Illinois Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez is proposing a new amnesty for immigrants
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On December 15 the New York Times reported that Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois, introduced legislation in Congress that would open the path to legal status for millions of immigrants who have illegal status.
The article says that Gutierrez stated that he introduced the bill as a reflection of “growing impatience with the pace of immigration change among a coalition of Democratic lawmakers, immigrant advocates and labor and religious groups.” The article goes on to say that on Capitol Hill the bill was declared DOA by some Republicans and privately by some Democrats too.
The bill would provide that immigrants could gain legal status by paying a $ 500 fine, learning English and undergo a criminal background check. Unlike previous proposals in Congress, this bill would not require immigrants to first return to their home country.
A weakness in the article is that it does not give the HR number of the bill. This seems to add yet another ambiguity to things coming out of Illinois these days.
I wish Congresswoman Sanchez would really get behind this and not just pay lip service to the needs of our people.
once again trying to reward law breakers . always these hispanic activist . the other day they where complaining to I.C.E for ENFORCING THE LAW . just like health care trying to push something the people DONT WANT .
H.R. 4321 would be detrimental to the livelihoods of all Americans! This bill is an example of the lengths certain Members of Congress will go to support illegal aliens and foreign workers at the expense of less-fortunate American and legal immigrant workers. The bill includes blanket amnesty for nearly all illegal aliens, the DREAM Act amnesty, the AgJOBS amnesty, prohibits the deportation of most illegal aliens, waters down workplace and border immigration enforcement, prohibits state and local courts and law enforcement from dealing with immigration issues, increases the number of foreign workers, and would expand chain migration. The bottom line is that the bill would destroy the dreams of millions of Americans!
If passed, this bill would amnesty over 12,000,000 illegal aliens currently residing in the United States. Please write your representative to oppose this disastrous amnesty bill!
cuff em’ and bus em’ Adios
Ja Ja Ja..You are soooo funny deadwhitemale! Too bad it will be a non-white person that will be wiping your back side when you go to the hospital or need care when you are old! No se habla espanol? Tagalog? Ja Ja Ja!!!
Dead white male is grossed out by women too. “May I please have another white man care for me?” he will whine in his rest home. And the response will be “Que? Que? Callate, gringo baboso. A su cama, ahorita!”
I think that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants will very much boost the economy. Firsthand there will be all the moneys accumulated from paying the fines, no more will they receive health care and leave the bills unpaid they will be able to fuirther their education to improve their lifestyles and skills not to talk about paying taxes taking care of their children and families better so there will be less public assistance cases
NB: They don’t take jobs away from Americans they do jobs they refuse to do and do it great nanny cleaners janitors the list goes on and so does the endless toiling
legal workers pay taxes. Thier diversity adds to our economy with new businesses that stem from thier cultural and traditional backrounds to meet these needs. all have come here for cultural, political and religious freedom. lets prove our descenters wrong. let us protect and embrace those that would seek a better life. Let us protect the freedom that is America. We are a country of immigrants.
illegal immigrants are yet in states. The best resolution to grant them green card by paying no less than $2000 fine, and undergo a criminal background check. that will enhance the economy in many ways. they will be undercontrol. I believe that criminals and bad people should notearth. stay in this peaceful secure spot on