Who will be selected mayor of Mission Viejo for 2010?

As the recall of Lance MacLean election heats up it will be interesting to see who the Mission Viejo city council will select to replace Frank Ury on Monday evening.

Although the Agenda for the December 7th Council meeting has yet to be posted, one item that will appear is the rotation of council members to fill the seats of mayor and vice mayor for 2010.
As 2010 will be the final year of the term of senior council member John Paul Ledesma, and whereas he has not sat in the center seat since 2003, it is surely appropriate for his peers to approve his selection as mayor.

 It is also worth pointing out that Trish Kelley served as mayor in 2005 and again in 2008. A standard procedure is to have a council rotation where they select the mayor and vice mayor, (or mayor  pro-tem) each year. Although John Paul was vice mayor in 2007 he was passed over for mayor in 2008 with the controlling  majority voting for Trish Kelley to take that post.

However, this may not be a slam dunk vote. While there is a “hit piece” circulating within the city of Mission Viejo with allegations of a new group taking over control of our city council let’s see how the current council majority, who have shown their controlling powers, vote on this honorary selection.

Many Mission Viejo residents, including those not politically engaged, have told me they believe that the recall of Lance MacLean is a done deal.

Will Lance’s allies on the city council, namely Frank Ury and Trish Kelley, Nominate and Second the Motion for Lance to be mayor in 2010 as a going away gift?

They surely have seen his rebuttal to the recall that will appear in the “special election” ballot. While everyone has read or heard that Mission Viejo has just been recognized as the “safest city in CA” Lance still refuses to acknowledge or challenge the charges against him for violence and intimidation.

Should they support Lance by nominating him as a going away gesture one can only come to the conclusion that they are willing to place their personal relationship with Lance above the policy established by every prior council who have always placed “public safety as our top priority.”

Stay tuned. We will all know the “rest of the story” by Monday evening.

About Larry Gilbert