Interview with Assemblyman Jim Silva (R-Huntington Beach) who voted against the sale of our Fairgrounds


Why did Republican Assemblyman Jim Silva, alone among OC’s Republican and Democratic delegation (with the exception of “Drippy” Duvall who can no longer be located) stand firm for keeping Orange County’s Fairgrounds, voting NO on AB 22 last July?  Well, since he IS my Assemblyman, I thought I would just head over to his office and ask him! D’oh – he was in a different office today, and when he kindly returned my call he was in the airport waiting for a plane to a 3-week Holland vacation and I was on a bus to Fullerton, so we made the most of our time on our cell phones, and I hope I got everything right here:

OJ:  A lot of us were really pleased with your vote to save our Fairgrounds, and puzzled that almost every other OC lawmaker voted to sell them.  Could you explain the reason for your vote?

Silva:  Well, I just feel that the Fairgrounds are a major asset to our county, no less than our beaches and parks.  And the fact is, no matter what anyone says, once the state sells that asset, there’s just no guarantee that it won’t eventually be gobbled up by developers.

OJ:  Did you feel any pressure to vote the other way?

Silva:  Oh yes!  I had a LOT of people telling me, “Don’t worry, the Fairgrounds will be in the hands of the city, Costa Mesa.”  I just had a hard time accepting that.  Once there’s a change of ownership in a financial landcape like we have today, there’s just no way to avoid that property eventually being rezoned commercial.

OJ:  Do you have any idea why almost all the other OC legislators voted to sell the Fair?  None of them seem to want to speak much about it, or not very clearly.

 Silva:  Well, of course I can’t speak for them, but…  Maybe the difference with me is I was previously a County Supervisor [hello, Lou Correa?] and part of what I felt was my duty was to protect our county’s open spaces as well as I could.

 OJ:  We’ve been told by sources close to Assembly Speaker Karen Bass that the legislation could easily be reversed, if the bill were “carried” by an Orange County Democrat – which means Solorio or Correa.  Apparently since Democrats have the majority, it would be more effective if a Democrat carried the bill.   Does that sound accurate to you?

Silva:  Well… I know Karen Bass to be a very fair person, and I don’t know why she would say that it would have to be a Democrat.

OJ:  Oh!  Then, just theoretically, it could even be you, to carry a bill to rescind the sale of the Fairgrounds.

Silva:  Yes, I could do that.  I’ve just been so busy recently on budget and water issues…

OJ:  I think I know the answer to this already – if another vote came up, you would continue to defend our Fair, wouldn’t you?

Silva:  Oh, for sure.  I haven’t changed my mind at all.

OJ:  Do you have any message or advice on this issue to the rest of the Orange County delegation?

Silva:  I think they should look at the wisdom of doing something like this during an economic downturn.  At a time like this it’s not smart to sell off your assets.  Number one, you’re not going to get very much for it.  Certainly not enough to make a difference in California’s debt.  And also what I’ve seen in the past is the government will sell some property, and then when they need to use it, they rent it back, it’s just a waste all around.

OJ:  Well, thanks a lot for your time, and your vote, and have a nice Holland trip!

Silva:  Thank YOU, Vern!

(proudly cross-posted at the OC Progressive)

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.