During the fall we had a lot of fun attacking the “Repuglicans,” local members of the Republican establishment who have made it their goal to milk a political system over which their party has control, and milk it for all it’s worth. The County of Orange is a Repuglican plantation, and we are all just pickin’ cotton for them.
Naturally we provided helpful definititons and illustrations of the breed, including such luminaries as Dick Ackerman, Scott Baugh, Tom Fuentes, and of course, Anaheims’s own, Kurt Pringle. If there’s a nickel on the table these fellas will go for it, and go for it hard.
Read the rest of “The John Lewis Virus Rampant. Have You been Vaccinated?”
Preach it brother! Truer words were never spoken. Sad thing is that Lewis and his RINO squad never get punished but instead are embraced by the O.C. GOP. When are those Blue Haired lady’s at the GOP Central Comm. going to realize that Baugh, Pringle, Lewis, and company don’t give a tinkers damn about the Gipper or conservative principles. These guys do it for cash.
Unfortunately this post, filled with hyperbole and invective, doesn’t really provide any real information. Tony, you’re lack of any real knowlege is evident by the fact you are lumping a bunch of people together who really don’t have all that much in common (other than an “R” next to their name). Stick to writinig about what you know. Which, at this point, I am not sure is all that much. And #1: I don’t think you know what a RINO is. If you did, you wouldn’t be using that term for the list you cite. You may not like them, but they aren’t RINOs.
#2, first, I didn’t write that, I just posted it here. Second, the post only mentions the word RINO once with respect to RINOs on the Fullerton City Council. And that’s what Jones and Bankhead are.
‘Pugs love to suport RINOS when it suits their aims. And some ‘pugs like Lynn Daucher are RINOs too.
However I will let you come up with a good term for somebody like Lewis who is perfectly willing to back a Democrat for his own gain; or Ackerman who loved playing footsie with the Legislative Dems. If it’s better than Repugican I’ll use it.
Finally I am afraid you are the one without “any real knowledge” or maybe you just have trouble reading.
“And #1: I don’t think you know what a RINO is. If you did, you wouldn’t be using that term for the list you cite. You may not like them, but they aren’t RINOs.’
You either don’t know what’s going on with these guys or are a shill for them. Any one who has been on the receiving end of these guys lobbying efforts knows money is their master, not political conviction.
Again, all hyperbole. And no, you don’t have any idea. If you did, you would know more than I do.