Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez loves parades. She shows up every year at the Tet Festival, in Little Saigon, and even dresses up for the festivities.
And she shows up in Huntington Beach quite regularly for their 4th of July Parade.
But you won’t ever find Sanchez at the Fiestas Patrias Parade, in Santa Ana. This is the single biggest cultural event for Latinos in Orange County. But I have never seen Sanchez there.
Why is that? You would think Sanchez would want to celebrate the Independence of Mexico and other Latin American countries. She is happy to celebrate American Independence, but when it comes to our neighbors to the south, not so much.
Sanchez is a regular Yankee Doodle Dandy, but is Huntington Beach even in her district?
The irony is that even documented immigrant-basher Miguel Pulido, who is the Mayor of Santa Ana, shows up to the Fiestas Patrias parade every year. And he supported Prop. 187!
And we even get Republicans at this parade. Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante is there every year – and Supervisor Janet Nguyen was there this year too. But no Loretta Sanchez.
And now for the talent portion of the Tet Festival parade…
State Senator Lou Correa and State Assemblyman Jose Solorio were there this year. But no Loretta Sanchez. And I didn’t see her last year either.
Sanchez deleted her HB pictures from her website, but we found them anyway!
What up with that?
Have Sanchez’ handlers told her not to reach out to the very people who vaulted her to power?
Maybe she wants to forget she’s latina and her parents were the only ones who deserved amnesty
or hasn’t she heard that she falls under the
hateful “anchor baby” title.
More power to her-
whatever works for her, I guess.
Actually we haven’t seen Loretta at our HB parade since 2006. 🙁
Come back little dancing Red Dress, we miss you!
No, I agree she should be doing more hispanic-type things in her own district, it does seem like she’s running away from her own people and heritage. Sponsor the DREAM Act, Loretta! And be a proud Mexican! There’s nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.
Claims made on this thread:
“you won’t ever find Sanchez at the Fiestas Patrias Parade, in Santa Ana.”
” you want to close the border too?”
The truth:
This year she attended the Fiestas ceremony (the night before the parade). The year before she was not able to attend either event. Loretta has attended various Fiestas events in years past and if she has missed, it has been due to previously scheduled events.
Loretta is for a “secure” (not close the border to immigration) and would like a comprehensive immigration bill.
As pointed out Loretta participates in multicultural events….Fietas Patiras,Vietnamese cultural events and the Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade at every opportunity her schedule permits as a responsible representative from a diverse community should.
Dr. Lomeli,
Not sure why you, a Republican, are hacking for Sanchez. Weird.
The question we addressed here was – why does Sanchez not march in our Fiestas Patrias parade. You did not answer that question. Lou Correa, Jose Solorio and the entire Santa Ana City Council participate in the parade. I have NEVER seen Sanchez in the parade. Why is that?
Why isn’t Loretta supporting the Dream Act?
Not sure why you, a Republican, are hacking for Sanchez. Weird.
Why should the Doc’s party registration preclude him from chiming in on the “truth” of a situation as he sees it?
“The question we addressed here was – why does Sanchez not march in our Fiestas Patrias parade. You did not answer that question. Lou Correa, Jose Solorio and the entire Santa Ana City Council participate in the parade. I have NEVER seen Sanchez in the parade. Why is that?”
I did answer the question. She walks the parade when her schedule permits. She does not ride in a car as the others you mention do. Rather, she walks and greats as many of the attendees as she can.
Art you must of missed her in the parades she walked. But, because you missed her presence does not mean she did not attend.
Why isn’t Loretta supporting the Dream Act?
She does support the Dream Act and has publicly stated that she would vote on a Dream Act bill.
Loretta has a large bi-Partisan support base because she takes into consideration all her constituent’s concerns.
Maybe because her college degree is in economics (accounting) and not law (lying) she knows how to count (votes). American citizen’s vote, non-citizens don’t.
I did notice that she was absent from the most recent parades, and let her know that at the book signing she and her sister had at Ruben’s book store. I bet she is at the 2010 parades.
Dr. Lomeli,
Have you ever seen Sanchez dress up in traditional Mexican garb the way she does with Viet apparel?
Dr. Lomeli,
Also, why isn’t she co-sponsoring the Gutierrez Immigration bill?
Dr. Lomeli,
Have you ever seen Sanchez dress up in traditional Mexican garb the way she does with Viet apparel?
Yes I have, many times.
Dr. Lomeli,
Also, why isn’t she co-sponsoring the Gutierrez Immigration bill?
I will have the answer shortly. I want to be accurate – straight from the source.
“Also, why isn’t she co-sponsoring the Gutierrez Immigration bill?”
Yeah why isn’t she? And why isn’t she co-sponsoring the sunrise scheduled for tomorrow?
Geez Art, you ask that as if there’s something nefarious about her name not being on a piece of legislation. Get a grip. A better question is does she support the bill? Find the answer to THAT question.
So so far we learn that she actually hasn’t been at the HB parade in three-and-a-half years (which I know as I was there) while according to Republican Latino neighborhood activist Lomeli she has in fact been in numerous Fiestas Patrias parades, WHEN her schedule permits, IN Mexican garb, AND walking among her companeros shaking hands unlike the other Latino bigwigs.
So, another Loretta attack that falls apart at the touch. I’m starting to think there may be worthier targets in this big County.
I know Lorretta was not at the HB Parade this year and was unavailable for several events that normally she would have attended.
Partly this was because congress has been in session almost non-stop this year, due to the amount of legislation and issues being dealt with. A little less just say no to everything from the Repunblicans would free up some congress people to come home to thier district also, including Republicans.
BTW- The 1st time I met Loretta was at the Cinco De Mayo festival in Santa Ana. Which I believe is a latino event!!
Actually, so far we learned that Cook corroborated what I said – he too has not seen her at the parade in years.
I have been there the last three years and have taken pictures of all the politicians. And posted them. No Sanchez.
Try searching for Loretta online in Mexican garb. No such pictures exist. No video either.
I am not saying that Lomeli is lying, but he cannot back up what he is alleging. I can.
It should be noted that while Lomeli has a business in downtown Santa Ana, he lives in Orange, in the unincorporated part of town. He has a very nice home. I don’t think it is in the 47th District, but I could be wrong.
I think Loretta assumes the Latino vote and panders to white and Viet voters. It is rather obvious.
Cinco de Mayo is pretty much a beer drinking event. It is not a big deal in Mexico.
But the point of this post was that Loretta shows up to other parades, but not the Fiestas Patrias parade.
It is nuts that you can find two million pictures of Sanchez dressed in Viet garb, at the Tet Festival. Zero pictures of her at the Fiestas Patrias parade, in any apparel.
What is up with that?
“Have you ever seen Sanchez dress up in traditional Mexican garb the way she does with Viet apparel?
Yes I have, many times.”
Really Doc? Many times? Folklorico style? When? Where? When was the last time? Not like she does the Viet dress. Let’s face it…she knows she is going to get the Latino vote and does not have to dress up to show she’s down with her people. I don’t think she wore them to any Brixey family get togethers i L.A.!!!
I believe that when Doc Lomeli ran for Rancho College Board and lost, Sanchez was one of the only elected officials to endorse him. I think you have to admire his unfailing loyalty.
“It should be noted that while Lomeli has a business in downtown Santa Ana, he lives in Orange, in the unincorporated part of town. He has a very nice home. I don’t think it is in the 47th District, but I could be wrong.”
You ain’t wrong Art. The good doctor lives in Orange Park Acres,,0,5365224.story
where the rich people with horses like to hang out, in the mountains of east Orange. Far away from the troubles of El Modena and many moons away from Santa Ana. Doc Lomeli, fills teeth on 4th street but when the sun sets, he likes to head out to his Orange Park Acres Estate. But the good thing is that business is slow so he has time to blog all day and at night because he has Wi-Fi in his stable. I like the guy and he has worked on my teeth in the past and I would say he is a nearly painless dentist.
And why doesn’t Lou Correo wear a sombrero in the Fiesta Patrias parade?
# 18 thanks for the plug. Now let us re focus.
“you won’t ever find Sanchez at the Fiestas Patrias Parade, in Santa Ana. This is the single biggest cultural event for Latinos in Orange County. But I have never seen Sanchez there.”
“But the point of this post was that Loretta shows up to other parades, but not the Fiestas Patrias parade.”
“It is nuts that you can find two million pictures of Sanchez dressed in Viet garb, at the Tet Festival. Zero pictures of her at the Fiestas Patrias parade, in any apparel.”
What I said:
This year she attended the Fiestas ceremony (the night before the parade). The year before she was not able to attend either event. Loretta has attended various Fiestas events in years past and if she has missed, it has been due to previously scheduled events.
The allegation is that Loretta never participated in the Fiestas Patrias Parade. She has, multiple times. She missed the last two parades but attended the Fiesta Patrias Downtown event last year.
She has dressed in traditional clothing at Hispanic events where dress was a theme like the Vietnamese events. She does not dress up in traditional garb when meeting with the Vietnamese community for every occassion , but rather only where the event calls for it. This is really important to some…I dont see how this is a federal case. It is a polite gesture on her part.
The question now is proof. Those interested can contact the following news papers for pictures of her at FP Parade and in traditional Mexican dress where it is a theme.
MiniOndas News (714) 668-1010
Rumores News (714)329-8742
I am sorry I am upsetting people here. I am only providing facts to correct a posted error. I and other Mexican born OC residents do not believe this dress code at events is an issue of support. If some of you do then vote your preference.
Correction should be welcomed not discouraged by attacking the messenger.
AND added to the fact, attested to by me and Jim, that she hasn’t been to the HB July 4 parade since 2006, the entire premise of this post disappears. Can we move on now, to the next Loretta attack post?
OK. Sanchez no longer treks to HB. Good. She finally figured out it wasn’t in her district.
But she still goes to the Tet parade ever year. And she panders by dressing up in Viet clothing.
Now Mr. Lomeli says she was at the Fiestas Patrias this year. I was there and I assure you that she was NOT in the parade. Even Lomeli has to admit that she skipped at least the last two parades.
What do you want to bet that she will be in the parade this coming year? LOL. The parade is in September, right before the November elections.
The premise by the way stands. Sanchez has pandered to the Viet vote for some time while ignoring the Latino vote. And she makes matters worse by not supporting the Dream Act or the Gutierrez Immigration Bill.
Just calling a spade a spade. Sanchez needs to stop taking the Latino vote for granted. Look what happened to Dornan when he lost touch with his constituents… It could definitely happen to Sanchez too.
Dr. Lomeli,
I don’t think politicians should dress up just to pander to voters. That is damn silly if you ask me. Sanchez looks foolish in all those Tet pictures.
By your own admission she has skipped out on the last two Fiestas Patrias parades. But she has NOT missed out on any Tet parades in awhile.
My point is that she takes Latino votes for granted and panders to the Viet vote. She needs to support the Dream Act and the Gutierrez immigration bill. If she doesn’t, then you will know all you need to know about her.
Also, just because she supported your campaign doesn’t mean you have to shill for her. That is silly. I appreciate that Lou Correa backed my campaign last year, but if he starts acting like Sanchez I will let him have it too.
“Now Mr. Lomeli says she was at the Fiestas Patrias this year. I was there and I assure you that she was NOT in the parade. Even Lomeli has to admit that she skipped at least the last two parades.”
I did not say she was at the parade last year. I said she was at the Downtown Fiestas Patrias event. I did say she was not at last years parade several times. They are two different events.
“Also, just because she supported your campaign doesn’t mean you have to shill for her. That is silly.”
I never asked for her support. So, she never gave it.
Re: “And she makes matters worse by not supporting the Dream Act or the Gutierrez Immigration Bill.”
She does support those bills. Stop lying.
You have no shame…
Really? Then why won’t she co-sponsor them?
Dr. Lomeli,
No surprise there. She only worked hard to elect her carpetbagger sister. She has never helped anyone else get elected. Sure, she will pass out endorsements, but that is not much.
Can you imagine if she had publicly excoriated Pulido last year? Michele Martinez might have had a chance.
No, Sanchez doesn’t help others. But maybe next year she will reap what she has sown.
Re: “Then why won’t she co-sponsor them?”
Why won’t Nydia Velasquez, the Chair of the Hispanic Caucus sponsor it either? Obviously it doesn’t have the support among voters in their districts that you think it does.
Anyway, I hate to say this, but that bill will not get passed this year or next year. Obama and the Democrats will be finished politically once they pass this abomination of a health care bill that is nothing but a transfer of wealth to the health insurance industry.
I agree about the health bill. It is a mess. I fully expect the Democrats to lose control of Congress.
I don’t know the person you referenced. Sanchez is my Congresswoman and as such her actions are the only ones that concern me.
I think Sanchez is in for a rude awakening. Ignoring the voters who elected you is a terrible strategy.
Any bets on whether or not Sanchez will be wearing Viet clothes after she loses? I am guessing that she will be taking a big box of that stuff to Goodwill.
“Really? Then why won’t she co-sponsor them?”
Art, please don’t play dumb to further your agenda…everyone knows a legislator does not have to be a co-sponsor of a bill to be a supporter of said bill. Duh.
Re: “Ignoring the voters who elected you is a terrible strategy.”
She’s not doing that at all, and that’s what bothers you. Newsflash: Illegal immigrants did not elect her. That being said, she supports The Dream Act.
#30 and 31,
So Sanchez practically cries on video about the plight of Vietnamese people – in Vietnam. But she can’t be bothered to put her name on the Dream Act?
Message received. She is a coward.
Art Pedroza says:
December 21, 2009 at 7:08 pm
Dr. Lomeli,
“No surprise there. She only worked hard to elect her carpetbagger sister. She has never helped anyone else get elected. Sure, she will pass out endorsements, but that is not much.
Can you imagine if she had publicly excoriated Pulido last year? Michele Martinez might have had a chance.
No, Sanchez doesn’t help others. But maybe next year she will reap what she has sown.”
Loretta is done with. “
#29 ArtPedroza says:
“I think Sanchez is in for a rude awakening. Ignoring the voters who elected you is a terrible strategy.
Any bets on whether or not Sanchez will be wearing Viet clothes after she loses? I am guessing that she will be taking a big box of that stuff to Goodwill.”
Viva O.J –it is what it is!!!
Art Pedroza says:
December 21, 2009 at 6:16 pm
OK. Sanchez no longer treks to HB. Good. She finally figured out it wasn’t in her district.”,
“But she still goes to the Tet parade ever year. And she panders by dressing up in Viet clothing.
Now Mr. Lomeli says she was at the Fiestas Patrias this year. I was there and I assure you that she was NOT in the parade. Even Lomeli has to admit that she skipped at least the last two parades.
What do you want to bet that she will be in the parade this coming year? LOL. The parade is in September, right before the November elections.
The premise by the way stands. Sanchez has pandered to the Viet vote for some time while ignoring the Latino vote. And she makes matters worse by not supporting the Dream Act or the Gutierrez Immigration Bill.
Just calling a spade a spade. Sanchez needs to stop taking the Latino vote for granted. Look what happened to Dornan when he lost touch with his constituents… It could definitely happen to Sanchez too.”
“Lo hecho, hecho esta.” What’s done is done.
It WILL happen to Sanchez too.
Too late for Loretta
no money needed by a good latina/o opponent
Latino voters have made up their minds all we need is another latino/a name on the ballot to send her home—
wherever home is????
Dr. Lomeli,
you know I luv ya, my buddy-
but hey you are like Jesus here
remember the parable of “The Lost Sheep”?
Parable of the Lost Sheep
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jan Luyken etching, the Bowyer Bible.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep is a parable told by Jesus in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7. It is also found in the Gospel of Thomas 107. Possible Hebrew Bible parallels are Ez 34:6-12 and Ps 119:176.
From Matthew 18:12–13
“How think ye? if a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? 13And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.”
A similar parable can be found in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas (Patterson-Meyer translation):
Jesus said, “The (Father’s) kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. After he had toiled, he said to the sheep, ‘I love you more than the ninety – nine.'”
Doctor Lomeli:
I know you want us to be united—
with all the respect you have gained from me after reading your comments and your way of thinking –via the O.J,
and because you are my senior— it is a cultural thing-
I respect you-
but please — it is what it is- there is no arguing with you
it is time to make a difficult call, and call it what it is.
Loretta works only for Loretta.
“Mexicanos, Mexican-American, Americans of Mexican descent,
Latinos—unidos –y yo con ustedes hasta en una guerra perdida…”
pero –ya vasta-
and I am not an activist–
simply, the Sanchez Team and Loretta are offending our intelligence- the Latino Voter’s intelligence.
I understand the diversity argument–
Loretta does represent a diverse group in our congressional district-
but she has taken the Latino vote for granted
point made on this post–
for those of you that continue to miss the point-
Intro to Philosophy 101
or the first two intro courses in Philosophy–
Logic— is a good starting point-
Loretta has put Latinos on a back burner
she has failed to nurture her relationship with those that put her where she is.
these are beautiful pictures of Ms. Sanchez
thanks o.j for putting this together
too bad none are with us.
But maybe next year she will reap what she has sown.”
Loretta is done with
Latino voters have made up their minds all we need is another latino/a name on the ballot to send her home— wherever home is????
Well, this little group is feeling pretty triumphant already, but I think you’ve got your work cut out for you if you hope to get lots of Latinos to vote for an Asian Republican over Loretta, or even have the thousands of Viets who love her forget all the attention she’s paid to their issues. Good luck on that, better get cracking!
(Though I still agree that it’s disappointing she’s not putting more energy into legislation that’s good for Latinos, and downplaying her own heritage. I hope these blogocontroversies are percolating up to her as a wakeup call.)
Viets don’t love her over a viet candidate.
Art, How about an O.J. contest to see which reader can produce the best foto of Loretta in Mexican Folklorico garb?(If such fotos exist:) Maybe an O.J. Blog mug to the winner.
But she still goes to the Tet parade ever year. And she panders by dressing up in Viet clothing.
I swear; listen to yourselves. You are a bunch of ethnocentric wack jobs.
Maybe she does not dress up in Mexican gear because its STUPID! She is an adult, not a doll. Asian tradional gear is wayyyyyyyyy nicer!
I hope she does not support the scam dream act.. American families are having a hard time paying to send their kids to college. Tuition is up and kids are taking two jobs to pay for college. WISE UP!
And if she hangs out more with Asian people, maybe it is because she feels her own are just a bunch of self centered gits wanting everything for nothing. I would not go to a Santa Ana parade. who the hack wants to do anything in Santa Ana?
I have said before, i dont think Ms.S has done much of anything. But i think she knows the differnce in right and wrong!
putting more energy into legislation that’s good for Latinos, and downplaying her own heritage.
Maybe more latinos need to leave their heritage at the door of the government building and focus on representing all races.
Viets don’t love her over a viet candidate
Just in Time.
Do you wear a bone in your nose?
Just curious:)
Happy Christmas guys, let your racist, ethnocentric masks drop for the day, you just might then get the spirt of Christmas
The heading of this thread is:
“Why does Loretta Sanchez walk in parades in Huntington Beach and Little Saigon, but not in Santa Ana?”
I and others corrected the heading by providing information that Loretta has not been in Huntington Beach since 2006 and that Loretta has attended the Fiestas Patrias Parades except the last two.
My interest here was just to address this.
A new thread of other Loretta concerns can be started.
“Maybe she does not dress up in Mexican gear because its STUPID! She is an adult, not a doll. Asian tradional gear is wayyyyyyyyy nicer!”
I think u r on to something Michele. Women look pretty hot in that form fitting Viet costume but have you EVER seen a Mexican Senorita who looks good in that Mexican Folklorico crap? I saw one Folklorico dance once with an old man and an old woman with a cane dancing around. I mean seriously. This might be one for Ask A Mexican-Gustavo A.
I don’t think we should ask Gustavo, he is so ethnocentric that i think he really thinks that ugly: Green,Red dress is nice.
Sorry to offend Mexicans (well not really)
but your gear is buggly,buggly,buggly.
And for the record, so is the Irish Dancing customs… UGLY!
And yes women do look hot in Asian gear:)