Video: Carly Fiorina announces her Senate campaign

Carly Fiorina announces for Senate

Talks Boxer’s record, spending, taxes, jobs and regulation in announcement, on blogger call

“Barbara Boxer has been in office almost 17 years, 18 years by next November, and in that time she has managed to pass three pieces of legislation. … we should give her credit, at that killer pace of one piece of legislation every term in office, she has managed to write two fiction novels, and in August instead of holding town hall meetings she was on a book tour. What do you say we work together and give Barbara Boxer the chance next year to become a full‑time novelist? Let’s work together and show our nation that California actually believes that action trumps talk and that problem‑solving trumps partisanship.” (Announcement town hall meeting, Garden Grove, CA, 11/04/09)

Carly Fiorina on Barbara Boxer

“I do expect her to take the low road to high office because that’s what she’s done every other time she’s been up for re-election. … She will continue to perhaps try and manufacture stuff, but I think the way we’re going to deal with it is to counter with the facts, counter with my track record – I’ll put my track record up against hers any day – and stay focused on the issues that Californians care about, which are jobs and out of control government spending.” (Blogger Call, 11/04/09)

“Barbara Boxer has been a amazingly ineffective Representative and Senator for the people of California. In her almost 18 years in the US Senate, she has done very little other than vote for things that are bad for the people of California. She’s only managed to get three pieces of legislation passed. One was naming a river in Virginia, one was naming a courthouse in Fresno, and the final one was to bring some federal dollars back to the Bay Area for seismic retrofits. That’s it. That’s all she’s done in 18 years and clearly, the people of California deserve and expect more. At the same time, her voting record is disastrous. She is a tax and spend liberal, absolutely beholden to the special interests, particularly union interests. She’s voted against every free trade agreement that’s ever come before the floor of the US Senate.” (Blogger Call, 11/04/09)

Carly Fiorina on spending, taxes, jobs and regulation

“Job creation should be the top priority of Washington D.C. right now and everybody in Congress, and it will most definitely be my top priority as your senator. And in that regard, I will focus particularly on innovators, entrepreneurs and small businesses… Why? Because small businesses are the engine of growth in this economy. Small businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy. They employ half our people. They create two‑thirds of the new jobs in this country. And they are the place where people grab on to the American dream. ” (Announcement town hall meeting, Garden Grove, CA, 11/04/09)

“It’s pretty clear that Americans are completely fed up with the big spending that’s going on in Washington and the lack of accountability in how taxpayer money is being spent. I am clearly running as a fiscal conservative.” (Blogger Call, 11/04/09)

“I think we have way too many people in Washington who are beholden to special interests and have forgotten to ask some really obvious questions, like how is it we’re spending taxpayer money. When someone has a spending problem, you don’t give them more money and that’s of course what we continue to do.” (Blogger Call, 11/04/09)

“Sometimes the best thing government can do is get out of the way. Frequently the best thing government can do is just not do anything. Not tax. Not Spend. Not create even more regulatory burdens for particularly the small business and entrepreneurs of California to have to go through.” (Blogger Call, 11/04/09)

Watch more Carly Fiorina campaign videos at this link.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.