Have you heard the one about the pimp, prostitute, politician and the community organizer?
General Jerry Moonbeam is a national joke, with good reason. But the latest escapade of selective application of the law may finally reveal just how unfit he is. The San Diego office of ACORN is accused of a massive 20,000 page document dump just days after it was made aware that the state would be investigating. Instead of being outraged at the attempted cover up and disposal of documents that should have been under lock and key, Brown rambles about the 60’s and how trash is private and the scavengers violated the law. Then he actually cites a poll that says 52% of Republicans think ACORN stole the election for Obama. So what? Where does that come in to making sure 13 year old girls aren’t prostituted out thanks to your local neighborhood group? Why does anyone care what Republicans think in a blue state where General Moonbeam has held nearly every political office over the last 35 years?
The people are entitled to a full accounting of all the evidence, and General Moonbeam doesn’t know his law. In the 80’s, when General Moonbeam was huddled in his Progressive Retreat, or wherever, the Supreme Court ruled in California v. Greenwood, 486 U.S. 35 (1988) that there is no expectation of privacy. Moreover, that law about scavenging for garbage has long been overturned by the Supreme Court. It’s one of the few times I have agreed with Art Pedroza about the law. Locking up trash cans is a double edged sword. Better to be able to find evidence like ACORN dumping docs than keep a few immigrants from recycling.
Now, certainly like any good Progressive, General Moonbeam is going to be relying on the shock troops of the so-called Neighborhood Organizations to gin up the votes for his election. Stuff those ballot boxes so to speak. It sure didn’t hurt Obama did it? So investigating them has got to be touchy. Certainly easier to say “Case closed. People were fired. Move on.” like a good leftist. But as The Orange County Register points out, that might cost him the election.
Big whoop. The Democrats aren’t going to field any serious candidates in the next couple of elections anyway. They don’t want to get whupped and ruin the chances of EVER being able to tell you how to run your life THEIR way. So General Moonbeam is only in because everybody who might be serious is OUT.
Drip, Drip, Drip, all the corruption is about to be seen for what it is a river!
If you give so called leaders a bunch of money ie.. Medical/Caloptima and i will show you corruption.
Did not understand why the Orange County Sups would want to take over Medical and create Caloptima. Last month i asked for the amounts caloptima gave to Choc Health Alliance for its enrollees. They refused to give me the information based on the Calfornia Public Records Act. No public records are availabile if the governments contracts out to Non-profits. Very Smart if you don’t want anyone to know the money trail!
ACORN is just a drop in the bucket.
Brown is far removed from his Moonbeam days. Today he sounds quite reasonable. And I suspect he will be our next Governor.
The Reeps are screeching quite a bit about ACORN. But just in the past few months a group of well-heeled Republican insiders ripped off the people by acquiring the Orange County fairgrounds. Luckily the deal isn’t set in stone yet.
This group broke the Brown Act and illegally hired Dick Ackerman as a lobbyist, even though he is still barred from lobbying.
So you see Terry, corruption is neither red nor blue. It is pervasive to both our major political parties.
Best to vote Libertarian and be done with the lot of them…
1. Jerry Brown was first dubbed “Governor Moonbeam” by a journalist because of an idea he had for a satellite to provide emergency communications for the state; a few years later that idea came to fruition and has served us well; and the journalist in question has apologized, disavowed the name, and admitted that Brown is & has always been a very serious politician.
2. The phrase “document dump” refers to the practice of releasing a huge batch of documents, preferably on a Friday afternoon, with whatever might be compromising buried somewhere in the middle. If what you’re appearing to claim happened happened (it’s always unclear because the rest of us don’t keep up with Newsmax and your other “sources,” you act like the latest rightwing outrage is common knowledge to us all, and don’t provide links) and someone at ACORN is actually suspected of DISCARDING a bunch of documents…. then that’s actually a pretty funny literal case of a “document dump.” (and yes reprehensible, but I’d need some proof, you guys make up so much stuff about them.)
3. Again, to show your appreciation and help out with the great work this much-maligned organization does, contribute here: https://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/2749/t/4538/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=2769
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going back to sleep.
So Art says “Republicans!” like the duck that says “AFLAC!” and Vern says “I don’t listen to anything but state run media.” LOL. And the link goes to none other than the Orange County Register Vern. You might try reading your paper. Sheesh. How do these guys expect me to take them seriously? Seriously!
I just got the fact that Vern posted a link to donating to ACORN. ROFLMAO!
So the organization that instructs people on how to import underage girls for prostitution and how to help their pimp daddy avoid the taxes, is a great organization to donate to?
Have you no shame Vern? No, your leftism wouldnt leave it room? You have no standards. Well, no loss.
the organization that instructs people on how to import underage girls for prostitution and how to help their pimp daddy avoid the taxes
ACORN does that?!? Where’s your evidence? That’s sheer slander!
Yeah, I know some persistent rightwing activists finally found a minimum-wage worker at ACORN that did that, that can happen when you’ve got thousands of low-wage employees. Naturally the culprit was fired immediately.
I could just as well reference Mark Foley and say the GOP has a policy of sexual harassment and grooming underage pages for the homosexual lifestyle. But I’m more honest than that. The truth is good enought for THIS polemicist.
I don’t think it has anything to do with shame. I think it is to do with sanity!
Who in their right mind would give money to an Organization such ACORN.
Oh yeah Vern!
I think you need a happy pill vern!
Vern lives in another world. A world where scandal in Philadelphia, New York, San Diego, San Bernardino and South Central condences down to one minimum wage worker. This is part and parcel of the left wing apologist machine. Giving room to the rot that is this national community organization that seeks to undermine community standards and criminalize its enterprise.
Not that you’ll bother reading anything that doesn’t link from the Daily Kook Festival, but http://biggovernment.com/author/jokeefe/ gives you the story from the two who revealed the festering pus that is ACORN.
ACORN lied about ever kicking the activists out of their offices. Anywhere. The record is clear. The truth hurts. Associating with that trash would hurt worse if one had any standards.
And it’s not slander, Vern. Slander is spoken. Libel is written.
Acorn, like any organization is not perfect, but I would certian support them over many other organiztions out there.
The Repubicans are only after ACORN, becuase they work in poorer areas that tend to vote for democrats. Let us not forget that the republicans pay for voter registration also and they do not just pay republicans to do the work.
When I worked on a petition campaign the repubicans were paying the same people and organizations that the democrats were in many cases to gather voter registrations.
I have no use for anyone who is proposing to run for governor next year, so far I am voting none of the above.
So yes there is fraud committed to get these, when money is involved it happens, regardless of party.
Jim, this “Democrats represent the poor” thing. It’s the other way around. Has been for some time. Not that Repubs are going to do any better a job of it, but they can’t do much worse than Detroit.
The Repubicans are only after ACORN, becuase they work in poorer areas that tend to vote for democrats. Let us not forget that the republicans pay for voter registration also and they do not just pay republicans to do the work.
Really, were is the common sense?
The Orange County board of supervisors, are all REPUBLICANS, who have created a socicalist style system for hispanics. Why? they are the poor, the poor need the government and the republicans and dems love the poor. THEY GROW GOVERNMENT!
ACORN is just one corrupt organization that is suppose to aid the poor. They just got caught, doing what i bet a lot of organizations are doing encluding Organizatioin ie.. Caloptima… THEY FUNNEL TAX DOLLARS…
Really, are you all this thick??
Yes Miss Quinn, all of us are as thick as a brick, without your discerning guidance and laser insights.
LOL, Vern. I especially enjoy all of the “sic” words and phrases littered throughout her comments.
I hope my guidance and laser insights might do some good. I am sad though, you have elected yourself as one of the thick people. I don’t think i mentioned you by name?
As far as Reality checker goes don’t worry about my “sic” words, you just concentrate on trying to do a better job at SAUSD.
But really don’t you love to read my posts? “Go on admitt it”, you find me totally titisome!
Sorry, but no.
Titisome is another word for, “thick”.
I am glad you dont find me thick. But really i dont think you are completely titisome either!
So this Vern character, who is a regular blogger on this site, on November 29th of 2009 didn’t know about ACORN? That was an old story on Halloween when my friend and I dressed up as Hannah and James. And that was a month ago.
Terry, you have a big heart for even trying with this crowd.
Of course I knew all about that September micro-scandal Nicky. I just long ago made the decision not to glorify it by mentioning it unless forced to. Any group with thousands of low-paid workers will have someone unethical who will be easily entrapped into something like this. It is so irrelevant to the great work ACORN does…. that everytime some Republican (yes I think Terry’s a defacto Republican) brings up that scandal I ignore it and post a donate-to-ACORN link. That’s just the way I roll. Thanks for your concern Nicky. Send me pics of you and your friend at Halloween and I will post them. I bet you had fun.
So just for the record, an organization that teaches people how to import underage girls for prostitution and their pimp how to avoid paying taxes is a micro-scandal. That motivated Congress to defund the whole sorry mess, and never agree to another contract.
We’ll get that whole “entitled to their current contract” scandal worked out later…
And I could spend time teaching Vern what a Libertarian really is, but neither he nor Art would ever get it, especially all the time they spend deflecting attention from Democrats failing the citizens of every state and the nation.
…an organization that teaches people how to import underage girls for prostitution and their pimp how to avoid paying taxes…
Of course that’s obviously not what ACORN does, but enough of me giving you guys excuses to repeat your BS. As I said, folks should donate to this great and much maligned organization, which is responsible for housing so much of the nation’s poor, helping them with legal representation, and registergin thousands to vote – mostly Democrats (the poor aren’t all morons!)
And I could spend time teaching Vern what a Libertarian really is, but neither he nor Art would ever get it…
Right, according to Crowley the LINO a Libertarian is some great idealist living on an intellectual plane where the government will someday have nothing to do with marriage, and so for now we can conveniently ignore the everyday injustice of 10% of American adults not being allowed to legally marry the person they love. Beautiful. Worthy of Vlad Lenin.
Heavy Breather Alert!
You’re right Vern. Teaching people how to import underage girls and their pimps how to avoid the taxes is ONLY PART of the socially moronic and deviant behavior this necrotic organization teaches.
And Vern, the real number there, is 1.5%. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re any less wrong. Just because there are fewer. No. In fact, I wouldn’t care if there was only one gay person. They would still have the right to marry. Just like anyone else.
And when you’re ready to quit the lie that to deny this group a special right you yourself are not willing to grant to EVERYONE is hate, then you will have grown. See, I don’t think I can call a majority of the country haters and be taken at all seriously. You do. I think they know that it doesn’t sit quite right. I don’t think enough care to matter if grandma married her cat, Uncle Al married his dog and the stud next door married three women. What effect would that have on marriage? None at all. They want standards. Not the absense of them. You, and those like you, merely use this as an excuse to disparage and decry society you despise. Not around me sir.
Oh, Jesus, you’re on your own planet. Just now and then I see you shooting by like a comet and have to give you a little shout-out.
Any group with thousands of low-paid workers will have someone unethical who will be easily entrapped into something like this
So let me get you right Vern. The fact that a person is a low-paid worker gives way to the possiblity of them being unethical?
I think the fact that ACORN employee’s are paid a low-wage has nothing to do with the unethical behaviour we have witnessed. the fact that ACORN is a scumbag organization, hiring scumbags to work for them, make’s sense!
There are millions of low-paid workers who rightly so would take offense to your ridiculous comment!
Just my laser insight at work!