The baloney that has passed as science for the past few years and only given confirmation to the ancient phrase “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.” is about to endure a slow, agonizing death. And it will be worth the watch. While Warmers have been able to gin up billions of dollars in government funding for junk science in warming theories and luddite fantasies, the rest of America has known all along. Global warming is nothing but a massive scare tactic by the Left in search of an excuse to take charge of more of your life that you don’t know how to run properly. Like all scare tactics, they start out simple and become more complex as the story builds.
First it was the “Greenhouse Effect”. But anyone who understands what happens in a greenhouse knows that is not an effective example. Then it was Global Warming. It didn’t matter that the facts weren’t there. It didn’t matter that the models didn’t hold up. The first half of the industrial age was dirtier than anything we can imagine today, but where was the warming? And, finally, we came to “Climate Change”. This one was particularly cutesie. Try to argue that the Climate isn’t changing like the scaremongers say it is, or point out how none of their “computer models” can explain the sudden cooling trend, so how effective can they be?, and they just say “weather is not climate.”
As Michael Crichton so aptly put it…
“…our approach to global warming exemplifies everything that is wrong with our approach to the environment. We are basing our decisions on speculation, not evidence. Proponents are pressing their views with more PR than scientific data.”
Fools like Rachel Maddow repeat canards about ships running the Northern Passage gauntlet because of the lack of ice, when ships have been running it for fifty years and it had more to do with satellites and spunk than the warmth of anything.
Anthropogenic Global Warming has had a host of logic problems all along. To believe in Global Warming or, in the new nomenclature, “Climate Change”, you have to believe in three things:
1. That carbon in the atmosphere can create climate change.
2. That there is global warming and human behavior is its primary cause.
3. That the consequences will be catastrophic
If you do not believe in ALL of these things, then you don’t believe in Global Warming. Careful, a Warmer may be sitting near you. Do not piss them off. They are irrational.
The University of East Anglias Climate Research Unit in England is the U.N. point guard on global warming studies. Now it has emerged that 61 megabytes of emails from the research unit have been made public. Most of the state run media that reports this story reports it like a hacking story. The real news is that the emails contain details of conspiracy and collusion in exaggerating and distorting the warming data the Left has used to push its environmentalist wacko agenda nearly from the beginning.
Read the analysis, the distortion, and the lies behind Climategate.
The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.
Al Gore’s famous movie, that won the accolades of Leftists in Hollywood that rested on the simple belief that warming followed CO2 rise? Actually, CO2 rise probably followed warming. The temperature has in fact been declining. Polar bears are thriving. Oceans are not rising. Ice is growing thicker. It is all a lie.
And I could go on. And on. And on.
The baloney about man made global warming and Linda Ackerman’s Fullerton address have two things in common–both fraudulent.!!!