Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson got Chris Norby’s endorsement to replace him on the Board of Supervisors
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The biggest news to come out of Chris Norby’s victory party on Tuesday night was that he has endorsed Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson to replace him on the O.C. Board of Supervisors. And just like that Nelson’s Democratic challenger, Tom Daly, is DONE.
Daly is the Orange County Clerk-Recorder. Most folks have no clue what that means. He was Mayor of Anaheim awhile ago, and he has to contend now with current Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway, who like Daly is a Democrat. She will split the Democratic vote and put Nelson in the victory lane.
And La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza, who is also running and is also a Democrat, will take votes from Daly in the northern part of the 4th Supervisorial District. Daly is DONE.
Why was Democrat Tom Daly at Norby’s victory party? Shouldn’t he have been at John MacMurray’s party?
Norby has now become the biggest Republican star in north Orange County. All the dumbass Republicans, like Congressman Ed Royce, endorsed Linda Ackerman. They are now red-faced and ashamed. They will have to back Norby, just like they will have to back Nelson.
And why exactly was Daly at Norby’s victory party? Shouldn’t he have been at John MacMurray’s party? Daly abandoned his party on a night that was very important to them. If Democrats had voted MacMurray could have beat Norby. But did Daly help MacMurray? No. He chose to hang out with the likes of Jerbal and Jon Fleischman. Nice.
Remember what Daly did Democratic voters in the 4th District! If you must vote Democrat don’t waste your vote on that traitor. Vote for Espinoza or Galloway. Besides, Daly is already DONE.
Daly is nobody’s friend. Now that Norby has endorsed Shawn Nelson, maybe Daly will get a real job. Looks like his political career is over, unless maybe he lives in Senator Correa’s district. You know how the DPOC loves white guys. Maybe they’ll support him over Correa.
I did find it rather interesting that Daly chose to hang with the Reeps instead of the Dems on election night.
Perhaps it was because he didn’t want to get stuck paying “Fraudio” Gallegos and Phil “Count Chocula” Bacerra’s bar tab.
Besides that place up in Fullerton is much nicer than the Quill.
It’s OK for Democrat Sean Mill, Democrat Claudia Alvarez and Democrat Lisa Bist to hang out with Reeps and to cheer on Norby for winning the Republican nomination to beat Democrat John McMurray.
But it’s not OK for Democrat Tom Daly to be there.
That’s a rather interesting double standard.
Is it? Those Democrats you listed are NOT running for office. Daly is. Furthermore, Alvarez is a county employee, so perhaps she wanted to reach out to Norby?
And Bist is a Republican as far as I know.
Face it. Daly punked MacMurray and the Dems by being at Norby’s party. The kicker is that it did nothing for him. Nelson got Norby’s endorsement. What did Daly get? A butt-kicking on this blog!
Is it? Those Democrats you listed are NOT running for office.
Really? Claudia Alvarez isn’t going to seek re-election, or election to another office?
You guys are hypocrites. And I’m sure Daly is really worried about a “butt-kicking” on Orange Joke!!! Dream on, bozo!
Tom Daly is the latest “great WHITE hope” for the folks at the DPOC. You would think he would be supporting his Dem brother on election night.
However I can see why folks like you and the FibOC boys give him a pass, after all you all suck up to the unethical Reep Janet Nguyen.
If we at the OJ are a joke, what are the babosos at the FibOC? We have more than fives times the daily readership than they do.
Speaking of jokes #5 you must be joking. Daly is worried as he should be, I saw it in his eyes.
Oops! I forgot to mention that Democrat Jordan Brandman showed up at Norby’s party too. Guess he wrote off MacMurray as well…
“We have more than fives times the daily readership than they do.”
And people always slow down to see car wrecks on the freeway. That doesn’t mean they like car wrecks.
And why weren’t you and Alvarez (interesting how you guys don’t call her “Clownia” anymore) at MacMurray’s, Sean? You’re the one who was hammering other Democrats for criticizing Hoa Tran and the gang banger brigade! Or did you stop by MacMurray’s, wave quickly and hustle over to hang out with the Reeps at Norby’s party?
I can answer that one. Sean and I were invited to our fellow blogger Tony Bushala’s house that night and from there we walked to Norby’s party.
I would say that the pictures we took there made the excursion well worth it.
Moreover, neither of us were invited to the MacMurray party. I have no idea where it was. Pretty sure Daly and Brandman knew…
With Phillis Bacerra and Fraudio Gallegos on Team Daly, Tom Daly definitely needs to worry.
Why is it that when Duvall hooked up with a gaggle of hot lobbyist chicks it was a Cardinal sin, but when Daly dumped his wife for a hot young thang (spicy Italian lobbyist Debbie Tortellini) from Randy Smith’s office (now deceased Fat Cat O.C. lobbyist) it’s swept under the rug? Daly left his first wife and kids high and dry and beds down this nubile young lobbyist home wrecker but the media remains silent. Why? You don’t think Randy Smith was lobbying Anaheim on any issues while this was going on? I’ll bet you two steak and lobster dinners at Antonello’s that he was! Why won’t Marty Wiskol at the O.C. Register ask Daly about it?
FYI Just got this spam
Oh Art so now your hittin Brandman, and you like Claudia??? Your emotions and opinions swing with the breeze. How is one to keep up with you?
A friend of mine told me today that Brandman told him to stay away from our blog. I did not have a beef with him, but apparently he has some issue with us.
When my friend called me it served to remind me that Brandman was at Norby’s party.
Perhaps he will learn two things. One, stop kissing up to Republicans. Two, stop bad mouthing this blog.
My guess is that he won’t learn from this. We look forward to continuing to expose him for the hypocritical Dem he is.
On that note, when I saw him at the Labor Day event at the Zoo in Santa Ana this year, I walked up to him with my camera in hand. He immediately ripped off the health care reform sticker on his shirt before posing for a picture…take note Dems. You have been forewarned.
Hmm I just can’t figure out why an elected official would want to keep their distance from you or this blog…can you?
Did you know that Jerbal is one of our most loyal readers? Our new readership software tells us everything about our readers. Jerbal is in our top five…
Your corrupt pals can stay away if they want, but that won’t stop us from outing them.
Art – who gives a crap? Should we alert the media?
Or should I have taken that as a threat from you that “your new readership software tells us everything about your readers”. Tell me Art what does it tell you about me? Should I be frightened? You gonna try to purchase my URL and link it to nambla or gay porn sites?
Oh please. You’re an unimportant little red worm. Why bother?
Ok Art WHEW! I was super worried. Thank God you are way too important for lil ‘ol me.
We really enjoyed taking down your gal Linda Ackerman. Looking forward to stopping Daly…
My gal was not Ackerman. If I would have been able to vote in that election I would have voted for none of the above. I think all the choices sucked! I have no alliance with Daly, I have a different horse in that race. Daly is problematic for a mutual candidate we both like Hugh Nguyen though if he backs out of the Supervisor race.
Tom Daly should stay put at the Clerk Recorder office because he has no chance beating Shawn Nelson.
I just hope if he stays put he will fire the Bitch Renee Ramirez. She is the problem and Tom Daly doesn’t understand that. She will take him down with her.
Everyone tells me that they can’t stand Renee Ramirez or Tom Daly! Shawn Nelson you need to go contact the Clerk Recorder employees and they can tell you what is really going on at the Clerk Recorder Office.
Maybe you guys should call Shawn Nelson.the city of Fullerton website also has a link to contact the council members ie Nelson
Tom Daly done? I could of told you this three years ago. All his clerks are tired of his cockiness and all the hiring he has been doing. From his close personal friends into Administration positions to his cleaning lady into a clerk position to do absolutely nothing on the back of the office all day, everyday.