Derailment Countdown: 43 days more – call DeVore!

devoreSo far we’ve called two state senators (Harman and Correa) and two assemblymen (Tran and Solorio) to instruct them to pass emergency legislation in early December to stop the sale of our Fairgrounds.  Today, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’m only going to ask you to make ONE call – to Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.  (949) 863-7070. I know that his office is open today (Wednesday.)

We want him to be on board with a vote reversing AB22 and rescinding the sale. His aide may tell you that he and Assemblyman Van Tran have been talking about ways to make sure that once the property is sold, it will “stay a fair.”  No, that is not good enough.  There is no way to ensure what happens to the property after it starts changing hands; there are a half-dozen ways that it can be subtly steered into being zoned commercial and ending up as condos or office buildings, which is where the money is. (Our anti-sale developer friend Brian Burnett laid out yesterday in the Daily Pilot all the ways big unscrupulous developers can make this happen.)  Our legislators need to stop the sale altogether, ASAP.

Remember, Mr. DeVore wants to be a U.S. Senator (and Mr. Tran wants to be a Congressman.)  They both need to pay attention to what the vast majority of their constituents want.   So call Chuck today, wherever you live in Orange County, and don’t take any nonsense from his nice folks.

Finally another creative Derailer, artist Greg Ridge (we are quite a creative group) shares his vision of Pigs at the Trough  (naming a couple of suspects whom I’m still trying to treat charitably)…


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.