If Meg Whitman clinches the Republican gubernatorial nomination, who will be on the ballot – Good Meg or Evil Meg? Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster recently testified that are two Meg Whitmans – one good, the other evil. Whitman’s EBay and Buckmaster’s Craigslist are engaged in an internet giant legal death-match. But, is Buckmaster right or is this a politically-motivated smear on a hated internet rival?
EBay (the ubiquitous internet flea market) is suing Craigslist (the ubiquitous internet advertising bazaar for purveyors of adult services and flea-infested castoffs), claiming that Craigslist diluted its stake in the company. Craigslist is likewise suing EBay, claiming that Ebay used its Craigslist board seat to acquire confidential information in order to launch a rival ad service, Kijiji.
Craigslist’s Buckmaster claims that an EBay deal-maker warned him there are two Megs – a Good Meg and “another Meg, an Evil Meg … [who] could be a monster when she got angry and frustrated “. The EBay deal-maker in question denies the allegations. Is Meg Whitman a prickly, thin-skinned, fire-breathing monster (like her political mentor, John McCain)? Or is the otherworldly Buckmaster and his Craigslist staff “definitely from another planet” (as one Ebay executive described it)?
Perhaps this is petty politics. The SF Chronicle notes that Buckmaster is “a San Francisco guy … the anti-billionaire, ride-the-bus-to-work, Noam Chomsky-reading, type”. And Craigslist founder Craig Newmark is a frequent donor to Democrat pols. Perhaps Nietzsche was right. “The time for petty politics is past”, he said in Beyond Good and Evil, “[The twentieth] century [has brought] the struggle for mastery over the whole earth”. If so, then Whitman (neither good nor evil), whose EBay has brought forth a global market for Zhu-Zhu Pets, may bring just what California needs – a flea market to sell its assets and pay its creditors.
ebay customer service sucks!!! This is an indication of how Meg Whitman will run California if she gets elected.
I’m on hold for at least 45 minutes when I call eBay and they still can never figure out how to fix some of the simplest problems!!! If California will be run like eBay, yeah, we’ll be in deep trouble… why would anyone sane person vote for someone who runs such a poorly managed company?
enough said. 🙂
By your comment should I notify Meg’s campaign that you will not be voting for her?
You put that goofball Jerry Brown in and you will all get what you deserve. Remember this folks: If you fail, YOU FAIL ON YOUR OWN! YOU will have to pay the massive taxes, YOU will suffer the results of socialist spending, YOU will endure the misery that is surely going to befall your state and I will fight any attempt to bail your socialist asses out at the Federal level. I grew up in San Francisco (and still love the city) but left when the costs got to be stupid. I live in a bigger, better, cheaper house than almost all of you in California because our state leaders have common sense and yours have spent you into oblivion. WAKE UP GUYS! Good luck with that moonbeam guy.
A vote for Meg will set back California to 1956. She is ant-gay, anti-charitable, anti-social, and anti-society. Vote for Meg and prepare for 1934 Germany.
Meg sux ballz, its the truth! Go Jerry!
Fiorina sux too!
Meg says – “Jobs are on the way…overseas”