Protest Republican OC Sheriff candidate Bill Hunt and his racist pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio today!

Bill Hunt ready to hunt immigrants

Protest Republican OC Sheriff candidate Bill Hunt and his racist pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio today!

Protest Sheriiff Joe Arpaio in Anaheim California–one of the most racist sherrifs in the United States who is openly proud of his anti-human tactics against immigrants. 

Sheriff Joe Arpaio intensified his on-going attacks against Latinos by segregating the county jail in Pheonix Arizona and parading undocumented migrants shackled in a chain-gang into a “tent city.”

Thursday Nov.5 2009 5:30pm

Bill Hunt is running for Orange County Sheriff and he wants to be Arpaio’s clone. Arpaio is coming to endorse Bill Hunt at the Phoenix Club 1340 S. Sanderson Ave , Anaheim California . Please repost and forward!

Joe Arpaio KKK

The Phoenix Club is located at 1340 S. Sanderson Avenue Anaheim, California 92806.

Community organizations will be holding an action in front of the Phoenix Club please be there and show Joe Arpaio how you feel about his racist practices in Maricopa County, AZ..

For more info on Joe Arpaio click here.

Need a ride from Santa Ana?  Cars will leave el Centro Cultural at 4:45pm to Anaheim… Manana salimos del Centro @ 4:45pm para protestar encontra del racismo en OC!  Pass it on….

Los que quieran ir me pueden llamar al 714-580-2921 para ir juntos…

Joe Arpaio is a racist hater

Leaving from Los Angeles? NDLON will have vans ready so that we all can car pool. Van will be leaving the UCLA Downtown Labor Center by 3:30pm, at  675 S. Park View.

If you are planning on carpooling please confirm with NDLON so that they know how many vans they need to get.

E-mail: Telephone: (213) 380-2783 or email Loyda.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.