Wow, I’m there! Hope you are too. (Actually I will definitely be there ‘cos I’ll be playing piano there!)
(If you’re looking at this post through the awesome, irksome technology of an I-phone or such, and cannot see the big graphic, let me transcribe for you…)
Costa Mesa City Council Member Katrina Foley’s Holiday Soiree and Benefit – Silent Auction to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank & CM Senior Center Lunch Box Program – WED. Dec. 2, 5:30-7:30. Mesa Restaurant, The Camp, Atrium Room, 725 Baker St, Costa Mesa. Cocktail Attire, $75, each guest must bring one healthy meal for seniors (non-perishable) RSVP by Nov. 23 [whoops! But Katrina tells me just come, there’ll be room.] Guests include Jose Solorio, Keith Bohr, Phu Nguyen and many others … Vern Nelson entertaining at keyboards! See you there….
benefit? I write a check to “friends for foley”? who does that benefit exactly?
Uh-oh – you figured out Katrina’s scam, deadwhitemale! She’s ripping off Second Harvest and the Senior Center to feed … her campaign for Clerk-Recorder which she hasn’t decided on yet! What an ICKY woman. Run, deadwhitemale!