Perhaps it is the accumulating depression from the daily gloomy economic news that seems to bombard us, much of it regarding our State government in Sacramento, but a story that ran in the Los Angeles Times today (December 1) really got my goat. Headlined “Westly among those fined by California’s ethics watchdog panel” the story recounts the recent levying of fines by the State Fair Political Practices Commission for violation of campaign finance and gift/income reporting requirements that our elected and appointed officials are supposed to follow.
Yes, former Democratic primary candidate for Governor Steve Westly admitted to 32 campaign finance law violations and agreed to a $ 104,500 fine. And, a Republican Assemblyman, Joel Anderson of San Diego, agreed to pay a $20,000 fine for accepting campaign contributions in excess of the $ 3900 per individual limit. But, what really torqued me was the part of the story that reported that members of the California State Athletic Commission agreed to pay fines for accepting tickets to fights from promoters.
Wait a minute! Isn’t this exactly the kind of Commission our Governor promised to eliminate in his bravado about “cleaning house” in Sacramento? It’s bad enough reading about the bi-partisan campaign financing schemes and blunders of candidates for office, but reading about payola being received by members of one of the multitude of state commissions that exist primarily to provide cushy jobs for friends of the Governor and legislative leaders is too much.
Are there any candidates out there that will really bring about a streamlining and cleanup of state government? We need action, not another round of Gubernator-speak.
OOO rah! We do need candidates willing to act alone if it requires it.
Most will go with the flow!!!
Now we need more action like so:
“Community activists from Maywood plan to file a complaint with the L.A. County district attorney’s office today, seeking an investigation into voting discrepancies during last month’s city elections.
Members of the group, Maywood for Better Community, said some residents were unable to vote in the Nov. 3 election because someone had already voted for them. The group also alleges that some voters lived in other cities, such as Southgate and El Monte, and that other Maywood residents were allowed to vote more than once.
The allegations are centered on several candidates who ran for seats on the City Council. Members plan to hold a news conference at 11 a.m. in downtown L.A. to announce the filing.
“We are certain they committed voter fraud,” said Ramon Medina, a member of the group. “We have people who saw it.”
The group said it has video footage, photographs and signed affidavits by several witnesses. Marlene Mortley, 42, who served as a poll watcher, said she observed at least two people vote twice.
She said volunteers for one candidate campaigned less than 100 feet away from the polling place. Mortley she attempted to inform polling officials about what she had seen but was yelled at and turned away.
“It was hell,” Mortley said, adding it was her first time serving as a poll watcher. “I wouldn’t do that again, not with that kind of corruption, nope.”
Jane Rands will not “go with the flow”. If you want to see state government cleaned up vote for candidates like Jane Rands who don’t accept corporate, union, or other lobbyist contributions.