he?). This woman may be willing to waste her money on Gilliard, but that doesn’t make her “annointed’ to me – and I live in the district.
Janet is no queen and not to be trusted, but just because she did not support your quixotic city council race or put Paul on some beach and park comission should not push you all into the arms of Van. As Democrats let’s deal with Janet when she is on the ballot and step up now against Van.
I understand the Teamsters humbled Paul after his treachery (although it is hard to tell how humbled he is) but Art don’t let your hatred of Janet and Prevatt make you a Trannie.
Now I am a Trannie? LOL! No one rips Van Tran more than I do – but by the same token we will not give Janet a pass here.
I never, by the way, asked Janet to endorse my council race. In fact all I did was ask her to stay out of the race. A week later she endorsed Carlos Bustamante, who is a complete waste of space and who was booted off two state commissions because of his infamous waterbra comments. Nice. That woke me up as to what Janet is all about. And we will NEVER stop hammering her and her allies, such as carpetbagger Andrew Do, here on this blog.
But not to worry. I don’t like the Trannies either…
#15 David, in Fullerton we ended up with Mimi Walters – just because Ackerman gerrymandered us into his district in 2001 (of course Walters was his candidate) so now we have a State Senator from Laguna Niguel (or some place equally remote).
Jerbie, you may may blame your nicknames on us fringers and anklebiters, but here’s a news flash – both of them were invented by fairly prominent OC electeds. If I get their clearance I’ll tell you who they are!
Somehow, I doubt you’ll get that permission, Tony.
BTW, let me know when you graduate from 8th grade — psychologically speaking, that is.
Heh-heh. You may have to wait a couple weeks!
I grew up in the Garden Grove area, work in the Santa ana area and live in Anaheim. The last years I have seen a demographic shift in the Anaheim and Garden Grove area that might help a Republican candidate (or white candidate) win this seat.
I just don’t think this candidate would be able to lose the TBN baggage that she seems to have a be a credible candidate with absolutely no political or community experience.
My best guess is that Mayor Pringle could probably take out Correa.
21 good observation,
Once again we were momentarily distracted by the Cunningham post, but back on point:
When will these guys get it? but it’s becoming the only crowd they can appeal too. And they call the fine public servants here and at FFFF “fringe”? That’s gotta be right out of the Fuher Roves handbook.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.