Janet Nguyen calls John Moorlach a sexist who is afraid of strong women


Janet is seeing red by now…

Supervisor Janet Nguyen emerged from her spider-hole of bitterness today to respond to Supervisor John Moorlach’s scathing response to her catty attack on him after he voted against making her the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors next year.

Nguyen told the O.C. Register that “At the end of the day, because I ask pointed questions, somehow that’s considered wrong,” Nguyen said. “When a man does it, it’s style. When a woman does it, it’s personality.  So unfortunately, he’s not used to having a strong woman who won’t rubber stamp.”

That’s right.  Nguyen essentially called Moorlach a sexist, even though he has been the staunchest supporter of Sheriff Sandra Hutchens.

A Register reader immediately commented that Moorlach does not have a conflict with Supervisor Pat Bates, so she must not be a “strong woman.”

How lame can Janet get? Here are a few of the responses to Moorlach’s email about her:

Blogger Allan Bartlett has this to say about Janet, over at the Red County blog, “Kudos to Supervisor Moorlach. It’s time to remind Janet that she works for us, not the other way around. How the hell does anyone tolerate this crap?”

Here are a few more comments about Janet, from her fellow Republicans at Red County:

  • Janet Nguyen is a petulant child who has no business being on the Board of Supervisors.  She can hardly talk, let alone run a meeting. It is going to be embarrassing to her and the county to watch her stumble through Board meetings for the next year.
  • Janet put her sister on her payroll. Janet put her political bagman/hitman Nick LeCong on the payroll. Janet put Nick’s daughter on the payroll. Hello? OC Watchdog?
  • People forget that she was UNEMPLOYED when she was running for Supervisor, because the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce fired her. And now she’s a bloody county supervisor?
  • Janet Nguyen’s childish lashing out at Moorlach not only succeeded only in validating his criticism, but served to embarrass Supervisors Campbell, Bates and Norby, who stuck out their necks to make her chairman when I’m sure they harbor the very same doubts about her maturity and temperament. We shouldn’t be surprised, because Janet has a habit of being thoughtless toward people who have helped her. It’s times like these that Janet makes Van Tran look like a statesman for trying to take her out.
  • I am sure Nguyen would like to respond in a coherent manner but I don’t think that is possible whether verbally or in written form.
  • Janet does screw over her supporters — I know from personal experience. She’ll never see a dime from me again. She deserves what she’ll get — one term and never another office again.
  • It is going to be very painful listening to this “stong” woman try and articulate whatever it is she thinks she’s thinking.
  • She’s crossed the pettiness boundary and Moorlach won’t. She’s getting bad advice from a bad staff and this will eventually eat her alive. How disappointing as she’s got a great platform from which to grow, gain experience and run for higher office, but as long as she engages a much tougher opponent that she can’t beat on the internet, this stuff will just be blog fodder until her next opponent picks up on it and beats her over the head with it.

No bueno for Janet!  Moorlach took a dump in her punch bowl.  I am guessing she is going to have a very bitter Christmas…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.