Sat Nov 21, 2009 @ 10 AM PT: Humor cuts to the chase. Be political activists or have fun with friends? Do both! & Jack Dean on Taming the Pension Tsunami

Join me on the air, Saturday at 10 AM PT on CRN Digital Talk Radio, & on CRN 1
Call in number: 1-800-336-2225

Tony Bushala is one of the founders of a gem blog, Friends for Fullerton’s Future Blog, a.k.a. FFFFB, an effective local blog and guerilla marketing strategy to whip elected officials honest, slap strays in line, or remove them, and prevent carpetbaggers from swooning in to capitalize on a favorable voter registration base.

It helps to start out with a voter friendly base, but even so, political machines of any party can become compromised and piggy.
Click here to read more

About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.