November 10, 2009
Contact: Julie Soderlund
Cristina Minasian
Fiorina A Serious Challenger For Boxer
“The Charismatic Former Business Leader Could Be Boxer’s Greatest Challenge Since Her Election To The Senate In 1992.” “Boxer has the edge in Democratic-leaning California, but Fiorina’s entry means the race will be among the most closely watched in the nation. The charismatic former business leader could be Boxer’s greatest challenge since her election to the Senate in 1992.” (“Former HP Boss To Run For Senate,” The Star-Ledger, 11/5/09)
Fiorina Could Be “The Stiffest Re-Election Challenge” Of Boxer’s Career. “With millions in personal wealth, a telegenic persona and the backing of some national Republican leaders, Fiorina could give Boxer, 68, the stiffest re-election challenge of her career.” (San Jose Mercury News, 11/4/09)
Political Analysts Say Fiorina Would Be Boxer’s “Most Formidable Opponent Since She Was Elected To The Senate.” “Whatever Fiorina’s faults, political analysts say she would be Boxer’s most formidable opponent since she was elected to the Senate.” (San Jose Mercury News, 11/3/09)
Republicans Believe Fiorina Presents “Serious Challenge” For Boxer. “Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (R) declared her intentions to run for Senate in California on Wednesday, after exploring a 2010 campaign against Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) for months. National Republicans think Fiorina could mount a serious challenge to Boxer, a third-term incumbent whose aggressive brand of liberal politics has made her the more vulnerable of the Golden State’s two Democratic Senators.” (Roll Call, 11/5/09)
Fiorina’s Personal Style A Good Fit For California, Politics
“A Woman Who Started Her Career As A Secretary And Went On To Become The First, And Only, Woman To Lead A Fortune 20 Company Is Not To Be Underestimated, But Respected.” “By no means am I suggesting that Fiorina is a lightweight. A woman who started her career as a secretary and went on to become the first, and only, woman to lead a Fortune 20 company is not to be underestimated, but respected.” (The Washington Post, 11/5/09)
San Francisco Chronicle: Fiorina “Tough-As-Nails.” “Tough-as-nails former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina kicked off her U.S. Senate campaign this week with defiant words for a ruthless opponent – her cancer.” (San Francisco Chronicle, 11/7/09)
NPR: “Her Resume Is Impressive.” “Fiorina says she’s a political newcomer who can bring her business sense to Congress. Her resume is impressive. As the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, she was the first woman to ever lead a Fortune top 20 company.” (“Former Silicon Valley CEO Targets Boxer’s Senate Seat,” National Public Radio, 11/5/09)
“She’s Charismatic And Commanding.” “Fiorina, who yesterday revealed her plans in the Orange County Register, has a personality tailor-made for campaigning: She’s charismatic and commanding.” (Fortune / CNN Money, 11/5/09)
Fiorina’s Personal Style A Good Fit For California, Politics
Fiorina Impressed Last Year With “Her Strong Defense Of The Republican Ticket And Her Broad Knowledge Of Economic Issues.” “Few if any political analysts think liberal Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer is in danger of being denied a fourth term, but this race is drawing a lot of attention because of former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina’s candidacy, her star power and the millions she can pour into her campaign. Mrs. Fiorina, a top economic adviser in Sen. John McCain’s presidential bid, has never run for public office before, but she impressed party pros last year with her strong defense of the Republican ticket and her broad knowledge of economic issues.” (The Washington Times, 11/10/09)
Fiorina’s Senate Endorsements “Cover A Range Of Backgrounds Within The Republican – From Conservative Tom Coburn To Moderates Such As Susan Collins And Olympia Snowe.” “Carly Fiorina has collected the endorsement of eight GOP senators, a day after announcing a run for the U.S. Senate in California. The endorsements, announced Thursday, cover a range of backgrounds within the Republican Party—from conservative Tom Coburn to moderates such as Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. They also include John McCain, who said he benefited from Fiorina’s no-nonsense style when she served as economic adviser during his failed presidential bid last year.” (The Associated Press, 11/5/09)
About Carly
While she is perhaps best known as the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), what is not as well known is Carly worked her way through undergraduate and graduate school. A self-made woman, she started her business career as a secretary and went on to become the first, and to date, the only woman to lead a Fortune 20 company. Click here to read more about Carly.
For more information about Carly and her campaign visit and join us on Facebook and Twitter.
Establishment RINO. Closet Obama lover. Go Chuckie!
What Others Are Saying about Carly Fiorina:
And you thought her kickoff website was bad. “Carlyfornia” is officially in the race, and if she thinks her record will woo voters, she’s in for a rude awakening.
Here are five things you might not know – but should – about Carly Fiorina:
1. CEO Fail: Carly Fiorina was named among the nation’s 20 worst CEOs by Portfolio magazine. No wonder. Under her leadership, Hewlett-Packard’s stock fell 60%, and 28,000 employees were fired. She got fired, too, but her $21 million golden parachute made for a soft landing.
2. Iran Dealings? When HP’s stock fell, it wasn’t for lack of selling products – in Iran. Which happens to be illegal. The San Jose Mercury News reported that in the past 12 years, the company has used a Middle East distributor to sell millions of dollars’ worth of merchadise to Iran, “sidestepping a U.S. ban on trade with the country.” Fiorina was CEO from 1999-2005.
3. What, Me Vote? Running a company (into the ground) is hard work! A CEO is far too busy to vote! Or so it seems. Fiorina’s voting record looks like Swiss cheese. She cast a ballot in only 6 of 14 elections held since 2000. She even skipped the 2000 and 2004 presidential primaries and the 2003 gubernatorial recall election. If she’s so disdainful of democracy, what makes her think she deserves to represent California in the Senate?
4. McCain’s Pain: Pity Fiorina’s poor campaign manager. Fiorina’s tendency to go off the reservation ended her short-lived career as a John McCain for President spokeswoman after she said none of the presidential or vice presidential nominees was qualified to run a major American corporation – including her boss, John McCain. Perhaps he votes too often?
5. Primary First: All of this assumes that Fiorina even gets the Republican nomination. That might be assuming too much. Her main competition, State Sen. Chuck DeVore, is the darling of the tea-party set. We’ve been seeing the fringe element taking over establishment Republicans across the country. Which makes one wonder why Fiorina has been bragging up her support from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. We saw how far national party support took Dede Scozzafava in New York’s 23rd District.
No doubt: “Carlyfornia” is dreaming if she thinks her record can compete with Sen. Barbara Boxer’s. We guess fantasizing never hurt anyone, though. Dream on, Carly.
Chuck DeVore has the charisma of a wooden plank. There is no chance that loser will win. Carly at least gets people excited, she has my vote.
FInd out what people are REALLY saying about Fiorina… especially former HP employees: