“Opening arguments in a Latino activist’s freedom-of-speech lawsuit against Costa Mesa is expected to begin this morning in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana. The American Civil Liberties Union is representing plaintiff Benito Acosta, who also goes by the name Coyotl Tezcatlipoca,” according to the Daily Pilot.
You may recall this case. Acosta tried to speak at a Costa Mesa City Council meeting and Councilman Allan Mansoor, who was Mayor at the time, illegally stopped him and then had him arrested. This happened in January, 2006.
Click here to read our original post about this case.
The Orange County Superior Court tossed out the city’s case against Acosta. Now he is going after the city for damages. Go get em Benito! Good luck.
Mansoor is now running for the 68th Assembly District Republican nomination. He is opposed by Orange County Board of Education Trustee Long Pham, who is also a Republican. God help the people of the 68th if Mansoor prevails.
Don’t worry… soon the Costa Mesa City Council chambers will be adorned with the motto, “In God We Trust” directly above and behind Mansoor’s skull. The city is soliciting donations to cover the cost of installation. Perhaps, if the low bidder is used, it might loosen up, fall and conk our young jailer/mayor on the bean. One thing is sure – a thump on the skull won’t hurt him – there’s not much in there to damage.
Coming soon for the Minuteman Mayor:
All I’m sayin’ for now…
this illegal alien activist should be removed as fast as jim gilchrist was. when he tried to speak the illegal alien crowd drowned him out . why didnt the aclu defend his rights to speak . this coyote what ever wherewolf he calls himself is trying to get $$$$$$$$$$ . no no no senor
Damn conservative extermists who want to chant about how great the constitution is and in the same breath deprive anyone who they don’t agree with of their rights under the same constitution. These idiots do not realize that they (including such slime as Monsoor) are the very people that our forefathers were seeking to protect in writing and adopting the bill of rights. Yeah, sure – the first amendment only applies when you agree with me, but the second amendment ensures my right to own assault rifles to shoot everyone I disagree with. Hypocritical conservatives, I fart in your general direction.
damn no good holy crap im better than you libs . who want to drown out speech they dont agree with . see jim g . ann coulter , or any other conservative who tries to speak . hypocritical libs . i blast gas in your direction .
to the great one:
Were you there? Gilchrist got to finish his speech – all of it. No one interrupted him or spoke while he was speaking. He thanked the Mayor, spewed his racist crap, and sat down. When Benito tried to speak, the mayor cut him off and had him arrested. You completely made that up about him being drowned out.
oh its ok if gets to finish his speech during a bunch of interuptions . ann coulter lets toss pies at her too . or the code pink goons who are always doing the samething .
I think they should let people just speak their minds and get it over with. I do believe that everyone has the right to speak even ethnocentric bigots. It is what makes this country unique.
If he was at a council meeting in Ireland, waffling on about his ethnocentric demands, he would most likely have his arsh kick.
So i say to the good Mayor, let the moan bag speak, he will not be the last. The costa mesa mayor should be glad he is not the mayor of Santa Ana, can you imagine how many ethnocentric moan bags they have to listen too.
I agree with Michelle. Benito Acosta’s racist, bigoted, and unpopular views are protected by the First Amendment. However, our anti-rape laws are currently color blind and should stay that way. A black rapist is just as dangerous as a yellow, white, brown, or red one. Rapists that are here in America illegally are sent back to the country that they are a citizen of. As a general rule, that’s standard protocol world wide. American service men who have raped Japanese girls serve time in a Japanese jail then get booted out. I’d say that’s perfectly fair. As an American I feel ashamed that our service men do that once in a while. Anyone that would go over to Okinawa and try to start a riot in a court of law or city council meeting against that policy is wrong and just as whacked out as Benito Acosta.
If Benito Acosta truly wanted to help out Mexicans (his actions clearly aren’t), then he needs to go to Mexico and fight the system that does not educate its citizens, provide health care, provide livable wages, or promote population sustainability. There is no reason whatsoever that Mexico can’t be like Canada or America. As long as people like Benito Acosta continue to take the spotlight away from nothing more than a symptom of a corrupt Mexican government, we will have more and more Mexicans living in poverty and more Mexican-Americans and Black-Americans losing their jobs or having their wages destroyed. Cesar Chavez and his cousin Manuel fought for the American farm worker regardless of race. They were against illegal immigration for all of the right reasons, to force Mexico to actually take care of it’s citizens and to force America to provide livable wages. They are true American heroes.
Just to set the record straight, Allan Mansoor is Middle Eastern and Scandinavian. Although this makes no difference to me, there are some people that would not consider him white. I doubt Joseph Goebbels would. Calling him a Nazi is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. His actions are clearly not racist. Benito Acosta’s actions are racist. Now, if Allan Mansoor only wanted Middle Eastern or Scandinavian felons to stay here illegally, that would be a different story.
By the way, I wasn’t born here and came here legally. Like many Japanese or Japanese-American people, we are tired of the U.S. government kicking out law abiders and attracting law breakers. It’s not just unfair, but bad for society and even worse for Mexico.