Protest Republican OC Sheriff candidate Bill Hunt and his racist pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio today!
Protest Sheriiff Joe Arpaio in Anaheim California–one of the most racist sherrifs in the United States who is openly proud of his anti-human tactics against immigrants.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio intensified his on-going attacks against Latinos by segregating the county jail in Pheonix Arizona and parading undocumented migrants shackled in a chain-gang into a “tent city.”
Thursday Nov.5 2009 5:30pm
Bill Hunt is running for Orange County Sheriff and he wants to be Arpaio’s clone. Arpaio is coming to endorse Bill Hunt at the Phoenix Club 1340 S. Sanderson Ave , Anaheim California . Please repost and forward!
The Phoenix Club is located at 1340 S. Sanderson Avenue Anaheim, California 92806.
Community organizations will be holding an action in front of the Phoenix Club please be there and show Joe Arpaio how you feel about his racist practices in Maricopa County, AZ..
For more info on Joe Arpaio click here.
Need a ride from Santa Ana? Cars will leave el Centro Cultural at 4:45pm to Anaheim… Manana salimos del Centro @ 4:45pm para protestar encontra del racismo en OC! Pass it on….
Los que quieran ir me pueden llamar al 714-580-2921 para ir juntos…
Leaving from Los Angeles? NDLON will have vans ready so that we all can car pool. Van will be leaving the UCLA Downtown Labor Center by 3:30pm, at 675 S. Park View.
If you are planning on carpooling please confirm with NDLON so that they know how many vans they need to get.
E-mail: Telephone: (213) 380-2783 or email Loyda.
Thanks for the publicity Art!
There is nothing that makes you people better than the Mexican American, nothing! Every ethnicity has bad eggs! I know, I’ve lived next to white meth dealers for twelve years! If your scared of this countries diversity maybe you racist pricks should be the ones leaving! Not only can it happen, it will happen! I didn’t choose to be Mexican America, I just got lucky! If you ignorant racist folks believe in heaven and hell, I hope your ready for a hot eternity!
LOL! BTW, according to Google Analytics our top story this week has been our Sunday post about this fundraiser. So, you’re welcome!
Be sure to send me pictures of the protesters…
Thanks Art,
I can’t wait to go and meet the big guy, who has the balls to stand up for his country.
Thanks Art, we don’t need a Minuteman Sherrif in this county. Ms. Hutchens has “balls” enough for me.
we know who the real racist is . the one who supports illegals perdoza . im with eveyone up above thanks art now more will come out and support him . of course anyone who supports following the law is a racist in reconquista pedroza world . go bill hunt .
Oh my, such people to choose from, can I go home now?
Art, I called the # to carpool, she said i could not come:( Can you make it in English next time!
Then i called Mr.hunt and give him heads up that a bunch of undocumented people would be outside protesting. I think Joe is bringing his tent!
Bill Hunt for Sheriff in 2010.. Support a Pro CCW Permit candidate… Not an LASO gun grabber….
“of course anyone who supports following the law is a racist in reconquista pedroza world . go bill hunt .”
There are many factors and players in the undocumented probblem. One is employers.
Following the law requires blind justice. Deal with all equaly without prejudice.
In the case of Sherrif Arpaio following the law is selective with malice. His attitude and application of the law can be interpreted as applied by a racist public servant.
“Art, I called the # to carpool, she said i could not come:( Can you make it in English next time!”
You can attend , they just won’t give you a ride there. Just like a minuteman carpool would not give them a ride to a protest site of theirs.
“Then i called Mr.hunt and give him heads up that a bunch of undocumented people would be outside protesting. I think Joe is bringing his tent!”
The organigers are mostly young university educated and USA born. That should bug the snot out of you and others.
mr lomelli i am for rounding up people who hire them too . if you hire illegas then they should get you too . but if your a illegal and i understand working to try to feed the family im sorry we cant take all of mexicos problems . hire AMERICANS first .
the great one,
You should mention applying the law equally to Hunt and Arpaio when you see them. If you believe what you say then you should be protesting against Arpaio and Hunt. Are you??? That is the point of the protest in this case not working to feed your family.
In fact arguments are not about the conditions of the undocument only. It is about making every one contributing to the problem responsible for a solution.
Conservatives have blinders on this issue for many reasons, bigotry and political manipulation are two.
why would i want to protest about someone who is willing to enforce the law . i like arpaio he gets things done . he is not phony he wears his emotions on his sleve . he does what he states . HE ENFORCES THE LAW . i understand the illegals but get in line and do it the way your suppose it
Hitler and Stalin got things done too…
the great one,
The great one,
You are inconsistent in your comments. It is now very apparent your agenda is also to apply the law selectively. Your satement to go after the employers is just a smoke screen.
I understand you perfectly now.
i will tell him to enforce the law that means go after any noe who hires illegals , traffic of illegals , and anyone who is here illegally . do you understand now . and for art che tried too and we know he ended up . 6 feet under . the best postion he ever had .
the great one,
The point of the protesters is that he is not applying the law equally. You believe he is as you posted in #13:
the great one says:
November 5, 2009 at 5:04 pm
why would i want to protest about someone who is willing to enforce the law . i like arpaio he gets things done . he is not phony he wears his emotions on his sleve . he does what he states . HE ENFORCES THE LAW . i understand the illegals but get in line and do it the way your suppose it
“i will tell him to enforce the law that means go after any noe who hires illegals , traffic of illegals , and anyone who is here illegally .”
You telling him this means you now believe he is not enforcing the law. Enforcing the law selectively is not enforcing the law.
So why would you support someone that is not enforcing the law?
I still don’t understand you.
you people remind me of kids at a school yard . HE DID THIS PUNISH HIM TOO . WHY ARENT YOU GOING AFTER HIM TOO . WAH , WAH , WAH , i would tell him to go after folks that hire them too i cant make it any more clearer . but he is the ONLY . ONLY . LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENT WHO ENFORCES THE LAW . and the way some of you illegals supporters and you know who you are you guys think illegals have more rights than citizens from the stuff i have seen on here . of course im sure we will be called racist by the reconquista crowd .
Great one,
I agree with you but wouldn’t it be easier to move to Maricopa county than just fight here? You ain’t gonna win and I’ve learned it ain’t worth the fight!
the great one,
You cry like this every time Art Pedroza writes something negative about conservatives. Is this behavior reserved only for you? No one else can point out inconsistancies?
Again, he does not enforce the law equally therefore he does not enforce the law.
Again, no advocate for fair play towards the undocumented says more rights for them. The argument is apply the law across the board.
You keep changing the point of the protesters argument. I understand this is the MO of the conservative anti- undocumented immigrant strategy at demonizing the undocumented in order to use them for political manipulation.
Your group is very consistant and focused on this strategy.
We can be as dogged too.
so i take it doc that the bottom line you are right there hand in hand with reconqista pedroza . i know michell has fights with you . well i would not call them fights disagreements . now i know you support law breakers because i have seen your prior post on this subject so i know what side you stand on . i dont . i am sick n tired of all these mexican activist crying and bickering . its the feaking law if you come here illegally and cross the border without papers YOU ARE A ILLEGAL ALIEN . BEFORE YOU UTTER ONE WORD TO DEFEND ANYTHING . you have broken the law . now do they get taken advantage off YES . ARE THEY USED for cheap labor yes . AND ALL . I SAID ALL SHOULD BE NAILED ON THIS . calif is broke we are becoming broker . we dont need more free hand outs to people that dont belong here . post 19 if we had a guy like joe here maricopa . calif , would be illegal free . could you even think what s.a . maywood . l.a . would look like . i will wait for all the racist comments zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
the great one,
You still do not get it. Again, no one is defending or supporting undocumented immigration. Again, the argument is fair and equal application ofthe law. Why can you not absorb this?
I and others stand on the side of fairness in justice. You and others use prejudices to blame everything on the undocumented for political manipulation.
You and others never post angry comments towards the illegal employers and illegal politicians perpetuating the undocumented issues including the ones you mention above. You are selective in your arguments as the Maricopa sherrif is in selectively applying the law.
You are a Anglo conservative activist crying and bickering on the subject should we get sick and tired of you? I agree it is the law, so apply it across the board – Arpaio is not!!!
YOU ARE AN ILLEGAL EMPLOYER. BEFORE YOU UTTER ONE WORD TO DEFEND ANYTHING.You have broken the law. Your words so – embrace it, defend it and apply it.
I guess we are getting tired of your crying and bickering.
we are getting tired of you backing illegals over u.s citizens . if you are in this country to be hired by someone . you are on u.s soil that means you broke the law before your employer did . i guess we can get into a game of who broke the law first . here is my postion fro the 80 th time . if you hire them . go after them . if you are here illegally then they should go after them . if i get a chance i will ask him to do that . that does that make you feel better .
We are getting tired of your accusation of I backing illegals over U.S.citizens. Prove where I have said that?
We are getting tired of YOU demonizing the undocumented for your conservative political manipulation.
“if you are in this country to be hired by someone . you are on u.s soil that means you broke the law before your employer did”
What a ridiculous self serving statement this is.
The point of this thread great one is how Arpaio selectively applies the law not your selective blogging.
“here is my postion fro the 80 th time . if you hire them . go after them . if you are here illegally then they should go after them . if i get a chance i will ask him to do that . that does that make you feel better .”
You doing this ,more importantly, should make YOU feel better as you are such a defender of following the law.
A private citizen’s (you) and a public servant”s actions and beliefs are not the same in effect. I do not woory about your position as much as I do his.
I was a believer in 2005 and still am today. Yes, it will have taken five years to fumigate the Sheriff’s office of the Carona stench. Another hurdle is politely showing the door to our interim Sheriff. Our community is just not the right fit for her. Sheriff Hutchens was not selected by the voting citizens of Orange County. It would not have taken rocket science for the County Board of Supervisors to have placed Bill Hunt as Sheriff in the wake of Carona.
There is a fresh crowd of enthusiastic Hunt supporters today. When Tim Whittaker introduced Bill Hunt to speak last evening he provided a little bit of Hunt 101 and background. Hunt did not decide to be a candidate for Sheriff on a recent whim. This grass roots effort by Hunt has not been without personal struggle to serve. His deserving behavior has clearly labeled him as “the People’s choice.”
I never had a clue about the recent Sheriff controversy. I met Bill Hunt, spent 20 minutes with him, and I can tell you there is no better man for the job. Bill Hunt is exactly what this county needs for Sheriff.
This is total BS. Everyone tries uses the “race card” to push their aganda and I am sick of it! The tent city in Pheonix houses criminals of all races. They shackle and use “chain gang” labor with ALL races. My brother in law did some time in one of the tents and he is WHITE!!!
f*ck you Sheriff Joe Arpaio